
Project selection:

National projects

SQUID magnetometry of nano- and microparticles, nanocolloids and nanostructures in new applications in the field of biomedicine and materials research associated with the development of new measurement methods and procedures
SQUID magnetometria nano-a mikročastíc, nanokoloidov a nanoštruktúr v nových aplikáciach v oblasti biomedicíny a materiálového výskumu spojených s rozvojom nových meracích metód a postupov
Program: VEGA
Duration: 1.1.2021 – 31.12.2024
Project leader: Ing. Maňka Ján, CSc.
Annotation: The theme of the project is the development of magnetic measurement methods and methodologies forbiomedicine and materials research. Its aim is to contribute to a better understanding of the following: impact of stress on iron metabolism at the systemic and cellular levels; magnetic properties of metal proteins such as transferrin, haemoglobin, and ferritin; thermal and photoluminescent properties of aluminous glasses doped with rare earth elements and transition elements; magnetic properties of high-entropy alloys, and colloids of the high-entropy alloys nanoparticles in ionic liquids – actors with a high application impact on the development of new measurement methods, instrumentation and a new generation of ecological industrial applications. The interdisciplinary character of the project is given by the studied samples and research themes.