Measuring methods and systems for the cardiovascular system functionality diagnostics and their therapeutic application

PhD study program: Measurement Technology
Akademic year: 2018-2019
Advisor: Ing. Milan Tyšler, CSc. (
External educational institution: Institute of Measurement Science SAS
Accepting university: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Institute of Electrical Engineering
Max. number of students: 1
Study language: Slovak/English

Research of measuring methods and systems for noninvasive diagnostics of the functional state of the cardiovascular system based on measurement of ECG and other biosignals and with the use of medical imaging methods and computer modeling. Research of their possible application for therapy of selected pathologies. The applicant is expected to have knowledge of the theory of electromagnetic fields, numerical methods for signal and image processing as well as the ability of Matlab programming. Knowledge of professional English and ability to work with electronic information resources is required. During the study the PhD student will extend his knowledge of biomeasurements, medical imaging methods and modeling of biological subjects and will gain experience with their application in diagnostics and therapy of selected disorders or sudden pathological states.
