
Selection of projects according to criteria:
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Smart deep brain stimulation as a treatment strategy in treatment-resistant depression
Inteligentná hĺbková mozgová stimulácia ako inovatívna stratégia pre liečbu mozgových porúch
Program: VEGA
Project ID: VEGA 2/0057/22
Duration: 1.1.2022 – 31.12.2025
Project leader: Ing. Mgr. Rosipal Roman, DrSc.
Annotation: Impaired connectivity between different brain areas underlines the pathophysiology of multiple brain disorders. It is possible that impaired connectivity between the prefrontal cortex and ventral pallidum is involved in depression. Smart deep brain simulation, combining real-time detection of the neuronal activity in the prefrontal cortex with the stimulation of the ventral tegmental area might be thus effective in depression. We aim to examine the cortico-tegmental connectivity and to test the antidepressant-like effectiveness of the smart deep brain stimulation in an animal model of depression.
Causal analysis of measured signals and time series
Kauzálna analýza nameraných signálov a časových radov
Program: VEGA
Project ID: VEGA 2/0023/22
Duration: 1.1.2022 – 31.12.2025
Project leader: RNDr. Krakovská Anna, CSc.
Annotation: The project is focused on the causal analysis of measured time series and signals. It builds on the previous results of the team, concerning the generalization of the Granger test and the design of new tests in the reconstructed state spaces. The aim of the project is the development of new methods for bivariate and multidimensional causal analysis. We will see the investigated time series and signals as one-dimensional manifestations of complex systems or subsystems. We will also extend the detection of causality to multivariate cases – dynamic networks with nodes characterized by time series. Such complex networks are common in the real world. Biomedical applications are among the best known. Brain activity, determined by multichannel electroencephalographic signals, is a crucial example. We want to help show that causality research is currently at a stage that allows for ambitious goals in the study of effective connectivity (i.e., directed interactions, not structural or functional links) in the brain.
Research of properties of magnetic nanoparticles for imaging purposes in biomedical diagnostics based on magnetic resonance methods
Výskum vlastností magnetických nanočastíc pre účely zobrazovania v biomedicínskej diagnostike na báze metód magnetickej rezonancie
Program: VEGA
Project ID: VEGA 2/0004/23
Duration: 1.1.2023 – 31.12.2025
Project leader: Dr. Ing. Přibil Jiří, (PhD.)
Annotation: The project focuses on experimental and theoretical research in the field of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)methods. The following issues will be addressed in the project: 1. Research of properties of magneticnanoparticles in external magnetic fields regarding creation of a theoretical model and its subsequentexperimental verification. 2. Analysis of MRI scanning effect on cardiovascular system of a tested person in orderto find appropriate methods of detection, quantification, and design of measures to minimize them. 3. Analysis ofmetabolic processes in order to map the rate of energy production in the human heart and muscles in order todiagnose the slowing down of energy production in the heart. 4. Automated processing of MR images of thehuman knee in order to obtain quantitative characteristics and morphological quantities of individual tissues. 5.Calibration of gradient fields to ensure undistorted morphology in measured MR images. Mapping ofinhomogeneities into magn. fields using MRI methods
Ion exchange strengthened aluminosilicate glass/glass-ceramics with additional functionalities
Aluminosilikátové sklo/sklokeramika spevnené iónovou výmenou s ďalšími funkciami
Program: VEGA
Project ID: VEGA 2/0028/21
Duration: 1.1.2021 – 31.12.2024
Project leader: Ing. Majerová Melinda, PhD.
Annotation: The project aims to improve the mechanical properties of glass-ceramics by ion exchange technology known mainly in connection with the strengthening of common oxide glasses (eg Gorilla glass used in mobile phones). Mechanical stresses on the surface of ion exchange strengthened ceramics doped with suitable additives will allow modification of other properties, such as optical, due to changes in the composition of the glass matrix (chemical environment of optically active additives) or deformation of the coordination polyhedra of optically active ions. The use of silver ions in ion exchange will make it possible to create glass / glass-ceramic surfaces with high durability and antibacterial properties.
SQUID magnetometry of nano- and microparticles, nanocolloids and nanostructures in new applications in the field of biomedicine and materials research associated with the development of new measurement methods and procedures
SQUID magnetometria nano-a mikročastíc, nanokoloidov a nanoštruktúr v nových aplikáciach v oblasti biomedicíny a materiálového výskumu spojených s rozvojom nových meracích metód a postupov
Program: VEGA
Project ID: VEGA 2/0141/21
Duration: 1.1.2021 – 31.12.2024
Project leader: Ing. Maňka Ján, CSc.
Annotation: The theme of the project is the development of magnetic measurement methods and methodologies forbiomedicine and materials research. Its aim is to contribute to a better understanding of the following: impact of stress on iron metabolism at the systemic and cellular levels; magnetic properties of metal proteins such as transferrin, haemoglobin, and ferritin; thermal and photoluminescent properties of aluminous glasses doped with rare earth elements and transition elements; magnetic properties of high-entropy alloys, and colloids of the high-entropy alloys nanoparticles in ionic liquids – actors with a high application impact on the development of new measurement methods, instrumentation and a new generation of ecological industrial applications. The interdisciplinary character of the project is given by the studied samples and research themes.
Role of nuclear factor NRF2-mediated signalling in iron metabolism regulation during stress
Úloha signalizácie sprostredkovanej jadrovým faktorom NRF2 v regulácii metabolizmu železa počas stresu
Program: VEGA
Project ID: VEGA 2/0157/21
Duration: 1.1.2021 – 31.12.2024
Project leader: Mgr. Škrátek Martin, PhD.
Annotation: Stress is considered to be an etiological factor associated with the development of various chronicnon-communicable diseases. Stress may also alter iron metabolism. Nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2(NRF2)-regulates several genes involved in iron metabolism. Despite the accelerating information on the roles of NRF2, less is known about the NRF2 signalling in iron metabolism in conditions of stress. Thus, the aim of this project is to investigate the role of NRF2 signalling in iron metabolism in conditions of acute and chronic stress in rats with genetic predisposition to hypertension. In addition, the effects of pharmacological activation of NRF2 signalling and the distinct roles of inducible and endothelial nitric oxide synthases in iron metabolism in stress conditions will be investigated. Project will bring the original results about NO and NRF2-mediated regulation of iron metabolism and the involvement of altered iron metabolism in the development of cardiovascular and metabolic disorders.
Investigation of biomedical effects of low frequency and pulsed electromagnetic fields
Výskum biomedicínskych účinkov nízkofrekvenčných a pulzných elektromagnetických polí
Program: VEGA
Project ID: VEGA 2/0124/22
Duration: 1.1.2022 – 31.12.2024
Project leader: Mgr. Teplan Michal, PhD.
Annotation: Although there is a persisting interest in both adverse and beneficial biological effects of electromagnetic fields(EMF), the unambiguous explanation of electromagnetic field influence on living structures is still lacking. For theimpact of low-frequency magnetic field (LF MF) experimental platform with monitoring of the cell growth curve based on impedance spectroscopy will test possible inhibition or stimulation dependent on the frequency and magnetic flux parameters. Effects of pulsed electric field (PEF) will be monitored by biological autoluminescence (BAL). Complexity measures will be utilized for ultrafast current recordings during the PEF application. For quantification of direct effects of PEF on microtubules (MT) and evaluation of kinesin molecule movement, advanced image processing methods will be developed. The relevance of this research area lies in theexploration of physical methods with possible contributions to diagnostics and therapy.
Use of multi-lead ECG measurement and modeling of the electric field of the heart in non-invasive diagnostics and therapy of ventricular arrhythmias and heart failure
Využitie mnohozvodového merania EKG a modelovania elektrického poľa srdca pri neinvazívnej diagnostike a terapii komorových arytmií a zlyhávajúceho srdca
Program: VEGA
Project ID: VEGA 2/0109/22
Duration: 1.1.2022 – 31.12.2024
Project leader: Ing. Švehlíková Jana, PhD.
Annotation: The proposed project follows the previous one, in which we addressed signal processing and the inverse problem for the first clinical data from patients with arrhythmias. In the following period, we would like to expand the number of processed measurements to standardize the most suitable procedures for the processing of the measured signals. In addition to the diagnosis of premature ventricular contraction, we plan to process and evaluate multi-lead ECG signals of patients with heart failure and contribute to the methodology of evaluation of resynchronization therapy. We will also focus on the direct evaluation of the parameters of the measured potential maps. Personalized models of patients\’ hearts will be created and pathological processes will be simulated in them for a better understanding of the processes in the activation of heart ventricles. The simulated signals will be compared with clinical measurements. Within the international cooperation, we will compare our results with other inverse methods.