Non-destructive physical methods of research of artifacts of material cultural heritage

Investigators: M. Hain, V. Jacko

In 2020, the results of the APVV-14-0719 grant project “Physical non-destructive methods for complex testing and analysis of cultural heritage artifacts” were significantly applied (the solution of the APVV application type project ended in 2019). The methods were used in cooperation with restorers in the survey of one of the rarest monuments of our cultural heritage (the altars of churches in Levoča and Spišská Sobota are the work of Master Paul of Levoča). Specifically, twenty Gothic altar panel paintings of the two side altars of the Church of St. George in Spišská Sobota and eight Gothic altar panel paintings on the side altar of the Church of St. Of St. James in Levoča. The result of the use of these physical non-destructive methods with subsequent advanced digital image processing was the detection of the presence and visibility of hidden underdrawings for the human eye, analysis of invisible inscriptions, texts and also the analysis of the so-called secondary interventions in paintings in the past, e.g. during their restoration. The obtained results of non-destructive testing are important for art historians and restorers in evaluating the current state of rare artifacts of our cultural heritage, evaluating the construction and authenticity of works and finally in determining the correct procedures for their subsequent restoration.

Applicator of the  result: The Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic, Chamber of Restorers SR

                            a)                                                                                    b)

Fig.: a) image in the visible spectrum, b) infrared reflectogram (with visible underdrawings)