Pozvánka na seminár – Božidar Popović a Andjela Mijanovic (University of Montenegro)

Pozývame vás na seminár v rámci projektu APVV-21-0216 MATHMER – Pokročilé matematické a štatistické metódy pre meranie a metrológiu (Advanced mathematical and statistical methods for measurement and metrology), ktorý sa uskutoční v utorok 23. mája 2023 o 10:00 hod. v zasadacej miestnosti Ústavu merania SAV, v.v.i..

Na seminári budú prezentované dve prednášky pozvaných hostí z partnerského pracoviska – University of Montenegro v Podgorici (Čierna hora) zamerané na pokročilé pravdepodobnostné metódy a ich aplikácie:


One integral transform of the copula function

Božidar Popović

Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics
University of Montenegro
Podgorica, Montenegro


We study an integral transformation of the copula function. We prove that under certain conditions, the studied integral transformation is also the copula function. Some properties of the integral transformation of a copula function are studied. Also, we derive bounds for Kendall’s tau and Spearman’s rho.


Distribution of a linear combination of two logistic random variables with application to financial returns

Andjela Mijanovic

Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics
University of Montenegro
Podgorica, Montenegro


The cumulative distribution function for two independent generalized logistic random variables in terms of the Fox H-function is derived. The exact expressions for evaluating the probability density function, and cumulative distribution function of a linear combination of two independent generalized logistic random variables are derived by using Mellin and inverse Mellin transform. Application of the considered linear combination in the field of financial returns will be presented.