
Selection of projects according to criteria:
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MEDUSSE – Seasonal-to-decadal climate predictability in the Mediterranean: process understanding and services
Sezónna až dekádová predpovedateľnosť klímy v Stredomorí: pochopenie procesov a implementácie
Program: COST
Project ID: CA23108
Duration: 8.10.2024 – 7.10.2028
Project leader: RNDr. Krakovská Anna, CSc.
Annotation: Climate forecasting has enormous potential influence in different socio-economic sectors, such as agriculture, health, water management, and energy. Actionable climate information is particularly relevant at seasonal-to-decadal timescales, where predictability is linked to slow fluctuations of the system such as those in the ocean, sea-ice and land-surface, thus bridging weather/sub-seasonal predictions (mainly relying on atmospheric initial condition) with future projections (mainly based on atmospheric radiative forcing). Seasonal-to-decadal climate forecasting has progressed considerably in recent years, but prediction skill over the Mediterranean is still limited. Better understanding the drivers of regional climate anomalies as well as exploring untapped sources of predictability constitute a much-needed and timely effort.Climate variability and change pose significant challenges to society worldwide. As a result, there is a growing demand to develop improved climate information products and outlooks to help decision making and sustainable development. This is particularly critical in the Mediterranean, a region sensible to natural hazards (e.g. droughts, floods) and vulnerable to climate stress (i.e. global warming). Such an improvement can only be achieved by coordinating efforts of research groups with different expertise and trans-disciplinary. In this Action, both the scientific challenge and societal challenge will be addressed by establishing a network of experts on climate variability, predictability, prediction and application. The Action will provide support to increase awareness and capability, and guidance to suitably evolve climate knowledge into services. Specific objectives include cross-cutting training and collaboration, empowering national hydro-meteorological agencies, and fostering a continuous communication between climate researchers and stakeholders.
DONUT – European Doctoral Network for Neural Prostheses and Brain Research
Európska doktorandská sieť pre neurálne protézy a výskum mozgu
Program: Horizon Europe
Duration: 1.1.2024 – 31.12.2027
Project leader: Ing. Mgr. Rosipal Roman, DrSc.
Annotation: DONUT, European Doctoral Network for Neural Prostheses and Brain Research has the mission to provide a multidisciplinary and inter-sectoral network for young talented researchers. The ambition of the project is to serve as a springboard for the expansion of EU partners into the fast-developing Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) technology and connected scientific disciplines. The DN will leverage the complementary expertise of 7 academic beneficiaries and 8 associated partners from 8 EU countries, to guide its 10 doctoral candidates (DCs) to address and solve deep problems in brain research, development of different BCI applications and systems with the latest technological advancements.The proposed DN will integrate existing research in BCI systems to make it more user-friendly, suitable for different types of potential end-users and for modern medical diagnostics. The DN would also provide excellent opportunities for career development of young researchers under the umbrella of German doctorate graduate school PK NRW (Graduate School for Applied Research in North Rhine-Westphalia, with over 180 participating professors), regularly offering specialised trainings and courses including Scientific Research Writing, Academic Presentation Skills, etc. Early scientific independence is one of key goals of training programmes.It is the ambition of DONUT to build a strong and lasting network not only between the DCs but also between the participating beneficiaries and associated partners. DONUT researchers will benefit of a dense network of contacts with scientists acquired during network-wide training events, to improve their career prospects in the European and worldwide innovation sector, having the opportunity to become scientists employable in both the industrial and academic sectors. The participation of 7 industrial participants in research and training programmes will guarantee extensive inter-sectoral experience for the trainees and maximise the impact. Project Partners:Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences (HSRW), GermanyRadboud University (RU), NetherlandsKatholieke Universiteit Leuven (“KU Leuven”) (KUL), BelgiumUniversidad Miguel Hernández de Elche (UMH), SpainAarhus University (AU), DenmarkKauno technologijos universitetas (KTU), LithuaniaInstitute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences (IMSAV), Slovakia
PhoBioS – Understanding interaction light – biological surfaces: possibility for new electronic materials and devices
Pochopenie interakcie svetlo – biologické povrchy: možnosti pre nové elektronické materiály a zariadenia
Program: COST
Project ID: COST CA 21159
Duration: 19.10.2022 – 18.10.2026
Project leader: RNDr. Hain Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: It is known that various biological surfaces are covered with micro- and nano-structures that perform a variety of functions (e.g., anti-reflective, structural coloration, anti-fouling, pro- or anti-adhesion …) and inspire us to many industrial applications. In recent years, there has been a significant upsurge of research in this field. The main objective of the COST Action "Understanding light-biological surface interactions: opportunities for new electronic materials and devices" is to bring together scientists coming from different disciplines in this lively area of research, focusing on the photonic effects of nano- and micro-structures of biological surfaces and their bionic applications. The consortium will ensure cross-inspiration between participants coming from different research fields and foster research innovation and possible industrial development.
Project website:
AtheroNET – Network for implementing multiomic approaches in atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease prevention and research
Sieť/zoskupenie pre implementáciu multiomického prístupu pri prevencii a výskume aterosklerotickej choroby srdca
Program: COST
Project ID: CA21153
Duration: 17.7.2024 – 18.10.2026
Project leader: Ing. Švehlíková Jana, PhD.
Annotation: AtheroNET aims to consolidate and connect experts from different fields into European and international network that will focus on the use of multiple omics technologies and data integration through machine learning/artificial intelligence approach to bring novel paradigms in prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.
Project website:
DYNALIFE – Information, Coding, and Biological Function: the Dynamics of Life
Informácia, kódovanie a biologická funkcia: Dynamika života
Program: COST
Project ID: CA21169
Duration: 19.9.2022 – 18.9.2026
Project leader: RNDr. Krakovská Anna, CSc.
Annotation: In the mid-twentieth century two new scientific disciplines emerged forcefully: molecular biology and information-communication theory. At the beginning cross-fertilisation was so deep that the term genetic code was universally accepted for describing the meaning of triplets of mRNA (codons) as amino acids.However, today, such synergy has not take advantage of the vertiginous advances in the two disciplines and presents more challenges than answers. These challenges are not only of great theoretical relevance but also represent unavoidable milestones for next generation biology: from personalized genetic therapy and diagnosis, to artificial life, to the production of biologically active proteins. Moreover, the matter is intimately connected to a paradigm shift needed in theoretical biology, pioneered long time ago in Europe, and that requires combined contributions from disciplines well outside the biological realm. The use of information as a conceptual metaphor needs to be turned into quantitative and predictive models that can be tested empirically and integrated in a unified view. The successful achievement of these tasks requires a wide multidisciplinary approach, and Europe is uniquely placed to construct a world leading network to address such an endeavour. The aim of this Action is to connect involved research groups throughout Europe into a strong network that promotes innovative and high-impact multi and inter-disciplinary research and, at the same time, to develop a strong dissemination activity aimed at breaking the communication barriers between disciplines, at forming young researchers, and at bringing the field closer to a broad general audience.
ReHaB – Towards an ecologically valid symbiosis of BCI and head-mounted VR displays: focus on collaborative post-stroke neurorehabilitation
Smerovanie k spoľahlivej a uživateľsky prijateľnej symbióze BCI a VR: zameranie na kolaboratívnu neurorehabilitáciu po cievnej mozgovej príhode
Program: ERANET
Project ID: ERA-net CHIST ERA IV
Duration: 1.1.2022 – 31.12.2024
Project leader: Ing. Mgr. Rosipal Roman, DrSc.
Annotation: A growing body of evidence suggests that integrated technologies of brain-computer interfaces (BCI) and virtual reality (VR) environments provide a flexible platform for a series of neurorehabilitation therapies, including significant post-stroke motor recovery and cognitive-behavioral therapy. When immersed in such an environment, the subject\’s perceptual level of social interaction is often impaired due to the sub-optimal quality of the interface lacking the social aspect of human interactions.The project proposes a user-friendly wearable low-power smart BCI system with an ecologically valid VR environment in which both the patient and therapist collaboratively interact via their person-specific avatar representations. On the one hand, the patient voluntarily, and in a self-paced manner, manages their activity in the environment and interacts with the therapist via a BCI-driven mental imagery process. This process is computed and rendered in real-time on an energy-efficient wearable device. On the other hand, the therapist\’s unlimited motor and communication skills allow him to fully control the environment. Thus, the VR environment may be flexibly modified by the therapist allowing for different occupational therapy scenarios to be created and selected following the patient\’s recovery needs, mental states, and instantaneous responses.
The technologically undemanding of aluminate glasses with interested optical properties
Technologicky nenáročná príprava hlinitanových skiel so zaujímavými optickými vlastnosťami
Program: Open Mobility
Project ID: Open-Mob-2022-06
Duration: 1.1.2023 – 31.12.2024
Project leader: Ing. Majerová Melinda, PhD.
PARQ – Sudden cardiac arrest prediction and resuscitation network: Improving the quality of care
Predikcia náhlej srdcovej zástavy a systém resuscitácie: Zvýšenie kvality zdravotnej starostlivosti
Program: COST
Project ID: CA19137
Duration: 26.10.2020 – 25.10.2024
Project leader: Ing. Švehlíková Jana, PhD.
Annotation: Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) causes 2 million deaths each year in Europe alone. Since SCA strikes unexpectedly and is lethal within minutes if untreated, solving this problem requires (1) recognizing individuals at risk and designing preventive strategies, (2) providing timely and effective treatment. Because SCA mostly occurs out-of-hospital, SCA victims rely on first-response treatment provided by citizens, firefighters and emergency medical services. There are large regional differences in SCA survival rates across Europe (1-30%). This suggests that regional differences in individual risk prediction, prevention and treatment have a major impact on the chance to survive. To improve survival rates across Europe it is imperative to study: 1) inherited, acquired, and environmental risk factors of SCA across European regions; 2) regional differences in preventive measures and first-response treatment strategies and their effectiveness. The PARQ Action will facilitate this research by forming a pan-European network of excellence in SCA and resuscitation science. This network includes investigators from different disciplines including cardiology, molecular biology, resuscitation science, emergency medicine, general practice and health economics. The main objectives of the Action are to promote development of standards for collection of clinical data and biological samples and to harmonize data analysis. This will aid in development of risk prediction models based on inherited, acquired and environmental risks. The PARQ action will focus on European differences in first-response treatment and develop guidelines. In summary, the PARQ Action investigators will enable breakthrough developments to decrease the incidence of SCA and improve survival, while reducing the vast regional European differences in survival rates.
Project website:
ClinECGI – Performance Evaluation of Noninvasive Electrocardiographic lmaging for the Localization of Premature Ventricular Contraction from Clinical Data
Vyhodnotenie neinvazívneho elektrokardiografického zobrazovania pre lokalizáciu predčasnej komorovej kontrakcie z klinických dát
Program: JRP
Project ID: JRP SAV-TUBITAK 536057
Duration: 1.2.2021 – 30.6.2024
Project leader: Ing. Švehlíková Jana, PhD.
Annotation: The project is focused on advanced noninvasive methods for the localization of the origin of an undesired ventricular activity known as the extrasystoles. The treatment of these arrhythmias involves an invasive procedure using an endocardial mapping, during which such origins are eliminated by the application of radiofrequency energy. The methods proposed in the project aim to shorten this time demanding invasive procedure, by guiding the clinicians to the correct regions of the arrhythmia origin.
SP4LIFE – Smart Patch for Life Support Systems
Inteligentná náplasť pre systémy na udržanie života
Program: NATO
Project ID: NATO SPS G5825
Duration: 10.3.2021 – 10.3.2024
Project leader: doc. Ing. Tyšler Milan, CSc.
Annotation: Wearable real-time systems collecting and smartly analysing information on respiration, heartbeat, SpO2, blood pressure and body temperature could help medical personnel adopting most suitable countermeasure in case of highly stressful situations in military and civil scenarios as a result of terrorist attacks, IEDs’ or rescue operations. The system gives an alert if the health status of a person is changed to prevent overlook of critical health changes. We propose design and development of a patch-like device prototypes and methodology enabling continuous evaluation of personnel or victims’ vital parameters, using Artificial Intelligence to create software capable of real-time diagnostics and rapid countermeasures’ selection.
Project website:
MU training – Measurement uncertainty training – MATHMET project to improve quality, efficiency and dissemination of measurement uncertainty training
Tréning v oblasti neistôt merania – MATHMET projekt na zlepšenie kvality, efektívnosti a šírenia zručností v oblasti analýzy neistoty výsledkov merania
Program: Multilateral – other
Project ID: MATHMET-MUT-2021
Duration: 1.10.2021 – 31.1.2024
Project leader: Doc. RNDr. Witkovský Viktor, CSc.
Annotation: Measurement uncertainty is a key quality parameter to express the reliability of measurements and an understanding of measurement uncertainty is often a precondition for advances in science, industry, health, environment, and society in general. However, there is a documented need for a better understanding of measurement uncertainty and its evaluation in many communities and recently this need was restated pointing to the importance of training on measurement uncertainty. Many metrology institutes, universities, national accreditation bodies, authorities in legal metrology, and others offer training on measurement uncertainty. They do so independently, and there is no community of teachers for exchanging expertise or to focus attention. There is no single contact point in Europe, which coordinates efforts, prioritizes needs, or provides an overview of suitable courses and material.Based on a broad consortium this project will improve the quality, efficiency, and dissemination of measurement uncertainty training. The activity will (1) develop new material for measurement uncertainty training and (2) establish an active community for those involved in measurement uncertainty training. In the EU, the European Metrology Network MATHMET is well-suited to host such an activity.
Project website:
DYNALIFE – Information, Coding, and Biological Function: the Dynamics of Life
Informácia, kódovanie a biologická funkcia:Dynamika života
Program: COST
Project ID: CA21169
Duration: 11.1.2023 – 31.12.2023
Project leader: Mgr. Chvosteková Martina, PhD.
Understanding and modeling compound climate and weather events
Porozumenie a modelovanie združených klimatických a meteorologických javov
Program: COST
Project ID: CA17109
Duration: 14.9.2018 – 12.3.2023
Project leader: Mgr. Chvosteková Martina, PhD.
Annotation: Hazards such as floods, wildfires, heatwaves, and droughts usually result from a combination of interacting physical processes that occur across multiple spatial and temporal scales. The combination of physical processes leading to an impact is referred to as a Compound Event. Examples of high-impact Compound Events include (i) droughts, heatwaves, wildfire and/or air pollution and their interactions involving a complex interplay between temperature, humidity and precipitation; (ii) extreme precipitation, river discharge and storm surge interactions, combining coastal storm processes with fluvial/pluvial and ocean dynamics; (iii) storms including clustering of major events leading to spatial and/or temporal dependence.Climate change alters many of these processes and their interaction, making projections of future hazards based on single driver analyses difficult. Impact studies considering only one driver usually fail to assess the extent of the impacts of Compound Events. It is thus not clear whether climate models can capture major changes in risk associated with Compound Events. Existing modelling approaches used to assess risk may therefore lead to serious mal-adaptation.DAMOCLES will (a) identify key process and variable combinations underpinning Compound Events; (b) describe the available statistical methods for modelling dependence in time, space, and between multiple variables; (c) identify data requirements needed to document, understand, and simulate Compound Events, and (d) propose an analysis framework to improve the assessment of Compound Events. DAMOCLES brings together climate scientists, impact modellers, statisticians, and stakeholders to better understand, describe and project Compound Events, and foresees a major breakthrough in future risk assessments.
Project website:
European network for advancing Electromagnetic hyperthermic medical technologies.
Európska sieť pre pokrok v elektromagnetických hypertermických medicínskych technológiách
Program: COST
Project ID: COST action CA17115
Duration: 4.9.2018 – 3.3.2023
Project leader: Mgr. Teplan Michal, PhD.
Annotation: Electromagnetic (EM) hyperthermic technologies hold great potential in the treatment of diseases, especially for cancers that are resistant to standard regimens. These technologies modify tissue temperature: hyperthermia heats the diseased tissue to make it susceptible to treatments, and ablation heats the tissue until it is destroyed. Hyperthermia is particularly effective in treatment of cervical and breast cancer, head and neck cancers, sarcoma in adults, and germ cell tumours in children; while radiofrequency and microwave ablation offer promise for treating liver, kidney, and lung cancers.Overall, these techniques have shown significant potential and there is substantial opportunity to solidify their use clinically and to apply them to a wider range of medical conditions. However, underpinning the development of these techniques is the need for accurate knowledge of the dielectric and thermal properties of tissues, which provide the foundation for these technologies and de-risk the technical challenge before commercialization. Furthermore, contributing to the stagnant market of EM hyperthermic medical devices is the fact that, often researchers working on the development of medical technologies are not fully aware of, and not trained to address, the clinical and commercialisation challenges facing novel medical devices. To address these challenges, the MyWAVE Action takes a holistic approach by bringing together key players in the field of dielectric spectroscopy, translational research, and medical professionals. Conjoining these varied communities into one collaborative network is critical to advance the design, development, and commercialisation of EM hyperthermic technologies, so that they can reach patients faster and improve treatment outcomes.
Project website:
COMULIS – Correlated Multimodal Imaging in Life Sciences
Korelované multimodálne zobrazovanie vo vedách o živej prírode
Program: COST
Project ID: CA 17121
Duration: 1.1.2019 – 11.10.2022
Project leader: RNDr. Hain Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: The network aims at fueling urgently needed collaborations in the field of correlated multimodal imaging (CMI), promoting and disseminating its benefits through showcase pipelines, and paving the way for its technological advancement and implementation as a versatile tool in biological and preclinical research. CMI combines two or more imaging modalities to gather information about the same specimen. It creates a composite view of the sample with multidimensional information about its macro-, meso- and microscopic structure, dynamics, function and chemical composition. Since no single imaging technique can reveal all these details, CMI is the only way to understand biomedical processes and diseases mechanistically and holistically. CMI relies on the joint multidisciplinary expertise from biologists, physicists, chemists, clinicians and computer scientists, and depends on coordinated activities and knowledge transfer between academia and industry, and instrument developers and users. Due to its inherently multidisciplinary and cross-functional nature, an interdisciplinary network such as this Action is indispensable for the success of CMI. Nevertheless, there is currently no European network in the field. Existing scattered efforts focus on correlated light and electron microscopy or (pre)clinical hybrid imaging. This Action will consolidate these efforts, establish commonly-accepted protocols and quality standards for existing CMI approaches, identify and showcase novel CMI pipelines, bridge the gap between preclinical and biological imaging, and foster correlation software through networking, workshops and open databases. The network will raise awareness for CMI, train researchers in multimodal approaches, and work towards a scientific mindset that is enthusiastic about interdisciplinary imaging approaches in life sciences.
Project website:
Novel integrated approaches for research of biomedical effects of pulsed electric fields
Nové integrované prístupy pre výskum biomedicínskych účinkov pulzných elektrických polí
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project ID: SAV-18-11
Duration: 1.1.2018 – 31.12.2021
Project leader: Mgr. Teplan Michal, PhD.
Annotation: Intense pulsed electric fields have already use and great further potential for novel applications in biomedicine and food industry. However, the mechanistic details of the action of pulsed electric fields on the plasma membrane and especially on the intracellular level are still not clear. This project is focused on theoretical and experimental characterization of the effects of pulsed electric fields from the level of subcellular biomolecular structures to a cellular level. We aim to develop and employ approaches based on impedance spectroscopy and chemiluminescence detection which will enable us to explore the most prominent bioeffects of pulsed electric fields in a real-time, non-invasive and label-free manner. The major technological novelty will be in the integration of these monitoring tools to an automatic programmable experimental platform.The results of the project will provide new methods in the research of effects of electromagnetic fields on living cells and will bring future medical applications closer to reality.
Wearable Robots for Augmentation, Assistance or Substitution of Human Motor Functions
Nositeľné robotické zariadenia pre posilnenie, podporu alebo náhradu motorických funkcií človeka
Program: COST
Project ID: CA16116
Duration: 15.3.2017 – 14.9.2021
Project leader: Doc. Ing. Přibilová Anna, PhD.
Annotation: Wearable Robots (WRs) is an emerging field of personal devices that are integrated parts of human functioning, and that are constructed of typical robotic components such as actuators, sensors and control algorithms. Where conventional robots were typically intended for use in industrial environments to help in tedious and repetitive tasks and tasks requiring high precision, the situation is currently evolving to one where there is an increasing direct physical interaction between robot and human operator. The interaction with humans in WRs is not only physical, but also includes cognitive aspects, as in the interaction, control of functions is typically shared by human and machine. WRs can be used either to augment, train or supplement motor functions or to replace them completely. Wearable Robots operate alongside human limbs, as is the case in orthotic robots, exoskeletons or robotic suits. WRs are expected to find applications in Medical, Industrial and Consumer Domains, such as neuro-rehabilitation, worker support, or general augmentation. As WRs continuously interact with humans in multiple situations, Human Robot Interaction, Ergonomics, and Ethical, Legal and Societal (ELS) considerations, as well as early involvement of stakeholders are of essential interest. This Action focuses on the European integration of different underlying disciplines in science and engineering, as well as on engaging of stakeholders to improve WR technology and its societal impact.
Project website:
MULTI-FORESEE – MULTI-modal Imaging of FOREnsic SciEnce Evidence (MULTI-FORESEE) – tools for Forensic Science
Multimodálne zobrazovanie dôkazov forenznej vedy – nástroje pre forenznú vedu
Program: COST
Project ID: CA16101
Duration: 1.8.2018 – 1.3.2021
Project leader: RNDr. Hain Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: The main objective is to promote innovative, multi-informative, operationally deployable and commercially exploitable imaging solutions/technology to analyse forensic evidence. Forensic evidence includes, but not limited to, fingermarks, hair, paint, biofluids, digital evidence, fibers, documents and living individuals. Imaging technologies include optical, mass spectrometric, spectroscopic, chemical, physical and digital forensic techniques complemented by expertise in IT solutions and computational modelling. Imaging technologies enable multiple physical and chemical information to be captured in one analysis, from one \’specimen\’, with information being more easily conveyed and understood for a more rapid exploitation. The ‘enhanced’ value of the evidence gathered will be conducive to much more informed investigations and judicial decisions thus contributing to both savings to the public purse and to a speedier and stronger criminal justice system. Lack of knowledge sharing, standardised protocols and communication between Academia, End Users and industry has been a barrier to translational science in this field; the Action will use the unique networking and capacity-building capabilities provided by the COST framework to bring together their knowledge and expertise; this is paramount to engage in a synergistic approach to boost imaging technological developments, allowing scientifically sound, highly reliable and multi-informative intelligence to be provided to investigators, prosecutors and defence. COST support is crucial to conquer the challenge on short term basis and to provide a legacy to Europe to advance knowledge for the deployment of cutting edge, innovative and implementable imaging forensic science.
Project website:
KZM – Comparative imaging methods based on magnetic resonance
Komparatívne zobrazovacie metódy na báze magnetickej rezonancie
Program: Bilateral – other
Project ID: ASC-2020
Duration: 1.3.2017 – 31.12.2020
Project leader: Prof. Ing. Frollo Ivan, DrSc.
Annotation: Research of comparative imaging methods based on magnetic resonance for diagnostics of neurological and musculoskeletal diseases.Imaging of micro- and nanostructures based on magnetic resonance for biomedical and material research.Mutual visits of scientists and PhD students enabling them to perform imaging experiments on MRI instruments in the laboratories of partners in the appropriate time limits.
Preparation and study of the precursor properties for development of nanomaterials based on metal oxides
Príprava a štúdium vlastností prekurzorov pre vývoj nanomateriálov na báze oxidov kovov
Program: Bilateral – other
Project ID: AI5/TT/1170
Duration: 1.7.2016 – 31.12.2020
Project leader: RNDr. Cigáň Alexander, CSc.
Annotation: The subject of common interest include the following main areas:1. Technology of HTc superconducting oxides based on Yttrium, Bismuth, Thalium and Mercury – bulks, tapes and thin films. 2. Investigation of the physical properties of these materials with the help of magnetization measurements. 3. Common experiments performed with LTc SQUID gradiometric system (at IMS SAS, Bratislava) and LakeShore susceptometer (at the Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, Ghent). 4. Publication of results on cooperative scientific activities.
EMF-MED – European network for innovative uses of EMFs in biomedical applications
Európska sieť pre inovatívne využitie elektro-magnetických polí v biomedicínskych aplikáciach
Program: COST
Project ID: BM1309
Duration: 16.4.2014 – 15.10.2018
Project leader: Mgr. Teplan Michal, PhD.
Annotation: The Action will provide a cooperative framework to support the research on beneficial biological effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and their use in biomedical applications. Research on biological effects of EMFs has traditionally focused on health risks. Inspired by promising recent studies on useful biomedical EMF interactions and applications, this Action will focus on beneficial effects, aiming for breakthrough results, new discoveries and innovative biomedical technologies. The Action will provide a better understanding of underlying physical and biological interaction mechanisms, related to both cancer and non-cancer applications, filling the gaps in the present state of knowledge. Ultimately, the Action will aim to contribute to development and optimization of innovative EMF-based medical devices and procedures, which will be safer, more efficient and less invasive. Interdisciplinarity of the proposed topic and significance of the expected outcomes require a concerted research network at the European level.
Project website:
RTS-02 clock series registrar modules
Moduly registrátorov taktových sérií RTS-02
Program: Bilateral – other
Project ID: 08626319/16201274-74
Duration: 18.2.2016 – 31.12.2017
Project leader: Ing. Krušinský Dušan
Annotation: The subject of the NICA project is the development and production of computer modules for magnetic field cycle control in the NUCLOTRON accelerator and in the upcoming collider.
Exploring physical basis of electromagnetic field interactions with biomolecules, cells and tissue
Skúmanie fyzikálnych základov interakcií elektromagnetických polí s biomolekulami, bunkami a tkanivom
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project ID: SAV-AV CR 15-22
Duration: 1.1.2015 – 31.12.2017
Project leader: Mgr. Teplan Michal, PhD.
Annotation: This project is focused on theoretical and experimental characterization of electromagnetic properties of biosystems from the level of subcellular biomolecular structures to a tissue level. The intention is to gain more information about the biological response to electromagnetic fields in a wider range of frequencies. New approaches will be developed for obtaining electromagnetic characteristics of subcellular/cellular structures and tissues with direct path to diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Methods for measurement and modelling of the biological response of various biosystems to external application of electromagnetic fields will be examine. Building of electromagnetic stimulation and monitoring system based on impedance spectroscopy will serve for investigation of electrical and other physiological properties of biosystems.
Synchronization and causality in complex systems: time series methods
Synchronizácia a kauzalita v zložitých systémoch: Metódy analýzy časových radov
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project ID: SAV-AV ČR 15-18
Duration: 1.1.2015 – 31.12.2017
Project leader: RNDr. Krakovská Anna, CSc.
Annotation: Two fundamentally different approaches to detect interactions and direction of coupling (causality in the Granger sense) will be tested and compared using benchmark data generated by different mathematical models. Common and complementary features of the approaches will be identified and criteria for informed choice of an appropriate method for a particular application will be proposed. The acquired knowledge and developed computer algorithms based on originally advanced mathematical methods will be applied in analyses of experimental time series recording brain dynamics and climate variability.
Diagnostics of human articular cartilage using MRI
Diagnostika ľudských kĺbových chrupaviek pomocou metód MRI
Program: Bilateral – other
Duration: 1.8.2006 – 31.12.2016
Project leader: Prof. Ing. Frollo Ivan, DrSc.
Advanced optical methods for nanoelectronics
Pokročilé optické metódy pre nanoelektroniku
Program: Bilateral – other
Duration: 1.1.2006 – 31.12.2016
Project leader: RNDr. Hain Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: International cooperation is covered by the Memorandum of Understanding between the Institute of Measurement Science of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Nanoelektronics Research Institute AIST in Tsukube, Japan.
Origins and evolution of lifer on Earth and in the Universe
Vznik a evolúcia života na Zemi a vo vesmíre
Program: COST
Project ID: TD1308
Duration: 15.5.2014 – 31.12.2016
Project leader: RNDr. Štrbák Oliver, PhD.
Annotation: This Action addresses three basic questions that fascinate and intrigue scientists, and the general public alike, questions that are pivotal to our understanding and appreciation of our place in the universe. Where, when and how did life emerge and evolve on Earth. What are the conditions under which life can exist. Does life exist elsewhere in the Universe and, if it does, how can it be detected and identified.
Project website:
COSCH – Colour and Space in Cultural Heritage (COSCH)
Farba a priestor v kultúrnom dedičstve
Program: COST
Project ID: COST TD1201
Duration: 7.11.2012 – 6.11.2016
Project leader: RNDr. Hain Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: Scientific contribution of the Institute of Measurement Science will be focused mainly on the field of X-ray computed microtomography devoted to the nondestructive high resolution 3D measurement, visualisation and microstructure analysis of cultural heritage artefacts, development of optical multi-spectral measurement and imaging techniques, including infrared reflectography, infrared thermography and ultraviolet fluorescence.
Project website:
High Resolution Multiple-lead ECG measurement for model based interpretation of cardiac electrical field
Mnohokanálové merania EKG s vysokým rozlíšením na modelovo založenú interpretáciu elektrického poľa srdca
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Duration: 1.1.2013 – 31.12.2015
Project leader: doc. Ing. Tyšler Milan, CSc.
Annotation: The aim of the project is the cooperation in analysis and model-based interpretation of high resolution multi-leads ECG measurements data. This concerns the development of new methods for non-invasive diagnostics of specific cardiac insufficiencies such as ischemia and risk of ventricular arrhythmias, important in prevention of sudden cardiac death of patient after myocardial infarction. The experimental data and theoretical results of model-based interpretation of cardiac electric field will be exchanged within the project. The noninvasive high resolution ECG measurements with verification of developed new diagnostic procedures will be provided in cooperation with medical centers in both countries (Department of Cardiology, Warsaw Medical University, Warsaw, Poland and The National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases, Bratislava, Slovakia).
Research and applications on HTc superconductors
Výskum a aplikácie VT supravodičov
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Duration: 1.11.1999 – 31.12.2015
Project leader: RNDr. Cigáň Alexander, CSc.
MPNS – European Network for Hyperpolarization Physics and Methodology in NMR and MRI
Európska sieť pre fyziku a metodológiu hyperpolarizácie v NMR a MRI
Program: COST
Project ID: TD1103
Duration: 1.7.2011 – 27.10.2015
Project leader: Prof. Ing. Frollo Ivan, DrSc.
Annotation: The project aims to stimulate and accelerate collaborations and joint research efforts between European groups into hyperpolarization physics and methodology with the goal to develop robust strategies for sensitivity enhancement in NMR and MRI. Coordinated short-term scientific missions (STSMs) will make it possible to fully exploit the potential of unique scientific instrumentation which already exists in a number of European groups. Summer schools and workshops will provide education and training for the early stage researchers that are entering the interdisciplinary research field. The scientific programme is organised into 5 different working groups that focus on key issues related to the topic of the Action. The scientific programme of this Action loading … is supported by a wide range of research groups thus generating a high added value for the European research landscape.
Project website:
Modern methods for evaluation of electrophysiological signals
Moderné metódy spracovania elektrofyziologických signálov
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Duration: 1.1.2012 – 31.12.2014
Project leader: Doc. RNDr. Witkovský Viktor, CSc.
Annotation: The aim of the project is interdisciplinary research combining nonlinear dynamics and mathematical statistics in the development of new approaches to the analysis of complex, especially electrophysiological, EEG-type signals. Current results of neural oscillation detection and phase synchronization studies of EEG signals in various sleep states and audiovisual stimulation have been presented at five international conferences and have been or will be published in impacted journals.
ISOPREN – Synthesis rate of isoprene in the periphery of the human body
Rýchlosť syntézy izoprénu v ľudskom tele
Program: Bilateral – other
Project ID: SK-AT-0025-12
Duration: 1.1.2013 – 31.12.2014
Project leader: Doc. RNDr. Witkovský Viktor, CSc.
Annotation: Isoprene is a by-product of cholesterol biosynthesis. It is one of the most abundant volatile compounds in exhaled breath. It can be measured in real-time, even in breath-to-breath resolution. The periphery of the human body can be depleted from isoprene by exertion of effort. Re-synthesis of isoprene and complete replenishment of the isoprene stores takes about 2h. Hence the synthesis rate of isoprene can be measured non-invasively through analysis of exhaled breath. In the present project, the isoprene concentration is modeled by a 3-compartment model, consisting of a richly perfused tissue compartment, a peripheral compartment and an alveolar compartment. Isoprene is produced and metabolized in the richly perfused tissue and the peripheral compartment. Two different methodologies will be employed to determine the synthesis rates of isoprene: – Off-line simulation using a “multiple shooting” technique for inverse parameter identification. – On-line simulation using Kalman filtering. A main focus will be on determination of the confidence intervals for the production and metabolization rate of isoprene. For the on-line simulation, we envisage a 7-dimensional Kalman state-space, consisting of the isoprene concentrations in the three compartments. A main task will be to find optimal choices of the process noise and the measurement noise, so that the convergences of the error covariance matrices is fast (in terms of the number of time steps). The project will be focused also on development of appropriate methods and algorithms forstatistical estimation of the confidence intervals for synthesis and metabolization rates. Before their application the statistical properties of the suggested procedures will be evaluated theoretically and/or by simulations. The research will be organized in the following two steps: First the off-line simulation will be performed. This will be done using a “multiple shooting” technique for inverse parameter identification. A main focus will be on determination of confidence intervals for the production rate and metabolization rate of isoprene in richly perfused tissue and in the periphery of the body. Subsequently the on-line simulation will be developed. The Austrian partner (Breath Research Unit of the Austrian Academy of Sciences) has the expertise to perform real-time measurements of isoprene in exhaled breath and the Slovak partner (Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava) has experience with modeling and with the tools to determine the statistical uncertainty of identified parameters.
Apparatus for Nuclotron magnetic field control
Aparatúra riadenia cyklu magnetického poľa Nuklotrón
Program: Bilateral – other
Project ID: 08626319/1020110-74
Duration: 1.1.2010 – 31.3.2014
Project leader: Ing. Ondriš Ľubomír, CSc.
Noninvasive measurement and information analysis of bioelectric signals
Neinvazívne meranie a informačná analýza bioelektrických signálov
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Duration: 25.10.2001 – 31.12.2013
Project leader: doc. Ing. Tyšler Milan, CSc.
Annotation: The subject of common interest include the following main areas:1. Development and analysis of mathematical models of bioelectric sources of the heart, brain and other human organs for recognition of pathological events.2. Development of methods for mapping of bioelectric fields and their imaging on a standard surface enclosing the considered organ with indication of the anatomical landmarks.3. Creation of common database of measured surface potential data together with complementary geometrical and diagnostic information.4. Organization of international working groups and preparation of multilateral projects with research and clinical institutions for testing of the developed techniques, securing their methodological support and providing their widespread use as a new generation of computerized biomedical technology.5. Practical implementation of proposed methods and concepts on the basis of computerized measuring and diagnostic systems in medical clinics.6. Publication of results on cooperative scientific activities and preparation of manuals, handbooks, and other educational materials for practical application of the developed methods.
Measurement and Information Processing for Diagnostic Imaging of Cardiac and Brain Electrical Fields
Meranie a spracovanie informácií pre diagnostické zobrazovanie elektrických polí srdca a mozgu
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Duration: 1.1.2010 – 31.12.2012
Project leader: doc. Ing. Tyšler Milan, CSc.
Annotation: Research of new methods and computer-aided systems for high resolution multilead measurement and advanced model-based imaging and diagnostic interpretation of cardiac and brain electrical fields. Experimental verification of the methods with medical partners in both countries.The partners will cooperate in research that is in concordance with the current research goals of their Institutes. The main subjects of the joint project will be:• modelling of the cardiac and brain electrical fields during normal and pathologically changed function,• research of inverse model-based methods for early non-invasive identification of local repolarization changes arising from one or multiple ischemic lesions in the heart,• evaluation of cooperation degree between different regions of brain cortex and assessment of their mutual causal relations by means of phase synchronization built on discrete wavelet transform, with the aim to characterize different physiological and pathological brain states,• adaptation of the methods to individual patient’s chest or head geometry and investigation of their influence on the assessment of cardiac electrical sources or evaluation of cooperation between brain regions,• development of equipment and software systems for high resolution measurement and real-time representation and diagnostic imaging of cardiac and brain signals,• engineering and informatical support of experimental clinical measurements in both countries.
Model based analysis and diagnostic interpretation of cardiac electric field measured by high-resolution ECG
Modelovo založená analýza a interpretácia elektrického poľa srdca meraného pomocou EKG s vysokým rozlíšením
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Duration: 1.1.2010 – 31.12.2012
Project leader: doc. Ing. Tyšler Milan, CSc.
Annotation: The project is aimed at research and development of new methods for model based interpretation and multi-parameters analysis of the cardiac electrical field measured by high resolution multi-leads ECG from the torso surface. It is oriented to non-invasive early detection of cardiac hypoxia (ischemia) and risk of ventricular arrhythmias leading to sudden cardiac death of patients after myocardial infarctions. Project comprises common evaluation of theoretical results and experimental data, as well as introduction of proposed methods to collaborating medical centers in both countries (Dept. of Cardiology, Central University Hospital, Warsaw, Poland and National Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases, Bratislava, Slovakia) utilizing high resolution ECG mapping systems
Modern methods for evaluation of electrophysiological signals
Moderné metódy spracovania elektrofyziologických signálov
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Duration: 1.1.2009 – 31.12.2011
Project leader: Doc. RNDr. Witkovský Viktor, CSc.
Annotation: The main theme of the project is the continuation of the cooperation between the Institute of SAS and the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in the research of new methods and algorithms for the analysis of complex, especially electrophysiological signals, which can be applied in neurophysiology, resp. cardiovascular physiology.
Research and education in the field of biomedical engineering
Výskum a vzdelávanie v oblasti biomedicínskeho inžinierstva
Program: Inter-institute agreement
Duration: 1.2.2006 – 31.8.2011
Project leader: doc. Ing. Tyšler Milan, CSc.
Annotation: no description
Centrope-tt – Development of new sensoric microsystems for precise non-invasive monitoring
Vývoj nových senzorických mikrosystémov na presné neinvazívne monitorovanie
Program: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Project ID: 1CE008PE
Duration: 4.2.2011 – 4.8.2011
Project leader: doc. Ing. Tyšler Milan, CSc.
Annotation: Innovation project oriented to development of new sensoric microsystems related to space medicine and telemedicine, their firmware, algorithms and software that will make possible precise noninvasive monitoring of persons. The solution included definitions of user requirements (specification of convenient modern parameters) for the area of cardiovascular diseases – as viewed from the perspective of doctors and patients. Proposed concept was verified with a group of patients. Using the concept, proposal on a system was elaborated for telemedicine applicable in clinical conditions.
TÁMOP – Improvement and development of high-resolution ECG measurement and processing methods
Zdokonalenie a vývoj metód merania a spracovania EKG s vysokým rozlíšením
Program: Bilateral – other
Project ID: TÁMOP 4.2.2
Duration: 1.2.2011 – 31.5.2011
Project leader: doc. Ing. Tyšler Milan, CSc.
Improvement and development of high-resolution ECG measurement processing methods
Zlepšenie a vývoj metód na HR-EKG meranie a spracovanie
Program: Bilateral – other
Duration: 1.2.2011 – 31.5.2011
Project leader: doc. Ing. Tyšler Milan, CSc.
PHELINET – Polarized Helium Lung Imaging Network
Vytvorenie siete na aplikáciu polarizovaného hélia na zobrazovanie pľúc
Program: FP6
Project ID: 036002-2
Duration: 1.3.2007 – 28.2.2011
Project leader: Prof. Ing. Frollo Ivan, DrSc.
Annotation: PHELINET (Polarized Helium Lung Imaging Network) aims at a wide dissemination and a rapid transfer to end-users of the hyperpolarized (HP) Helium3 lung MRI technique, through pan-european training and intense cooperation of eleven academic and six industrial collaborators. It focuses on (i) the realization of the strong potential of this technique for lung diseases diagnostic and for the evaluation of therapy efficacy, (ii) the development and the finalization of improved, efficient and robust methods and tools for HP Helium3 lung MRI.
Project website:
High resolution measurement and model based analysis of cardiac electric field
Meranie s vysokým rozlíšením a modelová analýza elektrického poľa srdca
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Duration: 1.1.2007 – 31.12.2009
Project leader: doc. Ing. Tyšler Milan, CSc.
Optical and magnetic methods in the elaboration and characterization of thin films of metallic oxides
Optické a magnetické metódy pre zdokonalenie a charakterizáciu tenko vrstvových kovových oxidov
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Duration: 1.1.2008 – 31.12.2009
Project leader: RNDr. Cigáň Alexander, CSc.
Research of the cardiac electric field
Výskum elektrického poľa srdca
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Duration: 1.1.2007 – 31.12.2009
Project leader: doc. Ing. Tyšler Milan, CSc.
BAMOD – Breath-gas analysis for molecular-oriented detection of minimal diseases
Analýza vydychovaných plynov pre molekulárne orientovanú detekciu zriedkavých chorôb
Program: FP6
Project ID: 019031
Duration: 1.2.2006 – 31.1.2009
Project leader: Doc. RNDr. Witkovský Viktor, CSc.
Annotation: Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in Europe and the western world. At present, diagnosis of cancer very often happens late in the course of the disease since available diagnostic methods are not sufficiently sensitive and specific. An early diagnosis of cancer would improve prognosis and treatment and could save thousands of lives a year.There is strong evidence to suggest that particular cancers can be detected by molecular analysis of exhaled air. Breath analysis represents a new diagnostic technique that is without risk for the patient even if repeated frequently and can provide information beyond conventional analysis of blood and urine. Recent results suggest that detection of different kinds of cancer is possible by means of breath analysis in very early stages of the disease.This project is focused on the diagnosis of minimal disease and early stages of lung and oesophageal cancer. The analytical techniques will be gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection (GC-MS), proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS), selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS), laser spectrometry and ion mobility spectrometry (IMS).In order to establish a reliable clinical method for the diagnosis of minimal residual cancer diseases clinical expertise, basic research and technical development is necessary. The European consortium set up for this proposal represents exquisite knowledge and skills in the field of basic and clinical research and technical development. Based on its competence, the consortium has the expertise to investigate and screen for hundreds of molecules in the exhaled breath and the statistical tools to identify specific cancer markers.The objectives of the project are the development of * sensitive and specific markers sets for the detection of early cancer stages based on human breath, * reliable analytical methods to determine these markers in the clinical environment, * easy-to-use and non-expensive equipment establishing breath analysis as a novel cancer screening tool.The proposal is centred around 5 studies: A lung cancer patient study, an oesophageal cancer study, a study of cancer cell lines, a study of immune-system related cells and a study of bacterial cell lines. The SMEs in our consortium will develop analytical methodology for subsequent use in clinical applications.Workpackage "Statistical algorithms"Objectives: Development of statistical algorithms for data analysis of breath gas concentration measurements * processing of non-normal distributions of measurement results (higher-order moments and different variances may play a role), performing multiple comparisons (corresponding to different cancer stages and different control groups), * establishment of typical patterns in high-dimensional phase spaces (due to consideration of many different substances), establishment of (possibly nonlinear) projection methods from high-dimensional phase spaces to 2- or 3-dim subspaces for visualization.
Project website:
Modern methods for evaluation of electrophysiological signals
Moderné metódy spracovania elektrofyziologických signálov
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Duration: 1.1.2006 – 31.12.2008
Project leader: Doc. RNDr. Witkovský Viktor, CSc.
Annotation: Nonlinear dynamics and statistics are two, not always fully interacting branches of science dealing with complex signal analysis. In cooperation with experts dealing with nonlinear dynamics and statistics, new approaches will be developed to analyze complex, especially electrophysiological signals, which will be applied mainly in neurophysiology and cardiovascular physiology.
Carcinoma screening based on exhaled breath
Monitorovanie karcinómu pľúc pomocou analýzy vydychovaných plynov
Program: Bilateral – other
Project ID: SK-AT-00206
Duration: 1.1.2006 – 31.12.2007
Project leader: Doc. RNDr. Witkovský Viktor, CSc.
Annotation: Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the EU and the Western world. At present, diagnosis of cancer is often very late due to the development of the disease, because the available diagnostic methods are not sufficiently sensitive and specific. The aim of the project is to investigate well-defined and theoretically optimal procedures for discrimination and classification of possible patients, using classical parametric methods, statistical non-parametric methods, methods based on general linear models, using penalizing terms in classification algorithms. The specific objectives of this project are: a) Processing of measurement results without assuming normality of distribution (higher moments and unequal dispersions can play a significant role), multiple comparisons (corresponding to different disease states and different control groups). b) Determination of typical images in the higher-dimensional phase space (caused by the inclusion of several different substances), introduction of the projection method from the higher dimensional space into the 2- to 3-dimensional space for visualization. c) Involvement of young researchers. The main objective of the project is to involve young researchers from Slovakia and Austria in scientific research linked to the EU project BAMOD.
Low-Field NMR – Low-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for medical applications
Zobrazovanie na báze nukleárnej magnetickej rezonancie pri nízkom magnetickom poli pre aplikácie v medicíne
Program: EUREKA
Project ID: E! 2012
Duration: 1.2.2001 – 31.1.2007
Project leader: Prof. Ing. Frollo Ivan, DrSc.
Analysis and Modelling of Cardiac Electric Field based on HR ECG Body Surface Mapping
Analýza a modelovanie elektrického poľa srdca založené na povrchovom EKG mapovaní s vysokým rozlíšením
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Duration: 1.1.2004 – 31.12.2006
Project leader: doc. Ing. Tyšler Milan, CSc.
NUKLOTRON – Development of the accelerator facility NUCLOTRON
Rozvoj urýchľovacieho komplexu NUKLOTRÓN
Program: Bilateral – other
Project ID: 03-1-0979/2005
Duration: 1.1.2005 – 31.7.2006
Project leader: Ing. Ondriš Ľubomír, CSc.
Non-destructive analysis and testing of museum objects
Nedeštruktívna analýza a testovanie muzeálnych objektov
Program: COST
Project ID: G-8
Duration: 1.1.2002 – 28.2.2006
Project leader: RNDr. Hain Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: The COST Action aims at creating a Europe-wide network that would enable co-operation and interaction between two groups of professionals: people directly concerned with the maintenance of our cultural heritage – conservators, curators, art historians, archaeologists – and analytical scientists, including chemists, physicists, geologists, metallurgists, mineralogists and microbiologists. The main objective of the action is to improve preservation and conservation of our cultural heritage by increasing knowledge of museum objects through non-destructive analysis and testing. The scientific activities of COST G8 include organising short-term scientific missions to train scientists of both groups in the other\’s field as well as to transfer practical experience among the European countries. Regular meetings in the form of workshops are organised in order to exchange the obtained knowledge in a broader group, and six working groups are active, which allows close collaboration in a specific field.
Project website:
Theoretical properties and applications of special families of probability distributions
Teoretické vlastnosti a aplikácie špeciálnych tried rozdelení pravdepodobnosti
Program: VEGA
Project ID: 2/0120/24
Duration: 1.1.2024 – 31.12.2027
Project leader: Doc. RNDr. Witkovský Viktor, CSc.
Annotation: In the project, problems related to probability distributions and their applications in mathematical modeling will be studied. We will analyze some classes of distributions (distributions generated by partial summations, the Schröter family) and study properties of distributions belonging to these classes. Issues related to calibration regression models will be addressed. New methods for solving multivariate statistical problems will be developed. These methods will be based on the calculation of exact probability distributions using the inverse transformation of the characteristic function of the distribution of the output variable. Entropy, another property of probability distributions, plays an important role in detecting causality in time series. The primary area of application is theuse of the distribution of test statistics in hypothesis testing. The new results obtained during the solution of the project will also be applied to mathematical modeling in metrology, linguistics and actuarial mathematics.
ARAM – Research of reference standards and measurement methods ensuring determination of the relationship of geometric specifications and qualitative indicators of 3D objects created by additive technologies
Výskum referenčného etalónu a meracích metód zabezpečujúcich určenie vzťahu geometrických špecifikácií a kvalitatívnych ukazovateľov 3D objektov vytvorených aditívnymi technológiami
Program: SRDA
Project ID: APVV-23-0366
Duration: 1.7.2024 – 31.12.2027
Project leader: RNDr. Hain Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: The present project is aimed at evaluating the quality of additive manufacturing, a reference test artefact designed and developed for this purpose. The development of the reference artefact and the quantification of its parameters will make use of the latest knowledge in additive manufacturing, state-of-the-art measurement strategies implemented using X-ray microtomography, magnetometry, coordinate measuring devices, optical and electron scanning microscopes and methods of mathematical-statistical processing of measured data. Additive manufacturing technologies are capable of producing parts with very complex geometries that conform to the desired design without further machining. It is for this reason that they are very promising and their use in industry is growing. In order for additive manufacturing products to fully replace conventionally machined parts, they must meet the required quality criteria such as shape and dimensional accuracy, surface roughness, internal defects, residual stresses, etc. The final quality of parts produced by additive manufacturing technology is influenced by the characteristics of the raw material and the parameters and settings of the system. The aim of the project is to investigate the production of modified monofilaments and the measurement methods necessary for the realization of a stable and reproducible reference test artifact, which would be used to assess not only the geometric capability of additive manufacturing systems but also the internal structure and selected properties of the final product.
ITAGES – Identification of stress-induced alterations in expression of NRF2 target genes in rat models of prehypertension: the effect of comorbid hypertriglyceridemia and dimethyl fumarate treatment
Identifikácia stresom vyvolaných zmien v expresii cieľových génov NRF2 v potkaních modeloch prehypertenzie: vplyv komorbidnej hypertriglyceridémie a liečby dimetylfumarátom
Program: SRDA
Project ID: APVV-22-0296
Duration: 1.7.2023 – 30.6.2027
Project leader: Ing. Maňka Ján, CSc.
Annotation: The nuclear transcription factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (NRF2) is a key molecular link between several non-communicable diseases, as it regulates the expression of approximately 250 target genes, including those involvedin maintenance of redox balance, the development of metabolic disorders, cardiovascular and liver diseases, aswell as in immune responses. Borderline elevated blood pressure (prehypertension) is a common cardiovasculardisorder in humans, and elevated blood pressure has been found to be positively correlated with triglyceride levels.In addition, chronic stress is an etiological factor in the development of non-communicable diseases, includingelevated blood pressure and hypertriglyceridemia (HTG). In experimental studies, borderline hypertensive rats(BHR) and hypertriglyceridemic rats (HTGR) are suitable models of prehypertension without and with comorbidhypertriglyceridemia. These models are relevant for investigating the effects of stress as well as for investigatingthe role of changes in expression of NRF2 target genes in the development of hypertension associated withmetabolic diseases. To understand better the role of NFR2 as well as the impact of chronic social stress on thementioned diseased states, the aims of this project are: 1) to identify differences in expression of NRF2 targetgenes in two experimental models of prehypertension – without (in BHR) and with (in HTGR) comorbid HTG – incontrol conditions and during chronic social stress, 2) to determine if NRF2 activator dimethyl fumarate can reducestress-induced pathologies in prehypertensive rats, especially in those with comorbid HTG, and 3) to specify a setof suitable whole blood RNA biomarkers for evaluation of changes in NRF2 target genes in prehypertension andHTG and those genes altered by chronic social stress.
METIM – Design of a Methodology and its Verification for the Measurement of Selected Parameters of Ti Implants in the Manufacturing Process
Návrh metodiky a jej overenie pre meranie vybraných parametrov Ti implantátov vo výrobnom procese
Program: SRDA
Project ID: APVV-22-0328
Duration: 1.7.2023 – 30.6.2027
Project leader: RNDr. Hain Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: The project focuses on the development and application of measurement and non-destructive testing methods inthe manufacturing of titanium dental implants. Dental implants are medical devices that have to comply with thetechnical requirements given by regulation of the European Parliament and Council EU 2017/745 from 5 Apr 2017.Under this regulation, among other obligations, the manufacturer must ensure that these devices are safe andeffective and do not compromise the clinical condition or patients safety. The dental implants should also meet ahigh level of health and safety protection, taking into account the generally accepted state of the art in science andtechnology. In this project we will address the requirements related to the design and manufacturing and inparticular: the compatibility of the different parts of the device, the influence of processes on the properti es of thematerials, the mechanical properties of the materials used such as strength, ductility, resistance to wear andfatigue, the properties of the surfaces, and confirmation that the device meets all defined physical specifications aswell as the identification of contaminants in the manufacturing process. To ensure these requirements, we intend touse state-of-the-art measurement methods such as X-ray microtomography (microCT), scanning electronmicroscopy (SEM), optical measurement of surface roughness, SQUID magnetometry. Since the abovemeasurement methods are time consuming and do not allow their full application in the production, the solution willalso include the design of effective methods of statistical quality control, which will be applied at the manufacturerof dental titanium implants MARTIKAN, s.r.o. The objectives of the proposed project correlate with the Researchand Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation of the Slovak Republic 2021-2027 (SK RIS3 2021+), while theyaffect two defined domains, namely Innovative Industry for the 21st Century and Healthy Society.
FERINO – Advanced diagnostics of neurodegenerative disorders using magnetic resonance techniques and artificial intelligence
Pokročilá diagnostika neurodegeneratívnych ochorení pomocou techník magnetickej rezonancie a umelej inteligencie
Program: SRDA
Project ID: APVV-22-0122
Duration: 1.7.2023 – 30.6.2027
Project leader: Ing. Gogola Daniel, PhD.
Annotation: Neurodegenerative diseases (ND) are becoming a severe problem in developed countries. Since we currently haveno effective therapies available, early diagnosis is critical to ensure a good quality of life for ND patients. ND arecharacterized by iron accumulation and magnetite mineralization in brain tissue, with ferritin as a precursor. Due toits low relaxivity, physiological ferritin is at the edge of visibility using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)techniques. On the contrary, "pathological" ferritin causes a significant shortening of MRI relaxation times. Thiscreates hypointense artifacts, which theoretically allow the distinguishability of both proteins. Since ironaccumulation precedes the clinical symptoms of the disease, MRI has the potential to become a non -invasivediagnostic method for the early stages of ND. At present, however, this is limited by the insufficient characterizationof the relaxation properties of biogenic iron and the uncertainty in the interpretation of clinical data. Therefore, ourbasic goal (application output) is the development of a comprehensive methodology (FERINO software tool) for theunequivocal diagnosis of the early stages of ND. To reach our goal, we will use a combination of several diagnostictechniques and artificial intelligence tools. The diagnostic techniques include in-vitro, in-silico, and in-vivocharacteristics of ferritin relaxation, structural MRI, magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), neurological tests,and clinical biochemistry biomarkers. The cornerstone of the methodology will be the FerroQuant software tool,which was proposed by the principal investigator within the APVV 2012. It enables the analysis and quantificationof iron-related clinical MRI data but lacks new findings in iron MRI (false-positive artifacts, ferritin\’s mineral phases).FerroQuant also does not use artificial intelligence and does not combine different diagnostic data, whic h, however,will be an integral part of the FERINO tool.
Changes in fossil lizard communities at older and younger Cenozoic sites in and around Europe as a result of dramatic global climate change – the key to understanding our future is in the past
Zmeny v spoločenstvách fosílnych jašterov na lokalitách staršieho a mladšieho kenozoika v Európe a okolí ako dôsledok dramatických globálnych klimatických zmien – kľúčom k budúcnosti je chápanie minulosti
Program: VEGA
Project ID: VEGA 1/0160/24
Duration: 1.1.2024 – 31.12.2026
Project leader: RNDr. Hain Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: Terrestrial ecosystems in Europe, but practically everywhere, changed significantly during the Cenozoic due toglobal climatic changes. The importance of their better understanding is magnified by present global climatechange. In that respect, lizards are widely regarded as excellent indicators of past climates, particularly ambienttemperatures. The project is focused on the research of new, often complete finds from localities of different agessuch as the Paleocene site of Walbeck in Germany, the Lower Eocene sites of Dormaal in Belgium, Cos,Pasturat and Viélase in France. We also include new complete finds from the Middle Eocene German Messellocality (Unesco). Furthermore, fossils from the Oligocene and Lower Miocene sites of Phosphorites du Quercy(France), Miocene to Pliocene sites in Austria, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, but also in Africa (Kenya) will bestudied. The aim is this research using CT is an interpretation of the phylogenetic relationships of studied taxaand changes in their communities.
EDABSS – EEG data analysis by blind source separation methods
Analýza EEG signálu pomocou metód hľadania skrytých zdrojov
Project ID: 09I03-03-V04-00205
Duration: 1.9.2024 – 31.8.2026
Project leader: Mgr. Rošťáková Zuzana, PhD.
Annotation: Blind source separation (BSS) approaches are unsupervised machine learning methods focused on the detection of hidden, directly unobservable (latent) structure of real-world data. They play a crucial role in image processing, medical imaging, and music. The proposed project focuses mainly on human electroencephalogram (EEG), for which BSS is beneficial when detecting the narrowband brain oscillations representing brain processes either in health or disease. Two-dimensional BSS methods like principal or independent component analysis are easily applicable and understandable for a broader medical and neurophysiological community. However, the estimated latent component properties are usually incompatible with the real electrophysiological signal character. Consequently, they miss their neurophysiological interpretation. Tensor decomposition is a complex but more flexible mathematical procedure that allows adapting the model structure and constraints to the solution to mimic real-world signal characteristics. The proposed project focuses on tensor decomposition as a tool for i) EEG preprocessing, artefact detection and removal, ii) EEG latent structure analysis using a nonnegative tensor decomposition with block structure allowing to model various relationships between latent components, and iii) post-decomposition analysis of latent component dynamic properties. Obtaining comprehensive information about EEG latent structure and developing novel, user-friendly algorithms is crucial for better understanding brain processes and new methods for treating neurophysiological diseases and disorders.
QuantMR – Optimization and Standardization of Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Methods. Suppression of Metallic Artifacts on low-field MR Scanners
Optimalizácia a štandardizácia kvantitatívnych metód zobrazovania magnetickou rezonanciou. Potlačenie kovových artefaktov na nízkopolových MR skeneroch
Project ID: 09I03-03-V04-00544
Duration: 1.9.2024 – 31.8.2026
Project leader: Ing. Gogola Daniel, PhD.
cBCI-VR – Collaborative BCI post-stroke neurorehabilitation using a patient-therapist interactive VR environment
Pacient-terapeut kolaboratívna BCI-VR neurorehabilitácia po cievnej mozgovej príhode
Project ID: 09I03-03-V04-0043
Duration: 1.9.2024 – 31.8.2026
Project leader: Ing. Mgr. Rosipal Roman, DrSc.
Annotation: A growing body of evidence suggests that integrated brain-computer interface (BCI) technologies and virtual reality (VR) environments provide a flexible platform for a range of neurorehabilitation therapies, including significant motor recovery and cognitive-behavioral therapy following stroke. When a subject is immersed in such an environment, their perceptual level of social interaction is often impaired due to a suboptimal interface quality that lacks the social aspect of human interactions. The project proposes a user-friendly intelligent BCI system with a suitable VR environment in which both patient and therapist interact through their person-specific avatar representations. On the one hand, the patient voluntarily and at his/her own pace controls his/her activity in the environment and interacts with the therapist through a BCI-driven mental imagery process. On the other hand, the therapist\’s unrestricted motor and communication skills allow for full control of the environment. Thus, the VR environment can be flexibly modified by the therapist, allowing for the creation and selection of different occupational therapy scenarios according to the patient\’s recovery needs, mental states, and immediate reactions.
SQUIDiron – Determination of Iron in blood and tissues of laboratory animals using SQUID magnetometer.
Stanovenie množstva železa v krvi a tkanivách laboratórnych zvierat pomocou SQUID magnetometra
Project ID: 09I03-03-V04-00528
Duration: 1.9.2024 – 31.8.2026
Project leader: Mgr. Škrátek Martin, PhD.
Annotation: Iron is an essential chemical element that is part of many metabolic processes. However, the amount of iron in the body must be balanced, as its excess or deficiency can lead to serious health conditions. Iron is found in the body in ferritin, hemoglobin or transferrin proteins. Deoxyhemoglobin, methemoglobin, and myoglobin are known to exhibit paramagnetism, which originates from the Fe2+ Fe3+ ions embedded in their molecules. Ferritin, as an iron storage protein, contains Fe atoms mineralized in the form of oxyhydroxide nanoparticles, whose behavior is superparamagnetic. SQUID magnetometry offers the possibility of detecting and quantifying different forms of iron with high sensitivity and could be more useful than other established methods (colorimetric, spectrophotometric, histochemical or atomic absorption spectrometry) in determining the amount of iron in small samples.
Štipendiá pre excelentných PhD. študentov a študentky R1
Duration: 1.9.2023 – 31.8.2026
Project leader: Ing. Pajanová Iveta
Annotation: PhD Topic: Application of deep-learning algorithms on automated MRI data processing. Annotation: Automated identification and segmentation of clinical data, obtained primary by MRI, is very desirable. The reason is typically large size of data and therefore enormous time, which radiologist has to invest into the manual segmentation. Availability of powerful hardware open new capabilities to automate this processes and speedup via deep learning techniques using convolutional neural networks (CNN). Therefore, student will learn the fundamental functionality principles of MRI device (theoretically and practically), try manual segmentation of volumetric MRI data, and theoretically and practically learn principles of CNN. Student will design own architecture of CNN for automated segmentation of volumetric data, further train, validate and implement on testing data.The output of this dissertation should be a CNN capable of deployment in clinical practice, in the diagnosis and quantitative analysis of selected tissues (cartilage, ligaments, tendons, menisci, subcutaneous fat, etc.). It is theoretical work, in which programming basics and knowledge of some programming language are necessary. As the programming environment, for design and implementation of CNN, will be used Python with module TensorFlow.
MRCartilage – Automatic data evaluation tool from the longitudinal quantitative MRI studies of articular cartilage
Automatický softvérový nástroj na výhodnocovanie kvantitatívnych MRI štúdií artikulárných chrupaviek v čase
Program: SRDA
Project ID: APVV-21-0299
Duration: 1.7.2022 – 30.6.2026
Project leader: Ing. Dr. Szomolányi Pavol, (PhD.)
Annotation: The aim of the project is to design a comprehensive tool for automatic evaluation of human articular cartilage data from quantitative MRI. Data obtained from the Osteoarthritis Initiative database, and measured at Institute of Measurement Science and Medical University of Vienna will be segmented using an automated segmentation tool based on convolutional neural networks. The annotated data will then be registered on quantitative MRI data that will be available from the database (T2 and T1rho mapping, gagCEST, sodium MR) using automated or semiautomated tools developed within this project. The data obtained will be evaluated at multiple time points according to MR measurements that will be available. In addition to quantitative MR data, this will include volumetric data, cartilage thickness, and texture analysis of quantitative maps. Patient evaluation will be based on risk factor groups (transverse ligament rupture, meniscus rupture and menisectomy). The expected number of patients is approximately 4000 divided into individual groups in the ratio 40/30/30. The output of the project will be a compiled version of an automatic cartilage evaluation tool that will be available in a public source (such as website of Institute of Measurement).
TInVR – Trustworthy human–robot and therapist–patient interaction in virtual reality
Dôveryhodná interakcia človek–robot a terapeut–pacient vo virtuálnej realite
Program: SRDA
Project ID: APVV-21-0105
Duration: 1.7.2022 – 30.6.2026
Project leader: Ing. Mgr. Rosipal Roman, DrSc.
Annotation: We aim to study specific forms of social interaction using state-of-the-art technology – virtual reality (VR) which is motivated by its known benefits. The project has two main parts, human–robot interaction (HRI) and therapist–patient interaction (TPI). The interactions are enabled using head-mounted displays and controllers allowing the human to act in VR. We propose two research avenues going beyond the state-of-the-art in respective contexts. In HRI, we will develop scenarios allowing the humanoid robot to learn, understand and imitate human motor actions using flexible feedback. Next, we develop scenarios for testing and validating human trust in robot behavior based on multimodal signals. We will also investigate physical interaction with a humanoid robot NICO. In TPI with stroke patients, we develop a series of VR-based occupational therapy procedures for motor and cognitive impairment neurorehabilitation using an active and passive brain-computer interface, and we will validate these procedures. We expect observations from HRI experiments to be exploited in TPI. The proposed project is highly multidisciplinary, combining knowledge and research methods from psychology, social cognition, robotics, machine learning and neuroscience. We expect to identify features and mechanisms leading to trustworthy processes with a human in the loop, as a precondition of success, be it a collaborative task or treatment in VR.
Smart deep brain stimulation as a treatment strategy in treatment-resistant depression
Inteligentná hĺbková mozgová stimulácia ako inovatívna stratégia pre liečbu mozgových porúch
Program: VEGA
Project ID: VEGA 2/0057/22
Duration: 1.1.2022 – 31.12.2025
Project leader: Ing. Mgr. Rosipal Roman, DrSc.
Annotation: Impaired connectivity between different brain areas underlines the pathophysiology of multiple brain disorders. It is possible that impaired connectivity between the prefrontal cortex and ventral pallidum is involved in depression. Smart deep brain simulation, combining real-time detection of the neuronal activity in the prefrontal cortex with the stimulation of the ventral tegmental area might be thus effective in depression. We aim to examine the cortico-tegmental connectivity and to test the antidepressant-like effectiveness of the smart deep brain stimulation in an animal model of depression.
Causal analysis of measured signals and time series
Kauzálna analýza nameraných signálov a časových radov
Program: VEGA
Project ID: VEGA 2/0023/22
Duration: 1.1.2022 – 31.12.2025
Project leader: RNDr. Krakovská Anna, CSc.
Annotation: The project is focused on the causal analysis of measured time series and signals. It builds on the previous results of the team, concerning the generalization of the Granger test and the design of new tests in the reconstructed state spaces. The aim of the project is the development of new methods for bivariate and multidimensional causal analysis. We will see the investigated time series and signals as one-dimensional manifestations of complex systems or subsystems. We will also extend the detection of causality to multivariate cases – dynamic networks with nodes characterized by time series. Such complex networks are common in the real world. Biomedical applications are among the best known. Brain activity, determined by multichannel electroencephalographic signals, is a crucial example. We want to help show that causality research is currently at a stage that allows for ambitious goals in the study of effective connectivity (i.e., directed interactions, not structural or functional links) in the brain.
MATHMER – Advanced mathematical and statistical methods for measurement and metrology
Pokročilé matematické a štatistické metódy pre meranie a metrológiu
Program: SRDA
Project ID: APVV-21-0216
Duration: 1.7.2022 – 31.12.2025
Project leader: Doc. RNDr. Witkovský Viktor, CSc.
Annotation: Mathematical models and statistical methods for analysing measurement data, including the correct determination of measurement uncertainty, are key to expressing the reliability of measurements, which is a prerequisite for progress in science, industry, health, the environment and society in general. The aim of the project is to build on traditional metrological approaches and develop new alternative mathematical and statistical methods for modelling and analysing measurement data for technical and biomedical applications. The originality of the project lies in the application of modern mathematical methods for modelling and detecting dependence and causality, as well as statistical models, methods and algorithms for determining measurement uncertainty using advanced probabilistic and computational methods based on the use of the characteristic function approach (CFA). In contrast to traditional approximation and simulation methods, the proposed methods allow working with complex and at the same time accurate probabilistic measurement models and analytical methods. Particular emphasis is placed on stochastic methods for combining information from different independent sources, on modelling dependence and causality in dynamic processes, on accurate methods for determining the probability distribution of values that can be reasonably attributed to the measured quantity based on a combination of measurement results and expert knowledge, and on the development of methods for comparative calibration, including the probabilistic representation of measurement results with a calibrated instrument. An important part of the project is the development of advanced numerical methods and efficient algorithms for calculating complex probability distributions by combining and inverting characteristic functions. These methods are widely applicable in various fields of measurement and metrology. In this project they are applied to the calibration of temperature and pressure sensors.
Research of properties of magnetic nanoparticles for imaging purposes in biomedical diagnostics based on magnetic resonance methods
Výskum vlastností magnetických nanočastíc pre účely zobrazovania v biomedicínskej diagnostike na báze metód magnetickej rezonancie
Program: VEGA
Project ID: VEGA 2/0004/23
Duration: 1.1.2023 – 31.12.2025
Project leader: Dr. Ing. Přibil Jiří, (PhD.)
Annotation: The project focuses on experimental and theoretical research in the field of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)methods. The following issues will be addressed in the project: 1. Research of properties of magneticnanoparticles in external magnetic fields regarding creation of a theoretical model and its subsequentexperimental verification. 2. Analysis of MRI scanning effect on cardiovascular system of a tested person in orderto find appropriate methods of detection, quantification, and design of measures to minimize them. 3. Analysis ofmetabolic processes in order to map the rate of energy production in the human heart and muscles in order todiagnose the slowing down of energy production in the heart. 4. Automated processing of MR images of thehuman knee in order to obtain quantitative characteristics and morphological quantities of individual tissues. 5.Calibration of gradient fields to ensure undistorted morphology in measured MR images. Mapping ofinhomogeneities into magn. fields using MRI methods
ECMeNaM – Efficient computation methods for nanoscale material characterization
Efektívne výpočtové metódy pre charakterizáciu materiálov v nano mierke
Program: SRDA
Project ID: SK-CZ-RD-21-0109
Duration: 1.7.2022 – 30.6.2025
Project leader: Doc. RNDr. Witkovský Viktor, CSc.
Annotation: The aim of the project is to design and implement effective calculation methods for evaluating the results of measuring the mechanical properties of materials at the nanoscale using instrumented indentation methods (IIT) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Both of these methods are able to provide highly localized information on the mechanical properties of the material, such as Young\’s modulus of elasticity (both methods), hardness (IIT method), or point-to-surface adhesion (AFM method). The principle is the analysis of the recording of the position of the measuring tip and the force interaction between the tip and the sample surface. The determination of the resulting values on the basis of data recorded by the instrument in both of these methods is based on non-trivial mathematical-statistical methods and calculation procedures working with data subjected to relatively high uncertainty or random noise, where it is also necessary to quantify the uncertainty of the measurement result. Both of these methods work with data of a similar nature, but each has certain specifics. The results obtained for IIT can thus serve as a reference for AFM. The project partners are the Czech Metrology Ins titute (CMI is the national metrology institute of the Czech Republic with top infrastructure in the field), the Institute of Measurement Science SAS (IMS SAS), and the Mathematical Institute SAS (MI SAS), which are academic institutions with extensive experience in basic research and applications of mathematics statistics in the field of measurement and metrology. This combination of partners brings a natural synergy and a combination of the necessary competencies for this
Ion exchange strengthened aluminosilicate glass/glass-ceramics with additional functionalities
Aluminosilikátové sklo/sklokeramika spevnené iónovou výmenou s ďalšími funkciami
Program: VEGA
Project ID: VEGA 2/0028/21
Duration: 1.1.2021 – 31.12.2024
Project leader: Ing. Majerová Melinda, PhD.
Annotation: The project aims to improve the mechanical properties of glass-ceramics by ion exchange technology known mainly in connection with the strengthening of common oxide glasses (eg Gorilla glass used in mobile phones). Mechanical stresses on the surface of ion exchange strengthened ceramics doped with suitable additives will allow modification of other properties, such as optical, due to changes in the composition of the glass matrix (chemical environment of optically active additives) or deformation of the coordination polyhedra of optically active ions. The use of silver ions in ion exchange will make it possible to create glass / glass-ceramic surfaces with high durability and antibacterial properties.
Assessment and detection of mental fatigue in BCI-HMD
Hodnotenie a detekcia mentálnej únavy pri BCI-HMD
Program: PostdokGrant
Project ID: APD0106
Duration: 1.7.2024 – 31.12.2024
Project leader: Ing. Sobolová Gabriela, PhD.
Annotation: The continuous improvement of virtual reality (VR) technologies and the affordability of VR products, such as head-mounted display (HMD) VR goggles, have enabled the use of VR concepts in medicine, engineering, aerospace, education, entertainment, and other fields. With the wider use of VR, the issue of mental fatigue caused by prolonged use of VR devices is increasingly emerging. Many users of VR devices report suffering from various problems like eye pain, eyestrain, dizziness, and mental fatigue. Therefore, in recent years, researchers have paid considerable attention to the impact of VR technology on human health.At the Institute of Measurement, SAV, we have designed and developed a system for interfacing VR with a brain-computer interface (BCI), the so-called BCI-HMD concept, where the VR environment is implementing using HMDs. In the present study, Evaluation, and Detection of Mental Fatigue in BCI-HMD, we focus on detecting and evaluating mental fatigue in healthy subjects during prolonged use of a BCI-HMD environment.The aim is to analyze and determine electroencephalographic (EEG) biomarkers of mental fatigue occurring during the execution of repetitive mental imagery of hand movements in a virtual environment, called motor imagery, MI. We will focus on the quantitative evaluation of EEG data during the resting state with eyes open and eyes closed before and after long-term use of the BCI-VR system. The project includes a rigorous preprocessing and analysis of EEG data in MATLAB and Python programming environments, leading to the development of a software platform for further studies on detecting and monitoring mental fatigue.
SQUID magnetometry of nano- and microparticles, nanocolloids and nanostructures in new applications in the field of biomedicine and materials research associated with the development of new measurement methods and procedures
SQUID magnetometria nano-a mikročastíc, nanokoloidov a nanoštruktúr v nových aplikáciach v oblasti biomedicíny a materiálového výskumu spojených s rozvojom nových meracích metód a postupov
Program: VEGA
Project ID: VEGA 2/0141/21
Duration: 1.1.2021 – 31.12.2024
Project leader: Ing. Maňka Ján, CSc.
Annotation: The theme of the project is the development of magnetic measurement methods and methodologies forbiomedicine and materials research. Its aim is to contribute to a better understanding of the following: impact of stress on iron metabolism at the systemic and cellular levels; magnetic properties of metal proteins such as transferrin, haemoglobin, and ferritin; thermal and photoluminescent properties of aluminous glasses doped with rare earth elements and transition elements; magnetic properties of high-entropy alloys, and colloids of the high-entropy alloys nanoparticles in ionic liquids – actors with a high application impact on the development of new measurement methods, instrumentation and a new generation of ecological industrial applications. The interdisciplinary character of the project is given by the studied samples and research themes.
Role of nuclear factor NRF2-mediated signalling in iron metabolism regulation during stress
Úloha signalizácie sprostredkovanej jadrovým faktorom NRF2 v regulácii metabolizmu železa počas stresu
Program: VEGA
Project ID: VEGA 2/0157/21
Duration: 1.1.2021 – 31.12.2024
Project leader: Mgr. Škrátek Martin, PhD.
Annotation: Stress is considered to be an etiological factor associated with the development of various chronicnon-communicable diseases. Stress may also alter iron metabolism. Nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2(NRF2)-regulates several genes involved in iron metabolism. Despite the accelerating information on the roles of NRF2, less is known about the NRF2 signalling in iron metabolism in conditions of stress. Thus, the aim of this project is to investigate the role of NRF2 signalling in iron metabolism in conditions of acute and chronic stress in rats with genetic predisposition to hypertension. In addition, the effects of pharmacological activation of NRF2 signalling and the distinct roles of inducible and endothelial nitric oxide synthases in iron metabolism in stress conditions will be investigated. Project will bring the original results about NO and NRF2-mediated regulation of iron metabolism and the involvement of altered iron metabolism in the development of cardiovascular and metabolic disorders.
Investigation of biomedical effects of low frequency and pulsed electromagnetic fields
Výskum biomedicínskych účinkov nízkofrekvenčných a pulzných elektromagnetických polí
Program: VEGA
Project ID: VEGA 2/0124/22
Duration: 1.1.2022 – 31.12.2024
Project leader: Mgr. Teplan Michal, PhD.
Annotation: Although there is a persisting interest in both adverse and beneficial biological effects of electromagnetic fields(EMF), the unambiguous explanation of electromagnetic field influence on living structures is still lacking. For theimpact of low-frequency magnetic field (LF MF) experimental platform with monitoring of the cell growth curve based on impedance spectroscopy will test possible inhibition or stimulation dependent on the frequency and magnetic flux parameters. Effects of pulsed electric field (PEF) will be monitored by biological autoluminescence (BAL). Complexity measures will be utilized for ultrafast current recordings during the PEF application. For quantification of direct effects of PEF on microtubules (MT) and evaluation of kinesin molecule movement, advanced image processing methods will be developed. The relevance of this research area lies in theexploration of physical methods with possible contributions to diagnostics and therapy.
Use of multi-lead ECG measurement and modeling of the electric field of the heart in non-invasive diagnostics and therapy of ventricular arrhythmias and heart failure
Využitie mnohozvodového merania EKG a modelovania elektrického poľa srdca pri neinvazívnej diagnostike a terapii komorových arytmií a zlyhávajúceho srdca
Program: VEGA
Project ID: VEGA 2/0109/22
Duration: 1.1.2022 – 31.12.2024
Project leader: Ing. Švehlíková Jana, PhD.
Annotation: The proposed project follows the previous one, in which we addressed signal processing and the inverse problem for the first clinical data from patients with arrhythmias. In the following period, we would like to expand the number of processed measurements to standardize the most suitable procedures for the processing of the measured signals. In addition to the diagnosis of premature ventricular contraction, we plan to process and evaluate multi-lead ECG signals of patients with heart failure and contribute to the methodology of evaluation of resynchronization therapy. We will also focus on the direct evaluation of the parameters of the measured potential maps. Personalized models of patients\’ hearts will be created and pathological processes will be simulated in them for a better understanding of the processes in the activation of heart ventricles. The simulated signals will be compared with clinical measurements. Within the international cooperation, we will compare our results with other inverse methods.
CT modeling and morphological analysis of the postcranial region of extinct and current lizards and their relatedness based on new morphological data
CT modelovanie a morfologická analýza postkraniálneho regiónu vyhynutých i súčasných jašterov a ich príbuznosť založená na nových morfologických dátach
Program: VEGA
Project ID: VEGA 1/0191/21
Duration: 1.1.2021 – 31.12.2023
Project leader: RNDr. Hain Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: The cranio-cervical and brachial regions, together with the limbs, are not only really important, but all their partsform well-described modular units that can provide a model system for assessing interactiontheir individual functions, their development and phylogenetic history on the morphology of adults. Their understanding withusing a new approach that integrates detailed morphological analysis with modern computer methods(biomechanical simulations, 3D morphometry and iodine enhanced CT imaging of soft tissues, phylogeneticanalysis) is therefore crucial. Due to the different lifestyles and the extreme range of sizes and morphologiesbody, squamates provide an ideal model group for detailed integrated cranio-cervical studies,more or less complete loss or reduction of limbs and braids allow to examine the relationship between anatomy,functional morphology, phylogenetic position, lifestyle and development. The study will focus on today\’s,but also fossil lizards (eg from the Messel locality in Germany).
Malá projektová schéma na podporu popularizácie a propagácie vedy – Demonštrácia mnohozvodového merania EKG signálov na modeli ľudského trupu
Program: Other projects
Duration: 20.4.2023 – 31.12.2023
Project leader: Ing. Švehlíková Jana, PhD.
Malá projektová schéma na podporu popularizácie a propagácie vedy – Demonštrátor magnetickej susceptibility a magnetickej levitácie
Program: Other projects
Duration: 20.4.2023 – 31.12.2023
Project leader: Mgr. Škrátek Martin, PhD.
Probability distributions and their applications in modelling and testing
Rozdelenia pravdepodobnosti a ich aplikácie v modelovaní a testovaní
Program: VEGA
Project ID: VEGA 2/0096/21
Duration: 1.1.2021 – 31.12.2023
Project leader: Doc. RNDr. Witkovský Viktor, CSc.
Annotation: The project is focused on the research of complex problems related to probability distributions and their use in mathematical modeling and tests of statistical hypotheses, where it is necessary to know the distributions of test statistics. A new broad family of probability distributions will be investigated. Many commonly used distributionsare special cases of this family. New approaches to multivariate statistical problems will be developed (an error-in-variables linear model, nonparametric statistical inference about several populations, nonparametric independence tests, detection of causality). A new apparatus of mathematical statistics will be applied to mathematical models in metrology, linguistics, demography, and insurance mathematics.
ReSynCard – Personalized Optimisation of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in Heart Failure Based on Multiple Lead ECG Measurement
Personalizovaná optimalizácia resynchronizačnej liečby srdcového zlyhávania na základe mnohozvodového merania EKG
Program: SRDA
Project ID: APVV-19-0531
Duration: 1.7.2020 – 30.6.2023
Project leader: doc. Ing. Tyšler Milan, CSc.
Annotation: Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) is currently the most advanced therapeutic method for treatment of patients with failing heart. The essential criteria for patient indication for CRT are based on standard 12-lead ECG and echocardiographic measurements and include ECG pattern of left bundle branch block, prolongation of the QRS time interval, and left ventricular ejection fraction less than 35%. Despite most patients have a great benefit from the CRT, still 20-40% of patients do not profit from the therapy. On the other side, there is a considerable number of positive responders among patients not fulfilling the criteria. Therefore, there is a great effort to increase the success rate of the intervention and to find better criteria for its application. Current research shows that surface ECG maps recorded by a large number of electrodes, ECG imaging solving the inverse problem of electrocardiology and reconstructing the electrical activity of the heart, or combination of ECG imaging with computed tomography to identify structural damage of the myocardium have potential for more reliable detection of the electrical dyssynchrony and for suggesting optimal electrode placement and their timing. The main objective of the project is the research of methods for personalized optimization of the CRT therapy based on multi-lead surface ECG measurement and their verification on simulated data and data from real patients. The partial aims include: • finding such body surface potential maps parameters that could serve as suitable indicators of the electrical dyssynchrony of ventricles, • design of an inverse method for noninvasive localization of the latest activated areas in the ventricles and their use for placing the electrode in the left ventricle, • simulation of failing heart activation to understand the undergoing processes and their reflection in surface ECG signals, • development of a dedicated multi-lead ECG measuring system for personalized CRT optimization.
ETMP – Development and realisation of the standard of the static magnetic field based on a magnetic resonance
Vývoj a realizácia etalónu statického magnetického poľa na báze magnetickej rezonancie
Program: SRDA
Project ID: APVV-19-0032
Duration: 1.7.2020 – 30.6.2023
Project leader: Ing. Andris Peter, PhD.
Annotation: The main aim of the present project is the design of advanced NMR measurement methods using the most advanced range of systems (with a low magnetic field 0.05, 0.2, Tesla) for the development and implementation of standard static magnetic field on a magnetic resonance. This standard would be the basic calibration device fortesting and calibration of the equipments that measure or generate magnetic field.The use of it would be in the Slovak Republic.Orientation research on:- theoretical and experimental research methods for the measurement and mapping of static magnetic fields,- standardizing the measurement metrology protocols,- mapping the intensity of the vibrations generated by the measuring system and modeling of their layouts fordifferent measuring MRI sequences,- spectral analysis of disturbing signals, identification of dominant frequencies and evaluation of their effects on the accuracy and stability of the magnetic standard.
Project website:
Doktogrant: Two-Step Inverse Solution in Electrocardiography using a Single Dipole Model of the Cardiac Electric Generator
Doktogrant: Two-Step Inverse Solution in Electrocardiography using a Single Dipole Model of the Cardiac Electric Generator
Program: DoktoGrant
Project ID: APP0323
Duration: 1.1.2022 – 31.12.2022
Project leader: Ing. Ondrušová Beáta, PhD.
Magnetic resonance imaging methods for medical diagnostics and material research.
Zobrazovacie metódy na báze magnetickej rezonancie pre medicínsku diagnostiku a materiálový výskum.
Program: VEGA
Project ID: 2/0003/20
Duration: 1.1.2020 – 31.12.2022
Project leader: Ing. Andris Peter, PhD.
Annotation: Measurement, imaging and mapping of specific physical quantities of organic and synthetic materials and objects in the field of material and biomedical research development. Experimental and theoretical basic research on selected NMR-based imaging methods. The research will include methods for measuring and mapping the properties of specific physical quantities of organic and synthetic materials and objects. Research on the properties of weak magnetic nonliquids as part of contrast agents, thin magnetic layers. Study and selection of appropriate imaging methods with reference to biological and non-biological materials in magnetic fields 0.1, 0.2, 3.0, 4.7, 7.0 and 12.0 Tesla. Comparative imaging methods. Research on relaxation and dynamic mechanisms of action on liquid protons in magnetic resonance imaging. Methods of displaying cartilage and menisci – diagnosis of damage to connective tissues.
Project website:
DIMPP – Development of innovative methods for primary metrology torque forces by force effects of the conventional standards
Vývoj inovatívnych metód pre primárnu metrológiu momentu sily aplikáciou silových účinkov konvenčnej etalonáže
Program: SRDA
Project ID: APVV-18-0066
Duration: 1.7.2019 – 30.6.2022
Project leader: Doc. RNDr. Witkovský Viktor, CSc.
Annotation: Torque is one of the main indicators for testing, respectively. testing a wide range of rotating machines and equipment. Measurements in the area over the last decades show a growing trend in terms of both quantity and quality requirements. This factor is also contributing to the growth of the automotive industry in Slovakia. Measuring momentum is inherently related to metrological continuity and the development of both industrial and secondary metrology. At present, however, the SR does not have a laboratory which, with its technical equipment and metrological quality, represents the highest level of primary metrology. The momentary force calibration laboratories in the SR are forced to look for sources of metrological continuity abroad. The aim of the project is therefore to lay the foundations of primary momentum metrology.
Analysis of multivariate time series and its application to research of functional connectivity in the brain
Analýza viacrozmerných časových radov a jej aplikácie na výskum funkčných prepojení v mozgu
Program: VEGA
Project ID: VEGA 2/0081/19
Duration: 1.1.2019 – 31.12.2021
Project leader: RNDr. Krakovská Anna, CSc.
Annotation: The project is focused on the analysis of complex experimental time series. Applications will mainly concern the multi-channel electroencephalographic (EEG) signals measured from the human brain. We will be interested in functional connectivity between brain regions. The time series will not be examined in isolation, but as one of the manifestations of a complex system or subsystem. The analysis of simultaneously measured signals should help trace areas in the brain that are relatively independent or synchronized or causally affected by each other. Our focus will be on brain functional state changes during experiments focused on monitoring selected cognitive processes. We will also deal with the hypothesis of self-organized, scale-free, fractal processes in brain functioning. In terms of methodology, we would like to contribute to the development of multivariate causal methods, algorithms for multidimensional statistical analysis, and machine learning methods for the processing and analysis of EEG signals.
Measurement and modeling of the cardiac electrical field for noninvasive identification and interpretation of structural changes of the ventricular myocardium leading to ventricular arrhythmias
Meranie a modelovanie elektrického poľa srdca na neinvazívnu identifikáciu a interpretáciu štrukturálnych zmien komorového myokardu vedúcich k ventrikulárnym arytmiám
Program: VEGA
Project ID: 2/0125/19
Duration: 1.1.2019 – 31.12.2021
Project leader: Ing. Švehlíková Jana, PhD.
Annotation: The project is focused on the research of the measuring methods and processing of the electrical manifestation of the heart activity with the aim to diagnose myocardial structural changes or origins of the ventricular arrhythmias noninvasively. The main goal is a robust inverse solution for noninvasive localization and characterization of the origin of premature ventricular complexes and obtaining relevant medical information for radiofrequency ablation therapy. One part of the solution will be the methods for pathological heart activation modeling and computation of the potentials on the individual torso surface. The selection of an electrical generator model, heart activation process, and electrical parameters of the anisotropic torso allow optimization of the forward and inverse solution. To achieve the goals, advanced methods for ECG signals variability analysis as well as parallel computational methods will be proposed. A concept of ECG measuring system with a wireless data transfer will be developed.
Origin of amniotes: identification of key structures of the most-basal amniotes using computed microtomography
Pôvod amniótov: identifikácia kľúčových štruktúr najbazálnejších amniótov využitím počítačovej mikrotomografie
Program: VEGA
Project ID: 1/0228/19
Duration: 1.1.2019 – 31.12.2021
Project leader: RNDr. Hain Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: Our knowledge of the skeletal structures, on the basis of which it is possible to identify the most-basal amniotes,will be focused on the study: 1) of stem amniotes having an amphibian reproductive strategy, and 2) of the basalamniotes with the terrestrial reproductive strategy. Besides this, the investigation will be focused on theParmo-Carboniferous group Diadectomorpha, the members of which play a key role as for the origin of amniotes.The first aim of the project is the knowledge of morphological transformations of the neurocranial structuresduring the evolutionary transition of tetrapods with amphibian reproductive strategy (Anamnia, the reproductiondepending on external water) to tetrapods with reproduction not more depending on external water (Amniota, theyleg the amniotic eggs on the land).The second aim is to evaluate all gained morphological data in the phylogenetic analysis to resolve therelationships of the investigated taxa at the transition stem amniotes – basal crown amniotes.
Development of experimental platform and analytical tools for measurement of low frequency electromagnetic field effects on biological systems
Vývoj experimentálnej platformy a nástrojov analýzy na meranie účinkov nízkofrekvenčných elektromagnetických polí na biologické systémy
Program: VEGA
Project ID: 2/0157/19
Duration: 1.1.2019 – 31.12.2021
Project leader: Mgr. Teplan Michal, PhD.
Annotation: The aim of the project is to develop measurement methods and analysis tools for identification of the effects of weak low frequency (LF) electromagnetic (EM) fields on selected biological systems. The main objective is the development of an automated experimental platform comprising multiple measurement stations, allowing monitoring and subsequent characterization of cell cultures. Main detection approaches include methods of impedance spectroscopy, turbidimetry, and optical microscopy. A complex hardware-software system will allow efficient scanning of frequencies and amplitudes of EM fields in order to identify parameters that lead to a specific response in the examined biosystems. Morphology and cell kinetics will be investigated by computer image analysis obtained from video-microscopy. The results will be analyzed for their possible applications in emergent problems of contemporary society.
ECoReMiR – Enhancing cognition and motor rehabilitation using mixed reality
Vylepšovanie kognície a motorickej rehabilitácie s využitím zmiešanej reality
Program: SRDA
Project ID: APVV-16-0202
Duration: 1.7.2017 – 30.6.2021
Project leader: Ing. Mgr. Rosipal Roman, DrSc.
Annotation: Technological advancements based on mixed reality (MR) offer various challenges for research and medicaltreatment. The project focuses on two objectives related to healthy subjects and hemiparetic patients after stroke. First, we will test the hypothesis whether cognitive training using appropriately designed MR environment will enhance perceptual and cognitive performance in healthy subjects. This will be tested by computerized psychological experiments as well as by measuring event-related potentials or ERPs. Second, we will test the hypothesis whether experience with training in MR (in combination with motor-imagery based brain-computer interface developed by us) will enhance oscillatory sensory-motor rhythms. This will be tested by measuring subject’s EEG activity before and after each training session, clinical testing, as well as by the questionnaires aiming to learn about human factors including mental fatigue, motivation, irritation or sleepiness due to training. In both objectives, we will design and implement a set of testing procedures, carry out a battery of dedicatedexperiments, and critically evaluate the results with the goal to validate MR designs.
RIDD – Research of magnetic forms of iron in development of cardiovascular diseases and behavioural disorders
Výskum magnetických foriem železa v rozvoji kardiovaskulárnych chorôb a porúch správania
Program: SRDA
Project ID: APVV-16-0263
Duration: 1.7.2017 – 30.6.2021
Project leader: Ing. Maňka Ján, CSc.
Annotation: This project proposal is focused on the investigation of the role of iron in development of cardiovascular and behavioural disorders, prevalence of which is increasing during aging. The aim of this project is to investigate the impact of aging on the metabolism of biogenic iron and its magnetic properties in association with metabolic and functional alterations in the cardiovascular system and brain in rats with various genetic predispositions to hypertension. We will determine the molecular biological changes on the level of gene expression, their encoded proteins and the activities of the enzymes involved in the endogenous antioxidant protection, the regulation of nitric oxide production and cell death due to ferroptosis in course of aging. We will also investigate the impact of exogenously administered iron in the form of the biocompatible ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (USPIONs) on blood pressure regulation and function of the heart and blood vessels in conditions of normotension, chronically increased blood pressure and acute stress (i.e. acutely elevated blood pressure). Results achieved in this project will contribute to better understanding of the effects of the altered iron metabolism, magnetic forms of bodily iron, as well as iron in the form of USPIONs, on the cardiovascular and central nervous systems and to prevention of cardiovascular risk resulting from the use of USPIONs in targeted drug delivery or as the contrast materials for new imaging methods in medicine.
Project website:
Morfology of fossil lizards using micro-computed tomography, their phylogeny, paleobiogeography – migrations and faunal changes during the climatic changes of Cenozoic
Morfológia fosílnych jašterov s použitím zobrazovacích techník počítačovej mikrotomografie, ich fylogenetické vzťahy, paleobiogeografia – migrácie a zmeny spoločenstiev odrážajuce postupné klimatické zmeny kenozoika
Program: VEGA
Project ID: 1/0209/18
Duration: 1.1.2018 – 31.12.2020
Project leader: RNDr. Hain Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: Project deals with new, in most cases complete finds of lizards from the Cenozoic, which is a period characterized by marked global climate changes. The aim is the anatomical research of fossil and modern animals using micro-CT.
New statistical methods for special families of probability distributions and their applications
Nové štatistické metódy pre špeciálne triedy rozdelení pravdepodobnosti a ich aplikácie
Program: VEGA
Project ID: 2/0054/18
Duration: 1.1.2018 – 31.12.2020
Project leader: Doc. RNDr. Witkovský Viktor, CSc.
Annotation: The project analyzes special classes of probability distributions. New statistical methods for distributions from these classes are suggested and theoretically characterized, namely, parameter estimations, goodness of fit tests, and parametric and non-parametric statistical inference. This statistical apparatus is then applied to specific problems in metrology, insurance and financial mathematics, linguistics and demography. As a part of the project, computational methods and algorithms are constructed for these statistical procedures.
METSTAT – Advanced statistical and computational methods for measurement and metrology
Pokročilé štatistické a výpočtové metódy pre meranie a metrológiu
Program: SRDA
Project ID: APVV-15-0295
Duration: 1.7.2016 – 31.12.2020
Project leader: Doc. RNDr. Witkovský Viktor, CSc.
Annotation: The aim of the project is to develop mathematical and statistical methods and algorithms for evaluation of the measurement results with emphasis on the development of models and methods for multivariate calibration of measuring devices and methods and algorithms for determining the uncertainties in measurement by deriving the exact resp. approximate probability distributions of the measurement results. Research will focus primarily onthe following areas: • Theoretical research on mathematical and statistical models and methods for multivariate calibration;• Development of calibration theory of the sensors and transducers, uncertainty determination in calibration ofsensor under the normally distributed measurement errors as well as under the alternative probability distributions of measurement errors, development of procedures for calibration and measurement evaluation useful in laboratory work, evaluation of sensor calibration in the thermal and mechanical quantities withcontinuous scale (pressure transmitter, thermocouple temperature sensors , resistance thermometers, etc.), and determination of the calibration values of the physico-chemical parameters by using the certified reference materials; • Development of methods and algorithms to determine the exact resp. approximate probability distribution of measurement results by combining and inverting the characteristic functions of the probability distributions of theinput variables and characterizing uncertainty in metrology.The application of the mathematical, statistical, and computational methods for the measurement science and metrology is high on the agenda, with a significant impact on the international scientific as well as industrial cooperation and economic growth in developed countries. It is in good agreement with the intentions of the strategy for research and development, approved by the Slovak government (SK RIS3).
Effect of ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles on the cardiovascular system of rats with high blood pressure
Vplyv ultra malých superparamagnetických nanočastíc železa na kardiovaskulárny systém potkana v podmienkach vysokého krvného tlaku
Program: VEGA
Project ID: 2/0160/17
Duration: 1.1.2017 – 31.12.2020
Project leader: Ing. Maňka Ján, CSc.
Annotation: This project will investigate the effect of ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (USPIONs) on function and structure of the arterial wall and the heart in rats with high blood pressure. We will investigate if acute stress and chronic high blood pressure can facilitate the USPIONs uptake in the arterial wall and heart, to modify cardiovascular function, including blood pressure regulation and to induce metabolic disorders, oxidative damage and alterations of the Fe2+/Fe3+ ratio in the heart and vasculature. We will investigate if L-type of voltage-dependent calcium channels is involved in iron uptake after USPIONs treatment. Results achieved in this project will contribute to better understanding of USPIONs effects on the cardiovascular system in conditions of acute stress and high blood pressure as well as on prevention of cardiovascular risk resulting from the use of USPIONs in targeted drug delivery.
Research on possibilities and development of SQUID magnetometry for selected applications in biomedicine and material research
Výskum možností a rozvoj SQUID magnetometrie pre vybrané aplikácie v biomedicíne a materiálovom výskume
Program: VEGA
Project ID: 2/0164/17
Duration: 1.1.2017 – 31.12.2020
Project leader: Ing. Maňka Ján, CSc.
Annotation: Project has an interdisciplinary character.The aim is to show the possibilities of use of the SQUID magnetometry in study of the actual processes in medicine, biology and material research: -in analysis of the properties and magnetic characterization of the nanoparticles and nanoliquids, especially ultra-small superparamagnetic nanoparticles based on iron oxides (USPIONs) -in investigation of the influence of the USPIONs on the function and structure of the blood vessels and heart, on development of the oxidative damage and in study of processes of the USPIONs transport through cell membranes, blood vessels and organs of rats with normal and high blood pressure -in development of the procedures and methods of quantification of the magnetic substances content in the human and animal cell cultures and organs – in study and development of the aluminate glasses with photoluminescence properties – in development of new 2D materials, MXenes, exfoliated transition metal carbides and carbonitrides
Measuring and imaging methods based on magnetic resonance for material and biomedical research
Meracie a zobrazovacie metódy na báze magnetickej rezonancie pre materiálový a biomedicínsky výskum
Program: VEGA
Project ID: 2/0001/17
Duration: 1.1.2017 – 31.12.2019
Project leader: Ing. Andris Peter, PhD.
Annotation: Measurement, imaging and mapping of specific physical quantities, organic and synthetic materials and objects in the field of development of material a biomedical research. Basic research of selected imaging method based on NMR. The object of the research will be methods of measurement and mapping of specific properties of physical quantities and chemical composition of organic and synthetic materials and objects. Research of soft-magentic nanoliquids properties as a part of contrast materials, thin magnetic layer. Study and selection of appropriate imaging method with orientation on biological and non-biological materials at magnetic fields 0.1 T, 0.2 T, 3.0 T, 4.7 and 7.0 Tesla.Comparative imaging methods, detection of the iron in organism, magnetic properties of iron complexes.Research of relaxation mechanism of influencing of biogenic iron complexes on the water proton using magnetic resonance imaging. Relaxation model as a basis for quantitatively imaging of biological iron complexes.
FYZKUL – Physical non-destructive methods for complex testing and analysis of cultural heritage artefacts.
Fyzikálne nedeštruktívne metódy pre komplexné testovanie a analýzu artefaktov kultúrneho dedičstva.
Program: SRDA
Project ID: APVV-14-0719
Duration: 1.7.2015 – 30.6.2019
Project leader: RNDr. Hain Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: The project deals with the use of the state of the art non-destructive physical methods and devices for analyzing and testing of objects of tangible cultural heritage. Among the comprehensive research methods the X-ray microtomography, X-ray microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry, ultraviolet fluorescence, infrared reflectography, FTIR spectroscopy, UV, VIS, NIR spectroscopy and active infrared thermography will be used. The project aims to achieve a synergistic effect when information about the artefact derived from different physical measurement methods and subsequently processed and evaluated together will provide qualitatively new comprehensive information on the historical artefact under study.
KompMag – Research of comparative imaging methods based on magnetic resonance for diagnostics of neurological and musculoskeletal diseases
Výskum komparatívnych zobrazovacích metód na báze magnetickej rezonancie na diagnostiku neurologických a muskuloskeletálnych ochorení
Program: SRDA
Project ID: APVV-15-0029
Duration: 1.7.2016 – 30.6.2019
Project leader: Prof. Ing. Frollo Ivan, DrSc.
Annotation: Intense development of the imaging methods based on magnetic resonance using up-to-date technicalequipment – NMR tomographs gives extraordinary chance to the basic research aspects of this scientificorientation.Modern MR open scanners with ability to develop own sequences allow for wide basic research of imaging,measurement and mapping of the specific physical quantities and object for improvement of biomedical andmaterial research with clinical applications.The main goal of this project proposal will be the design of progressive comparative MRI imaging methods usingthe whole range of MRI scanners (0.1, 0.2, 4.7 to 7 Tesla) with special focus on:- theoretical and experimental investigation of scanning approaches measurement and mapping of specificphysical quantities of the organic and synthetic materials,- in-vivo an in-vitro imaging of ferritin at different MR scanners, sequence development, data processing andinvestigation of the ferritin influence on MR image. Imaging of the tissues (brain, liver) and protocolstandardization for imaging of ferritin in the clinical practice,- methods of cartilage and meniscus imaging – the early diagnostics of connective tissue depletion, relaxationtimes mapping for collagen structure assessment,- monitoring of particle deposition as drug carriers to target tissues in the form of superparamagnetic material.The investigation of the possible targeting using gradient magnetic fields,- investigation of artefacts with various sequences, testing of the spectral properties of vibrations and noisegenerated by gradients activity; development, application and testing algorithms for their effect compensation.Additionally, the add on value will be the non-invasive nature of all methods which will be beneficial for earlydiagnostics of pathological processes in medical research and also in clinical practice.
Project website:
Analysis of causal relationships in complex systems with an emphasis on biomedical applications
Analýza kauzálnych vzťahov v zložitých systémoch s dôrazom na biomedicínske aplikácie
Program: VEGA
Project ID: VEGA 2/0011/16
Duration: 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2018
Project leader: RNDr. Krakovská Anna, CSc.
Annotation: The project is focused on the analysis of causal relationships in complex systems, with particular applications in the field of biomedicine. Its main task is to verify the practical applicability of recently proposed methods, and to propose new algorithms to detect the presence and direction of the causal links (in the sense of Granger\’sdefinition). Existing, often fundamentally different approaches to detect causality will be analysed, tested on computer-generated systems and modified. The resulting methodology will be used for the analysis of real systems. The main application area is functional brain connectivity, detected in different contexts from EEG signals and their inverse cortical mapping. Applications will also concern other types of physiological signals and experimental time series.
Measurement of biological response to weak low-frequency electromagnetic fields
Meranie biologickej odozvy slabých nízkofrekvenčných elektromagnetických polí
Program: VEGA
Project ID: 2/0138/16
Duration: 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2018
Project leader: Mgr. Teplan Michal, PhD.
Annotation: Research topic is based on the perspective of electromagnetic (EM) principles of living system operation. Theoverall objective of the research is to expand knowledge of the impact of weak external low frequency EM fieldson functioning of selected biological objects. The main aim of the research is to design a new experimentalapproach enabling efficient scanning through EM fields parameters, while searching for specific resonanceresponse of investigated biosystem. Methods based on the impedance spectroscopy will be developed in order todetermine the response in a form of shifted growth rate of cell cultures in an aqueous medium. The morphologyand kinetics of the cells will be studied by image analysis obtained from a video-microscopy. The results will beanalyzed for their possible applications in emergent problems of contemporary society.
Modeling of cardiac electrical field for the study of manifestation of funtional and structural changes in myocardium in measured ECG signals
Modelovanie elektrického poľa srdca na výskum prejavov funkčných a štrukturálnych zmien myokardu v meraných EKG signáloch
Program: VEGA
Project ID: 2/0071/16
Duration: 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2018
Project leader: Ing. Švehlíková Jana, PhD.
Annotation: The aim of the project is to gain new knowledge about the relation between the electrical activation of the ventricular myocardium and the surface electrocardiogram that can be obtained by a multichannel measurement. The results will be a part of the evidence being prepared by the International Working Group on ECG Diagnostics of the Left Ventricular Hypertrophy for principal change of the diagnostic paradigm.The model of heart ventricles created in previous VEGA projects will be extended and possibilities to change the velocity of propagation of the activation wavefront and the model geometry, and anisotropic properties of the activation wavefront propagation will be added.The model will be implemented in software with graphical user interface. Besides its usage in the research of the impact of changes in the myocardium on the measured ECG signals, it will be available also as a didactic tool. The model will be used also in inverse problem solution using dipole generators or probabilistic models.
LoRyCard – Noninvasive localization of ectopic arrhythmias of heart ventricles using ECG mapping and its use for causal therapy
Neinvazívna lokalizácia ektopických arytmií srdcových komôr pomocou EKG mapovania a jej využitie pre účely kauzálnej liečby
Program: SRDA
Project ID: APVV-14-0875
Duration: 1.7.2015 – 30.6.2018
Project leader: doc. Ing. Tyšler Milan, CSc.
Annotation: Ventricular arrhythmias caused by conduction disturbances or structural changes in the myocardium are one of the causes that can lead to decreased pumping function and symptoms of failing heart. If the pharmacological treatment does not lead to desired effect, currently the second option is a therapeutic intervention based on application of an stimulating electrode or catheter ablation of the arrhythmogenic substrate. In both cases exact localization of the site of abnormal activation is necessary. In classic therapeutic practice, this place is searched during the intervention using an intracardial catheter under fluoroscopic control or by endocardial electroanatomic mapping.With increasing accessibility of tomographic examinations, currently also techniques how to determine the site of intervention noninvasively before the treatment are searched. Methods of so called electrocardiographic imaging seem promising that combine data from surface ECG measurement with tomographic data and use a mathematical model to reconstruct the myocardium activation sequence. General solution of this problem currently does not exist but successful localizations in specific pathological cases were published.The main objective of the submitted project is design, optimization and verification of a measuring method for noninvasive localization of one or two small areas with abnormal ventricular activation. The method is based on multichannel measurement of surface ECG and an individual 3D model of the patient chest obtained from tomographic imaging. In contrast to other published methods, the calculation of the site of the pathological substrate is based on a mathematical model of the electrical field generated by one or two local sources in the heart. The proposed method seems enough accurate and robust for the given goal. Noninvasive localization of the of the target area enables better intervention planning, shortening of the intervention time and decrease of the patient load.
Discrete and continuous probabilistic models and their applications
Diskrétne a spojité pravdepodobnostné modely a ich aplikácie
Program: VEGA
Project ID: VEGA 2/0047/15
Duration: 1.1.2015 – 31.12.2017
Project leader: Doc. RNDr. Witkovský Viktor, CSc.
Annotation: The project examines properties of discrete and continuous distributions, focusing on the following three objectives:(i) theoretical analysis of properties of discrete and continuous distributions; investigation of links between the probability distributions; creation of distribution families; development of new algorithms for random number generators for non-standard discrete and continuous distributions;(ii) development of a pilot version of R toolbox for statistical goodness-of-fit testing for selected discrete and continuous distributions; creating a pilot version of the "Internet Encyclopedia" of discrete and continuous distributions;(iii) applications of discrete and continuous distributions to mathematical modeling in metrology, linguistics, insurance and demographics.
Transparent polycrystalline ceramic materials with submicron microstructure and luminescent properties
Transparentné polykryštalické keramické materiály so submikrónovou mikroštruktúrou a luminiscenčnými vlastnosťami
Program: VEGA
Project ID: 2/0026/17
Duration: 1.1.2017 – 31.12.2017
Project leader: Ing. Majerová Melinda, PhD.
Annotation: Transparent polycrystalline ceramic materials with luminescent properties represent a substitute for single crystals for solid lasey and scintillators due to better mechanical properties and lower price. To achieve transparency in the visible area, it is necessary to prepare a polycrystalline material with completely eliminated porosity. In order to achieve good mechanical properties, especially strength and hardness, which also lead to increased resistance to thermal shocks, it is necessary to prepare materials with fine-grained, ideally submicron microstructure. This is in contrast to the requirement to remove pores requiring the use of high temperatures and long sintering times. The project is focused on the study of fundamental aspects of sintering of materials with cubic crystal lattice, especially yttrium aluminum garnet doped with optically activeadditives and the optimization of its preparation parameters in order to prepare transparent materials with luminescent properties and exceptional mechanical properties.
Supporting of a top laboratory aimed at NMR research
Zabezpečenie prevádzky prístrojového vybavenia pracoviska Národného Centra NMR.
Project ID: 2003SP200280203
Duration: 1.9.2013 – 31.12.2017
Project leader: Prof. Ing. Frollo Ivan, DrSc.
Annotation: Project of the National centre NMR (NC NMR) No. 2003SP200280203 2nd phase. Supporting of a top laboratory aimed at NMR research.The main task, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Slovak Republic, is to maintain the full functionality of NC NMR, ensure further human resource development and increase the operability level of NC NMR so that the quality of built instrument and knowledge infrastructure and its functionality reach the European level. A permanent duty of NC NMR is also to ensure the education of students at all levels of higher education in the field of NMR and its applications, as well as education, enlightenment and promotion of achieved results and the possibility of using NMR methodologies for the wider professional and general public.
Project website:
BCI-RAS – Brain- computer interface with robot- assisted training for rehabilitation
Rozhranie mozog- počítač s adaptívnym robotickým ramenom na rehabilitáciu
Program: SRDA
Project ID: APVV-0668-12
Duration: 1.10.2013 – 30.9.2017
Project leader: Ing. Mgr. Rosipal Roman, DrSc.
Annotation: We will apply advanced tools and methods of applied informatics to design and develop an intelligent system that will allow users to undergo the process of self-training of damaged motorways. We combine the brain-computer interface (BCI) technology with the robotic arm system into a compact system that can be used as a robot-assisted neurorehabilitation tool. BCI directly uses the brain\’s electrical activity signal to allow the user to control the environment without any muscle activity. However, in order to use BCI for neurorehabilitation, several critical aspects need to be addressed, ranging from signal acquisition and selecting the appropriate BCI paradigm to evaluating subjects\’ affective status, cognitive burden, and system acceptability by subjects. In the project we will pay attention to these aspects through new signal processing and machine learning algorithms, training protocols and intelligent methods for detecting and monitoring changes in the subject\’s physiological state that were recently developed by project research team members. We will use and test new BCI training protocols, including neural feedback training based on multidirectional EEG data analysis. Finally, we will test the system in clinical practice on selected patients with impaired motor pathways as a result of stroke as well as on healthy subjects.
Project website:
Mechanism of uptake and trafficking of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles into human tumor and normal (diploid) cells
Mechanizmus transportu magnetických nanočastíc oxidu železa do ľudských nádorových a normálnych (diploidných) buniek
Program: VEGA
Project ID: VEGA 2/0143/13
Duration: 1.1.2013 – 31.12.2016
Project leader: Ing. Maňka Ján, CSc.
Annotation: Magnetite nanoparticles are biocompatible and physiologically well tolerated therefore they are promising nanovectors for targeted delivery. Moreover, the superparamagnetic properties of MNPs are eligible for delivery of the drug-loaded MNPs in the target site via an external magnetic field. Delivery of drug into the cytosol of cellsis essential for targeted therapy. A critical barrier in this process is the cytoplasmatic membrane. The nutrient uptake and intracellular communication is selectively regulated via specific pathways of endocytosis. The sameroutes of entry into cells utilize also MNPs. The process of endocytosis affects the physic-chemical properties of MNPs (particle size, coating, particle charge) and the origin of cells (endothelial cells, fibroblasts). The study ofmechanism(s) of MNPs uptake into cells and factors which influence this process is crucial for development adequate nanocarriers for targeted delivery. The use of various molecular, genetic, biological and analytical techniques.
New acoustical horns in sonochemistry
Nové akustické žiariče v sonochémii
Program: VEGA
Project ID: 2/0092/14
Duration: 1.1.2014 – 31.12.2016
Project leader: Mgr. Hornišová Klára, PhD.
Annotation: Calculations and constructions of new ultrasonic horn with high vibration amplitude, suitable to obtain uniquesonochemical conditions in a large cavitation volume. Sonochemical synthesis of oxide species such asalpha-Al2O3, TiO2, from their water-soluble precursors.
Development of SQUID Gradiometric and Susceptometric Methods for Iron Homeostasis Related
Rozvoj SQUID gradiometrických a susceptometrických metód pre bioaplikácie spojené s homeostázou železa
Program: VEGA
Project ID: VEGA 2/0152/13
Duration: 1.1.2013 – 31.12.2016
Project leader: Ing. Maňka Ján, CSc.
Annotation: Design and optimalization of SQUID gradiometric and susceptometric measuring methods and devices for detection and localization of the cancer tissue and for study of processes related to a disturbed iron regulation in cardiovascular and tumour diseases.Gaining a new knowledge of iron homeostasis processes and biomineralization in ferritin cores in above given diseases.Design of a tumour diagnostics method using SQUID gradiometric systems based on measurements of themagnetic moment and susceptibility of the measured samples and models of organs. Determination of the limit sensitivity of the measuring system and definition of factors affecting the diagnostic interpretation.Gaining a new knowledge of interactions of magnetic nanoparticles with biological solutions and of their behaviour after uptake into cells.
Effects of sleep disturbances on day-time neurocognitive performance in patients with stroke
Zmeny architektúry spánku u pacientov s ložiskovou ischémiou mozgu a ich vplyv na kognitívne funkcie
Program: Other projects
Project ID: MZ 2012/56-SAV-6
Duration: 2.7.2013 – 31.12.2016
Project leader: Ing. Mgr. Rosipal Roman, DrSc.
Annotation: Lack of sleep, whether due to illness or lifestyle, acute or chronic, is a significant risk factor for cognitive performance during the day, excessive sleepiness, attention deficit disorder or impaired motor skills. Sleep deprivation is closely related to the fragmentation of sleep. Although limited studies of partial sleep deprivation and sleep fragmentation have revealed important indications leading to cognitive disorders, the challenge remains of the typical good quality architecture of sleep. To enrich the results, we want to explore and evaluate a new continuous probabilistic sleep model. In tests on healthy people, we have shown that the model contains significantly more objective information about external sleep quality measures than traditional sleep status assessments. Patients with specific brain lesions will be examined. Patients with brain lesions are known to be prone to sleep disorders, which often lead to disturbances in daily performance and attention. We assume that the project will bring not only new academic results, but also important clinical knowledge.
Imaging and mapping of organic and synthetic materials and objects using magnetic resonance imaging methods
Zobrazovanie a mapovanie organických a syntetických materiálov a objektov metódami magnetickej rezonancie.
Program: VEGA
Project ID: VEGA 2/0013/14
Duration: 1.1.2014 – 31.12.2016
Project leader: Prof. Ing. Frollo Ivan, DrSc.
Annotation: The basic research of selected imaging techniques based on NMR – imaging, measurement and mappingspecific physical quantities of organic and synthetic materials and objects:1. Theoretical and experimental study of measurement and mapping techniques of specific physical qualities of organic and synthetic materials and objects.2. Detection of iron homeostasis in organism, magnetic qualities of ferric complexes.3. Monitoring process of ripening the cartilage of human limbs in the period following the transplantation of cartilage. Algorithms for processing the relaxation times in Achilles tendon.4. Imaging the phosphocreatine re-synthesis after burden, using the MRI and MRSI.5. Study of spectral features of vibrations in MR scanner, development of algorithm for suppression.6. Theoretical models of movement dynamics of spherical drops of aerosol made of magnetic nanoparticles of lungs alveoli.
Project website:
FerroQuant – Development of a diagnostic tool for quantitative MRI imaging of biogenic iron in clinical practice
Vývoj diagnostického nástroja pre kvantitatívne MRI zobrazovanie biogénneho železa v klinickej praxi
Program: SRDA
Project ID: APVV-0431-12
Duration: 1.10.2013 – 30.9.2016
Project leader: RNDr. Štrbák Oliver, PhD.
Annotation: Recently biogenic nanoparticles of magnetite have been discovered in human brain tissue. Shortly thereafter, the increased concentration of these particles was related to neurodegenerative processes in the brain. The precursor of these particles is ferritin as a result of disturbed iron homeostasis. Increased concentration of ferritin in the tissue may also lead to so-called iron-overloaded complications such as diabetes, cirrhosis and heart disease. In order to set up appropriate therapy, it is inevitable to have a diagnostic tool capable of recognizing the early stages of these pathological processes. We do not currently see such a diagnostic tool anywhere in the world in clinical practice. Since iron atoms, present both in ferritin and magnetite, strongly affect the MRI signal at low concentrations, this diagnostic method is an ideal candidate for diagnosing diseases associated with biogenic iron. Our goal is therefore to create a methodology and software tool for non-invasive quantification of biogenic iron from MRI data. Such a diagnostic tool will find application in the clinical diagnosis of early stages of diseases associated with impaired iron homeostasis.The aim of the project is to develop a comprehensive diagnostic tool (methodology and software package) for non-invasive and quantitative iron imaging using MRI methods. This diagnostic tool will be used by radiologists in clinical practice to provide early diagnosis of diseases that are associated with impaired iron homeostasis and are otherwise difficult or inaccurate to diagnose. These include neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer\’s, Parkinson\’s and Huntington\’s disease, but also liver cirrhosis.
Nanosenzor – Biodecorated composite magnetic nanoparticles: Preparation, collective properties and aplications
Biodekorované kompozitné magnetické nanočastice: Príprava, kolektívne vlastnosti a ich aplikácie
Program: SRDA
Project ID: APVV-0125-11
Duration: 1.7.2012 – 31.12.2015
Project leader: RNDr. Cigáň Alexander, CSc.
Annotation: The projectis focused on the preparation of composite nanoparticles with different size, shape and morphology (spherical, corelshell) by miniemulsion polymerization of unsaturated monomers and the reduction of metal saltslcomplexes at higher temperatures The particle surface will be modified with functional bioligands which leads to the formation of water-soluble bioconjugates The project output will be also in development of nanosizeable biosensors with ordered composition the study of immobilizer mechanism of biomolecules to the composite and polymer matrix and biodecorated nanoparticles
FESMEPRIN – Physical and electrochemical behavior of mechanochemically prepared nanooxides
Fyzikálne a elektrochemické správanie mechanochemicky pripravených nanooxidov
Program: SRDA
Project ID: APVV-0528-11
Duration: 1.7.2012 – 31.12.2015
Project leader: Doc. Mgr. Billik Peter, PhD.
Annotation: Mechanochemical methods will be used to prepare the far-from-equilibrium novel nanooxides, namely, stannates, titanates, germanates, silicates, and ferrites The studies of the early stages of the mechanically induced nucleation and growth of a new nonequilibrium product phase will provide access to the elucidation of the microscopic mechanism of the nonconventional mechanochemical preparation route It will be also of major importance to clarify the fundamental origin of the formation of the core-shell configuration in mechanosynthesized oxide nanoparticles Experimental studies of physical responses as well as a detailed insight into the short-range structure of the Sn-, Ti-, Ge-, Si-, and Fe-based nanomaterials will enable us to give a clear-cut explanation of the phenomena underlying their anomalous physical behaviour Additionally, the as-prepared nanooxides will be tested as anode materials for lithium-ion rechargeable batteries with the aim to establish the interplay between the local structure and the electrochemical performance of such interfacelsurface-controlled materials
Methods and systems for measurement, dispalying and evaluation of the cardiac electrical field at hypertension and hypertrophy
Metódy a systémy na meranie, zobrazovanie a hodnotenie elektrického poľa srdca pri hypertenzii a hypertrofii
Program: VEGA
Project ID: 2/0131/13
Duration: 1.1.2013 – 31.12.2015
Project leader: doc. Ing. Tyšler Milan, CSc.
Annotation: The aim of the project is research of methods for measurement and evaluation of the electrical field during heart remodeling at hypertension and hypertrophy by using multichannel measurement of potentials on the torso and modeling of difuse and localized changes of the electrical and structural characteristics of the myocardium. Methods based on models of cardiac electrical generators, inverse solutions and discriminant analysis that enable to distinguish difuse changes at hypertension from local changes caused by oclusion of coronary arteries will be proposed. Concept of a multichannel measuring system using active sensors, new communication technologies and parallel data processing that will be able to analyse and display diagnostically important information on the heart function in real time, will be proposed. The model-based approach will enable to evaluate how hypertension and hypertrophy contributes to the changed ECG pattern and heart function and to obtain suitable classificators for their assessment.
New advanced methods of measurement and non-destructive testing of materials: X-ray microtomography and active infrared thermography.
Nové pokročilé metódy merania a nedeštruktívneho testovania materiálov – röntgenová mikrotomografia a aktívna infračervená termografia.
Program: VEGA
Project ID: VEGA 2/0126/13
Duration: 1.1.2013 – 31.12.2015
Project leader: RNDr. Hain Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: The project aims to the proposal of new methodologies of measurement and non-destructive testing, theoretical analysis and experimental verification of the measurement by X-ray microtomography and active infrared thermography. Priority will be given to the solution of specific challenges resulting from the use of these methods in measurement and non-destructive testing of hidden subsurface defects, inhomogeneities in materials andvisualisation of internal structures and microstructures of objects. It will be carried out a theoretical analysis of thermography and microtomography measurement systems, limits of these methods in terms of resolution and uncertainty of measurement will be analyzed, and calibration methods will be proposed. Specifically in the case ofX-ray microtomography sources of the artifacts in the measurement process will be identified and the uncertainty of measurement of internal structure and porosity of materials will be analyzed.
Grounded cognition paradigm, interaction between perception and action in the brain–computer interface
Paradigma ukotvenej kognície, prepojenie percepcie a motoriky v rozhraní mozog- počítač
Program: VEGA
Project ID: VEGA 1/0503/13
Duration: 1.1.2013 – 31.12.2015
Project leader: Ing. Mgr. Rosipal Roman, DrSc.
Annotation: The project aims to investigate the theoretical and empirical aspects of the human cognition in the context of interaction between perception and action. We pursue the grounded cognition perspective that links human cognitive abilities with the sensorimotor behavior and the underlying neural substrate that includes the mirror neuron system. We will improve our theory of graded action understanding, and will design and evaluate behavioral experiments to support it, focusing on self-executed, observed and imagined motor actions, measured by the mu rhythm suppression of the brain electrical activity (EEG) on the scalp. We will exploit motor imagery, known to elicit similar suppression effects, in designing and testing the adaptive brain–computer interface system and its optimization. We will also investigate the role of appropriately designed visual feedback during online sessions, leading to improved user performance.
Research into dynamical methods of biosignal analysis and bio-inspired pattern recognition
Výskum dynamických metód analýzy biosignálov a biologicky inšpirovaného rozpoznávania vzorov
Program: VEGA
Project ID: VEGA 2/0043/13
Duration: 1.1.2013 – 31.12.2015
Project leader: Prof. RNDr. Ing. Bajla Ivan, PhD.
Annotation: The project is oriented towards the methods for complex time series analysis that are inspired by the theory ofnonlinear dynamic systems, the research into biologically inspired hierarchical network models of patternrecognition, and the other complex network models. The main goals are: -optimization of the reconstruction of thedynamics of the underlying systems in multi-dimensional state space and design of novel algorithms of timeseries prediction and noise reduction, -extension of the biologically inspired network model of HTM (HierarchicalTemporal Memory), -study of interconnection of visual recognition with attention that will improve positional andscale invariances of pattern recognition. The methods will be applied to one- and multi-dimensional biosignalsand to other experimental data with recognizable deterministic features, as well as to clustering and recognition ofmulti-dimensional time series and gray-level visual scenes with objects in clutter environment.
KCMTE – Competence Center for New Materials, Advanced Technologies and Energy
Kompetenčné centrum pre nové materiály, pokročilé technológie a energetiku
Program: EU Structural Funds Research & Development
Project ID: ITMS 26240220073
Duration: 1.8.2011 – 30.11.2015
Project leader: Ing. Maňka Ján, CSc.
Annotation: The strategic objective of the project is "Building an integrated competence center, linking the private and academic sectors, with the aim of supporting key industrial sectors of the Slovak Republic". Two specific objectives have been defined in relation to the strategic objective of the project.Specific objective 1: Building an integrated competence center based on academic and business cooperation.The first specific objective is to create a Competence Center, which will be an excellent example of cooperation between academic and corporate partners at the highest level.Specific objective 2: Research and development on new materials, advanced technologies and energy. The second pillar of the Competence Center is built directly on the research activities of the individual top research teams of the partners. The research will focus on three basic cross-cutting themes corresponding to the three activities of the specific objective. The themes contain several work packages, all of which are complementary to the overall scope of each theme: A. Energy. B. Materials. C. Electrical engineering.
Project website:
UVP Biomedicína – University Science Park for Biomedicine Bratislava
Univerzitný vedecký park pre biomedicínu Bratislava
Program: EU Structural Funds Research & Development
Project ID: ITMS 26240220087
Duration: 1.8.2013 – 31.7.2015
Project leader: doc. Ing. Tyšler Milan, CSc.
Annotation: Construction of the University Science Park for Biomedicine, which will carry out excellent research and transfer of acquired knowledge into economic practice.
Project website:
New methods of mathematical statistics
Nové metódy matematickej štatistiky
Program: VEGA
Project ID: 2/0038/12
Duration: 1.1.2012 – 31.12.2014
Project leader: Doc. RNDr. Rublík František, CSc.
Annotation: The aim of the project is the construction and research of new methods of solving some of the current problems of mathematical statistics. In the field of regression models (mixed models, nonlinear models or models with parameterized covariance matrix), methods with generally applicable output will be developed as well as statistical methods aimed at application in measurement, experiment optimization or to solve some bio-statistical tasks. In addition to the procedures based on the classical assumption of Gaussian fluctuations, non-parametric methods not requiring this property will also be developed, especially when solving problems in location and location-scale models involving multi-dimensional random fluctuations. We also expect a contribution in the field of modern statistical methods in insurance, demography and linguistics.
STATGUM – Statistical methods for uncertainty analysis in metrology
Štatistické metódy pre analýzu neistôt v metrológii
Program: SRDA
Project ID: APVV-0096-10
Duration: 1.5.2011 – 31.10.2014
Project leader: Doc. RNDr. Witkovský Viktor, CSc.
Annotation: Developed countries pay special attention to development of methods and analysis of measurement results. Measurements have a significant impact on economic growth (up to 7% of GDP is dedicated to various aspects of measurement and analysis of measurement results). Analysis of measurement uncertainty is an important part of data processing, which gives an answer to the question how to trust the result of measurement. This is one of the basic objectives of metrology. As estimation of unknown parameters and prediction of random variables is typically considered, the probability and mathematical-statistical methods are used for such analysis primarily. Their accuracy and appropriateness of use for specific situations in metrological practice should be verified theoretically as well as by computer simulations and real examples.Many new problems aimed at processing of measurement results, calibration of measuring instruments and devices, as well as problems connected with estimation of the value of the measured variable (measurand), arise in connection with wider spreading use of the analysis of measurement uncertainties. The expected results of the project include new knowledge in the theory of statistical methods for metrology, focusing primarily on new methods, models and algorithmic solutions for analysis and evaluation of calibration and interlaboratory comparisons.
CARDINFO – Measuring, communication and information systems for monitoring of the cardiovascular risk in hypertension patients
Meracie, komunikačné a informačné systémy na monitorovanie kardiovaskulárneho rizika u pacientov s hypertenziou
Program: SRDA
Project ID: APVV-0513-10
Duration: 1.5.2011 – 30.6.2014
Project leader: doc. Ing. Tyšler Milan, CSc.
Annotation: Arterial hypertension is a cardiovascular disorder affecting 20-50 % of the adult population in developed countries and increases significantly with age after 50. It is also a risk factor for developing coronary artery disease, heart failure, arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death. The aim of the project is research of methods and development of electronic measuring, communication and information systems for monitoring hypertensive patients and evaluation of the functional state of their heart. The goal is to find characteristics enabling to distinguish hypertensive myocardium without coronary involvement from that with an atherosclerotic plate.Using a computer model, relations between hypertension, heart electrophysiology and measurable biosignals will be investigated. Results will be compared with examinations using HR body surface potential mapping and MR imaging of the heart functional state and perfusion. On this basis suitable parameters for monitoring of patients and classification of their cardiovascular risk will be selected.In agreement with the objectives of the eHealth Program in Slovakia in the field of telemedicine services, the monitoring will be based on the development of Wireless Body Sensor Networks (WBSN) and information systems for decision support of the healthcare personel (CDSS). Interconnection of these concepts enables diagnostics and therapy of cardiac patients. System integration of telemedicine services with electronic health record (EHR) forms the basis for automated creation of records for risk patients.
The added value of chemistry for the knowledge and development of i) novel autoclaved aereted concrete and ii) macrodefectfree (MDF) materials.
Chémia ako „pridaná hodnota“ v poznávaní a vývoji i) pórobetónov novej generácie a ii) materiálov bez makrodefektov (MDF materiálov)
Program: VEGA
Project ID: VEGA 2/0020/11
Duration: 1.1.2011 – 31.12.2013
Project leader: Doc. Mgr. Billik Peter, PhD.
Annotation: i) The project will in this part contribute to the knowledge of properties of autoclaved aereted concrete (AAC) fromthe modified raw mixes – fluid fly ash, the waste formed due to the technological changes of the combustionprocesses in coal power plants. The defining of phase changes due to changed raw mix compositions, togetherwith the effects of these upon the physio-mechanical properties of AAC, will represent a key contribution of theresearch towards a database of knowledge about these novel AAC.ii) MDF materials are accepted as one of the examples of high-tech usage of the potential of cements in thefuture. Our earlier knowledge will be completed by the verification and justification of the effect ofmechanochemical pre-treatment of raw mix upon the course of cross-linking interactions of functional groups ofpolymers with the surface of cement grains. This part of the project exerts a potential to increase both thereproducibility of syntheses and the moisture resistance of MDF materials.
Measuring and Imaging Methods Based on Magnetic Resonance for Material and Biomedical Research.
Meracie a zobrazovacie metódy na báze magnetickej rezonancie pre materiálový a biomedicínsky výskum.
Program: VEGA
Project ID: 2/0090/11
Duration: 1.1.2011 – 31.12.2013
Project leader: Prof. Ing. Frollo Ivan, DrSc.
Annotation: Basic research of imaging methods based on NMR, the measurement and imaging of various physical quantities in the range of micro- and nanostructures for biomedical and material research. The aims:1. The research of ferromagnetic nano-particles properties in liquid and gas dispersions for using as a contrast media in MR imaging2. The imaging methods of biological and non-biological materials. Investigation of contrast changes in MR images of extremities and oral cavity – functional diagnostics3. The investigation of magnetic susceptibility effects in MR micro-imaging, localization and quantification of iron oxide in tissues and non-biological materials4. The design and investigation of new sequences for MR imaging. Implementation of the sequences for imaging of tissues and materials with ultra-short echo times and the investigation of the methods which may provide higher contrast using saturation transfer.
Application of SQUID magnetometry and magnetic resonance in evaluation of efficiency of the gene therapy using magnetic nanoparticles
Aplikácia SQUID magnetometrie a magnetickej rezonancie pri hodnotení účinnosti génovej terapie využívajúcej magnetické nanočastice
Program: VEGA
Project ID: 2/0160/10
Duration: 1.1.2010 – 31.12.2012
Project leader: Ing. Maňka Ján, CSc.
Annotation: Use of contactless SQUID magnetometric methods and magnetic resonance in application and evaluation of impacts of the gene therapy with the help of covered magnetic nanoparticles in the specific kidney diseases. Optimalization of the covered nanoparticles regarding the biocompatibility, stability and the transport properties in order to enable their concentration (with coupled chemical) in the investigated organ by the magnetic focusation. Analysis of the efficiency of transfection of coupled gene into the cells by the detection of the red fluorescent protein in vivo at rats and by studying the structure and ultrastructure of the cells after the transfection in vitro. Design and realization of the magnetometric and MRI methods for detection of the concentration, transport, accumulation and clearing covered nanoparticles from the samples, models and the organs of trial animals.
CEKOMAT II – Creation of CE for research and development of construction composite materials for mechanical
Budovanie CE na výskum a vývoj konštrukčných kompozitných materiálov – 2. etapa
Program: EU Structural Funds Research & Development
Project ID: ITMS – 26240120020
Duration: 1.9.2010 – 31.12.2012
Project leader: RNDr. Hain Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: The aim of the project is to complete the Center of Excellence for research and development of structural composite materials for engineering, construction and medical applications. CEKOMAT brings together excellent research and development and educational institutions of the Bratislava region into a monothematic center focused on research and development of advanced composite materials intended for engineering, construction and medical applications, builds a modern research and development infrastructure of composite materials with emphasis on information and communication technologies international cooperation in research and development of composite materials, particularly in the European Research Area, is involved in educational activities and closely cooperates with the domestic economic sphere.
Project website:
Methods and systems fot multichannel measurement and evaluation of bioelectric signals of heart and brain
Metódy a systémy na mnohokanálové meranie a hodnotenie bioelektrických signálov srdca a mozgu
Program: VEGA
Project ID: 2/0210/10
Duration: 1.1.2010 – 31.12.2012
Project leader: doc. Ing. Tyšler Milan, CSc.
Annotation: Multichannel measurements of bioelectric signals in defined points on the surface of an examined subject withknown spatial structure enable to obtain in noninvasive manner the information on the topology and mutualsynchronization of pathological sources that generate the signals. We shall propose methods based on inversesolutions, discriminant analysis and time-frequency analysis with the use of wavelet transform that will enable touse multichannel ECG measurements for early noninvasive identification of one or more ischemic regions in theheart and EEG measurements for diagnostics of selected neuropsychiatric diseases. Applicability of the methodswill be experimentally examined. Biomedical measuring systems with active sensors, novel technologies forwireless data transmission and multicore processors will be built. With the use of proposed methods, they will beable to process the data in real time and to identify and display diagnostically important information on the heartor brain function.
Advanced classification and prediction methods in biosignal analysis and biologically inspired computer vision
Nové metódy klasifikácie a predikcie v analýze biosignálov a biologicky inšpirovanom počítačovom videní
Program: VEGA
Project ID: 2/0019/10
Duration: 1.1.2010 – 31.12.2012
Project leader: Prof. RNDr. Ing. Bajla Ivan, PhD.
Annotation: The project is oriented towards exploration and applications of novel prediction methods of nonlinear dynamicsystems, biologically inspired hierarchical network models (HTM) with inherent temporal component, artificialneuronal networks and advanced mathematical statistics for analysis of time series (mainly biosignals), andobject recognition in visual scenes. Its key goals are: to explore dynamics of complex time series from variousexperimental domains and to propose original prediction algorithms, to explore the methods of computer visionbased on the new prediction-memory network model of HTM, to apply the developed algorithms to tasks of objectrecognition in complex visual scenes comprising moving and occluded objects and to prediction of one- andmulti-dimensional biological time series.
Progressive methods of measurement and nondestructive testing – active infrared thermography and X-ray
Progresívne metódy merania a nedeštruktívneho testovania – aktívna infračervená termografia a röntgenová mikrotomografia
Program: VEGA
Project ID: 2/0101/10
Duration: 1.3.2010 – 31.12.2012
Project leader: RNDr. Ing. Bartl Ján, CSc.
Annotation: The goal of the project is theoretical analysis and experimental verification of new methods of measurement and non-destructive testing – active infrared thermography and X-ray microtomography with focus to solving specificproblems arising from the use of both methods to measure and non-destructive test of hidden subsurface defectsand inhomogenities in materials. Theoretical analysis of measuring systems (noise, imaging and dynamicproperties) will be conducted. Limits of methods from the point of view of resolution and measurement uncertaintywill be determined, impact of object\’s emissivity to the uncertainty will be analysed. For optimisation of the activeinfrared thermography method the modelling of heat propagation in inhomogeneous objects with complex 3Dgeometry by finite element method will be conducted. In the experimental part of the project a pulse activethermographic system will be proposed and realised; standard for metrological calibration of X-raymicrotomograph will be developed.
Research and implementation of methods and systems for monitoring (measuring) tilt of reactor objects for completion of Mochovce NPP
Výskum a realizácia metód a systémov na monitorovanie (meranie) náklonu objektov reaktorov pre dostavbu AE Mochovce
Program: Other projects
Duration: 1.12.2009 – 31.12.2012
Project leader: Ing. Ondriš Ľubomír, CSc.
Annotation: The project is aimed at solving the problem of measuring the inclination of nuclear reactors for Units 3 and 4 of Mochovce NPP. The aim of the project is research and implementation of methods and systems for long-term continuous measurement of inclination of reactor pressure vessels in nuclear power plants. Checking the inclination of reactor pressure vessels is one of the parameters that must be checked for safety during nuclear power plant operation. Since such measurements require a relatively high accuracy and long-term stability of the measurement systems, it is necessary to investigate both methods and their implementation in the form of automated measurement systems. The results of the solution will be used for completion of Units 3 and 4 in the Mochovce NPP.
CENTE II – Completion of the Center of Excellence for New Technologies in Electrical Engineering – II. phase
Budovanie Centra excelentnosti pre nové technológie v elektrotechnike – II. etapa
Program: EU Structural Funds Research & Development
Project ID: ITMS – 26240120019
Duration: 1.3.2010 – 29.2.2012
Project leader: Ing. Maňka Ján, CSc.
Annotation: The strategic objective of the project is: “Increasing the potential for cutting-edge basic research of the Center of Excellence for New Technologies in Electrical Engineering and its contribution to society and practice”. The definition of the strategic objective of the submitted project is based on the basic fact, which is the effort for the second stage of building the Center of Excellence for new technologies in electrical engineering. The strategic objective of the submitted project is related to the global objective of the OP R&D in the following way:- the second phase of the center of excellence will enable the center to become one of the driving forces for the development of the region\’s BOD through research outputs;- will make a significant contribution to improving the technical infrastructure of high-tech research centers in the center in their priority research area,- it will also significantly improve the conditions for the education and training of a new generation of researchers as well as highly qualified workers for high-tech industries linked to electrical research;- by improving cooperation with practice, it will contribute to increasing the competitiveness of the region, creating new jobs and improving the quality of human potential,- through the completion of the Center of Excellence, create favorable conditions for the immediate cooperation of research with social and economic practice, thus enabling the effective transfer of scientific knowledge into practice,- significantly improve and facilitate ongoing research, either for practice or for ongoing international projects, as outlined in the relevant sections of the present project description,- facilitate the preparation and implementation of new research projects, both within the framework of domestic grant schemes and projects of an international nature,- Enable the entry of the Center of Excellence research teams into international networks and increase their competitiveness in competing for the resources of the 7th EU Framework Program for Research and Development as well as other international resources.Specific objectives of the project:Specific objective 1: Ensure the effective functioning and management of the Center of Excellence.The strategic objective of the submitted project is to complete the Center of Excellence for New Technologies in Electrical Engineering so as to further increase its research potential and significantly increase its socio-economic value. At the same time, we see the center of excellence as a continually changing and evolving institutional unit that needs to be managed, directed towards the fulfillment of its visions and goals. For this reason, we consider effective management of the center in all its areas – from management of the center \’s top management, defining and continuously defining and updating its basic strategic objectives and research plan to activities focused on human resources development.Specific objective 2: Increasing the research potential of the Center with top-class equipment necessary for the implementation of ongoing and planned projects.This objective will be realized by two types of activities. Firstly, it will be instrumental retrofitting of the center in individual thematic areas within the competence of the center and secondly it will be defining new projects and project intentions made possible by new modern instrumentation technology.Specific objective 3: Increasing the socio-economic added value of the Center of Excellence.This specific objective of the project ensures the long-term sustainability of the results of the submitted project both at the institutional level of the continued existence of the Center and in the area of ​​new project activities for practice and international networks and consists of four basic groups of activities:- exploiting the results of the Centre\’s research activities in education,- dissemination activities of the Center towards the professional public,- networking activities of the Center and its presentation at exhibitions, fairs and similar activities at home and abroad.
Project website:
New methods of mathematical statistics II
Nové nelineárne metódy matematickej štatistiky II
Program: VEGA
Project ID: VEGA 1/0077/09
Duration: 1.1.2009 – 31.12.2011
Project leader: Doc. RNDr. Rublík František, CSc.
Annotation: The project solves some current problems of mathematical statistics. These include methods and algorithms for optimum experimental design (including also nonlinearly parametrized and correlated experiment models), methods of statistical inference in models with mixed (fixed and random) effects and in models with explanatory variables, prediction methods in random processes, nonparametric methods for hypothesis testing, methods for shape analysis of biological (medicine) objects, development of certain probabilistic methods (discrete distributions, stability of random dynamical systems), further development of statistical methods oriented on applications in insurance mathematics, demography, linguistics and biomedical applications. The project is directly connected to the project VEGA 1/3016/06 „New Nonlinear Methods of Mathematical Statistics“.
VARCOMP – Confidence regions for variance components
Oblasti spoľahlivosti pre variančné komponenty
Program: SRDA
Project ID: LPP-0388-09
Duration: 1.9.2009 – 31.8.2011
Project leader: Doc. RNDr. Witkovský Viktor, CSc.
Annotation: The project focuses on the construction of confidence intervals for variance components in linear mixed models with more than two variance components, in particular the intervals derived by the generalized inference method. Specific procedures (approximate or generalized) have so far been designed only in special cases of the considered model and have been compared with each other mostly by simulation. The aim of the project is therefore to study the properties and relationships between the already designed confidence intervals, which is important in choosing the appropriate procedure in a specific application as well as in designing new procedures with better properties, and subsequently to expand the range of cases in which some intervals have been proposed.
BiosenSys – Pocket analytical system for simple and fast analysis in food and diagnostics based on disposable biosensors using nanotechnology
Vreckový analytický systém pre jednoduchú a rýchlu analýzu v potravinárstve a diagnostike na báze jednorazových biosenzorov s využitím nanotechnológie
Program: SRDA
Project ID: VSMP-P-0073-09
Duration: 1.9.2009 – 31.8.2011
Project leader: Ing. Jacko Vlado, PhD.
Annotation: The project focuses on the research of a technologically innovative pocket analytical system for simple and rapid analysis in food and diagnostics. It is based on disposable electrochemical biosensors and a pocket electronic measuring unit. Various nanoparticles and modern deposition techniques will be used in the preparation of biosensors. The biosensors are designed to analyze fats, lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide in milk; reducing sugars, acetic acid, malic acid and lactic acid in fruit juices and wine; glucose in blood and serum. The biosensors will be optimized to ensure their long-term stability and high sensitivity, speed and specificity of the analyzes. Interference kits will be part of the system. The results of applied research of the analytical system obtained within the project will be used in the post-project phase during development and production.
Project website:
NC NMR – Building of a top laboratory aimed at NMR research
Dobudovanie špičkového laboratória so zameraním na NMR
Project ID: 2003SP200280203
Duration: 1.12.2006 – 30.6.2011
Project leader: Prof. Ing. Frollo Ivan, DrSc.
Annotation: Aim of the project is having built the Centre for NMR Based Material Imaging in the Institute of Measurement Science as a part of the National centre of NMR – centre of excellence.Main goals:* education of experts for NMR based measuring systems, technical as well as postdoctoral-study-based scientific,* function of an initialization centre for new products and technologies support,* support of research and development projects solving (own projects, local and international projects, technical services for other projects),* support of activities of other research centers and projects (centers of excellence,..).Project of the highest category: A
Project website:
LODLOQ – Statistical toolbox for analysis of exhaled breath data
Štatistické algoritmy na analýzu dát z exhalovaného dychu
Program: SRDA
Project ID: SK-AT-0003-08
Duration: 1.2.2009 – 30.6.2011
Project leader: Doc. RNDr. Witkovský Viktor, CSc.
Annotation: Analysis of exhaled breath is non-invasive technique with great potential for clinical diagnosis and therapeutic monitoring. At present, breath analysis is used for the screening of cancer in the EU-project BAMOD (FP6 project no. 019031). The used analytical procedures are characterized by a variety of technical operating parameters. In particular, the limit of detection (LOD) and the limit of quantitation (LOQ). The variability caused by the measurement process can be described by the probabilistic model of the within-sample distribution. We made preliminary investigations concerning a simple but practical case (measurements of isoprene concentration by Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometer, Ionimed Analytik Ges.m.b.H., Innsbruck Austria). Based on the formula for computing concentration that reflects principles of the analytical instrument, a theoretical model for the within-sample distribution of concentration was suggested. This model supposes that the distribution is proportional to a quotient of two independent Poisson distributed random variables. The validity of the theoretical model was checked with the empirical data.The objective of the project is further development of a statistical models, methods and the toolbox for data analysis of exhaled breath concentration patterns, including statistical models for LOD and LOQ determination for different analytical techniques (GC-MS, PTR-MS, SIFT-MS and IMS).
CENTE I – Centre of Excelence for New Technologies in Electrical Engineering
Centrum excelentnosti pre nové technológie v elektrotechnike
Program: EU Structural Funds Research & Development
Project ID: ITMS – 26240120011
Duration: 15.5.2009 – 30.4.2011
Project leader: Ing. Maňka Ján, CSc.
Annotation: The strategic objective of the project is to increase the research and development potential of the Bratislava self-governing region in the field of electrical engineering for the needs of socio-economic practice and international scientific and technical cooperation cooperation. The strategic objective of the project was defined with regard to the global objective of the Operational Program Research and Development. Modernizing and streamlining the R&D support system and improving the infrastructure of higher education institutions to contribute to increasing the competitiveness of the economy, reducing regional disparities, creating new innovative (high-tech) small and medium-sized enterprises, creating new jobs and improving the educational process at higher education schools – these are the areas that try to cover the submitted project in the most comprehensive way possible.The research objective of the Center is to improve the throughput of existing technological operations and to enable new technological processes in electrical engineering, which is essential for future research and innovation in industry.The project has four specific objectives, which have been chosen to aim to meet the strategic objective of the project and to be easily measurable. The content of specific objectives is elaborated in individual activities. All activities are directly related to the results of research activities carried out by applicants and partners. a) Building the Center of Excellence by networking excellent workplaces. b) Equipping the Center with the top equipment needed to carry out ongoing and upcoming projects: – Laboratory for deposition of metals (steaming equipment), – Laboratory for preparation and shaping of nanostructures (FIB), – Laboratory for cluster detection (LAB-GISAXS). c) Increasing the level of information and communication technologies of the Center (including their security). d) Integration of the Center into regional and international cooperation.The Center is created by institutions that complement each other, both technologically and professionally, so that the Centre\’s strengths are: a) complementary experience and expertise of partners entering the Center, b) highly skilled scientists and experts of the Center who have extensive experience with many technologies and characterization techniques: c) the project will enable the Center to be implemented in international cooperation projects and knowledge transfer into practice, d) the Center opens the possibility of training PhD students, students as well as young professionals from companies in the region and throughout Slovakia high-end devices.
Project website:
CEKOMAT – Creation of CE for research and development of construction composite materials for mechanical and civil engineering and medical applications
Vytvorenie CE na výskum a vývoj konštrukčných kompozitných materiálov pre strojárske, stavebné a medicínske aplikácie
Program: EU Structural Funds Research & Development
Project ID: 26240120015
Duration: 1.6.2009 – 1.2.2011
Project leader: RNDr. Hain Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: The aim of the project is to bring together six excellent research and education teams in Bratislava into a monothematic center with defined intentions for implementation of composite research activities, completion of research infrastructure, integration of the center into international research and development cooperation and its involvement in education and cooperation with the domestic economy.
Project website:
Eye movement control: behavioral and electrophysiological markers of normal and pathological functioning
Riadenie pohybov očí: behaviorálne a elektrofyziologické markery normálnej a patologickej funkcie
Program: VEGA
Project ID: VEGA 2/0160/08
Duration: 1.1.2008 – 31.12.2010
Project leader: Mgr. Teplan Michal, PhD.
Annotation: The project is focused on the research of visual-occlusal integrations and their changes in selected neuropsychiatric diseases using new methods of analysis of eye movements and concomitant electrical activity of the brain. Changes in visual-ocular motility are in a specific relationship by the setiopathogenesis of several central nervous system disorders. The aim is to contribute to the elucidation of the neuronal mechanisms of visual-occlusal regulation in normal and pathological conditions and to the direction of new diagnostic methods and the way of evaluation of the effectiveness of therapy of several neuropsychiatric diseases.
Imaging of Micro- and Nanostructures Based on Magnetic Resonance for Biomedical and Material Research
Zobrazovanie mikro- a nanoštruktúr na báze magnetickej rezonancie pre biomedicínsky a materiálový výskum
Program: VEGA
Project ID: 2/0142/08
Duration: 1.1.2008 – 31.12.2010
Project leader: Prof. Ing. Frollo Ivan, DrSc.
Annotation: The goal of the project is a basic research in the domain of selected imaging methods based on nuclearmagnetic resonance with orientation to imaging of micro and nano structures for biomedical and materialresearch: The main topics are:1. Imaging methods of selected biological and non-biological materials.2. Study of properties of ferromagnetic nanoparticles dispersions as contrast media, preparation and testing ofnanoparticles ferrofluids for NMR imaging.3. Study of magnetic susceptibility effects in micro Magnetic Resonance Imaging.4. Design and creation of pulse sequences for projection (radial) acquisition for MRI.5. Research in the domain of measurement and imaging of stationary magnetic fields and RF fields. Research ofphase unwrapping methods for magnetic field inhomogeneities measurement.
Project website:
NanoBioSen – Electrochemical biosensors based on nanobiocomposites for fast and efficient analysis of technologically and health important food and beverage ingredients
Elektrochemické biosenzory na báze nanobiokompozitov pre rýchlu a efektívnu analýzu technologicky a zdravotne významných zložiek potravín a nápojov
Program: SRDA
Project ID: VSMP-P-0052-07
Duration: 1.1.2008 – 31.12.2009
Project leader: Ing. Jacko Vlado, PhD.
Annotation: The project focused on the preparation of selective and robust biosensors for the analysis of samples in the wine industry and food industry. Emphasis was placed on their high sensitivity, speed and stability of measurements, while the high specificity of assays was ensured by enzymes. The analytes (carbohydrates, alcohol, organic acids, cholesterol, and fats) have been carefully selected to provide all the key information about production technology and the amount of health-relevant substances present in foods. All biosensor components have been carefully optimized to achieve high efficiency determinations feasible in conjunction with a portable electronic measurement unit. The results of applied research on biosensors obtained within the project will be used in the post-project phase in the production of portable analyzers.
Project website:
Infrared methods of measurement and non destructive testing – active infrared thermography reflectography and thermometry
Infračervené metódy merania a nedeštruktívneho testovania – aktívna infračervená termografia, reflektorgrafia a termometria
Program: VEGA
Project ID: 2/7082/27
Duration: 1.1.2007 – 31.12.2009
Project leader: RNDr. Hain Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: The aim of the proposed project is to analyze and design new methods of active infrared thermography in the (8-12) µm band with theoretical use in the measurement and non-destructive testing of hidden subsurface defects and inhomogeneities. Creation of a physical model of the test object in order to optimize the method of active thermography, solving problems related to the boundary areas of the use of infrared thermometry and thermography. Contactless measurement of temperature and temperature fields of 3D objects, optically semi-permeable objects and objects with low and variable emissivity coefficients. The aim of the project is also to theoretically elaborate and experimentally implement the method of subsurface testing using near infrared radiation (0,8-2) µm – infrared reflector, which is applicable in the art restoration, industry and also in security applications, which are one of the current priorities of the framework. of the EU program. In the experimental area, the aim of the project is to design a system for active thermography with a pulse source of IR radiation and a thermograafic camera (NEC 7102), to implement electronic and software provision of a system for data collection and evaluation and to test the system in real applications. As part of a joint laboratory with the Academy of Fine Arts and Design (VŠVU) to complete an infrared reflective system sensitive in the (0.8-2) µm band with digitization and image processing.
Measurenemt and model-based analysis of bioelectric fields
Meranie a modelová analýza bioelektrických polí
Program: VEGA
Project ID: 2/7092/27
Duration: 1.1.2007 – 31.12.2009
Project leader: doc. Ing. Tyšler Milan, CSc.
Annotation: Aim of the project is research of methods for noninvasive assessment of functional state of the heart, stomach and brain, based on multi-lead measurements of external electrical fields and knowledge of geometry and electrical properties of the body. Inverse methods that enable description and imaging of the organ state as a distributed process characterized e.g. by local transmembrane potentials, activation sequences or surface potentials will be emphasized. To gain insight into the relation between organ properties and generated electrical fields, complex forward models enabling simulations on sub-cellular, cellular and organ level will be investigated. Suitable combinations of published partial models will be searched capable to recover diagnostically significant structural and functional organ particularities, e.g. behavior of cellular membranes, different properties of intra- end extracellular space, inhomogeneity and anisotrophy of electrical properties and individual geometry obtained from MR, CT or US imaging. Selected method will be implemented into intelligent measuring systems and tested in cooperation with Slovak Healthcare University, Institute of Pathophysiology of the School of Medicine and National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases.
Project website:
Methods and systems for contacless measurement of iron content in the liver
Metódy a systémy na bezkontaktné meranie obsahu železa v pečeni
Program: VEGA
Project ID: 2/7084/27
Duration: 1.1.2007 – 31.12.2009
Project leader: Ing. Maňka Ján, CSc.
Annotation: Noninvasive methods and devices for specific examination of liver.Research of methods and design of systems for magnetic measurement of iron content in the liver. The contactless method – magnetic biopsy – will be designed. For this purpose a specialized SQUID magnetometric system will be developed. We shall analyze possible new correlations between the diseases (risk states) of the liver and the iron content in it.By common methods (biochemical blood examination and classical biopsy) the liver diseases are often diagnosed in the late stage due to fact that the healthy part of the liver can, to a certain extent, supply the diseased parts. Designed liver magnetic biopsy could provide an "integral" picture about its state and after the standard clinical tests (in cooperation with Slovak Healthcare University) could be a contribution to early diagnostics of the specific illnesses.
Htc Bulk superconductors precursors, technologics procedures, measuring methods and properties
Vysokoteplotné objemové supravodiče, prekurzory, technologické postupy, metódy merania a vlastnosti
Program: VEGA
Project ID: 2/7083/27
Duration: 1.1.2007 – 31.12.2009
Project leader: RNDr. Cigáň Alexander, CSc.
Annotation: The project is focused on high-temperature bulk superconductors of the REBa2Cu3Ox type. Its aim is as follows: study of effects of doping with N = Ce, Ti, Sn, Ag in REBa2(Cu3-xNx)O7±δ systems, where RE = (Y, Eu, Sm, L, and Nd); development of technological operations of the preparation of textured REBa2Cu3O7±δ systems, where (RE = Y, Sm, Eu, La, and Nd) and doped textured systems of the RE123+RE211(422) and RE123+ RE2Ba4Cu1-xMxOy type, where (RE = Y, Eu, Sm, La, and M= Ti, Nb, Zr, Ta, Nb ) prepared by the QMT and TS QMT methods and evaluation of their properties. Technological procedures for the reproduced preparation of bulk MD of HTCS optimized to values of the critical current density, jc(77 K, 0 T) ≥ 105 Acm-2, will be proposed. Such values are already sufficient for many industrial applications. During their preparation, nano-sized precursors obtained by homogenization in a planetary mill or solution sol-gel method will be used. With the optimization of technological operations, attention will be paid to the superconducting phase content and critical current density, which will be estimated from XRD and magnetization characteristics with the use of the formerly developed measuring system based on superconducting quantum gradiometers combined with the compensation method of the elimination of magnetization field effects.
Advanced methods of classification and prediction of attention decrease and sleep stages based on EEG analyses
Moderné metódy klasifikácie a predikcie spánkových stavov a straty pozornosti na základe analýzy EEG signálov
Program: VEGA
Duration: 1.1.2007 – 1.12.2009
Project leader: RNDr. Krakovská Anna, CSc.
Annotation: The project proposal is aimed at the use and further development of modern methods of nonlinear dynamic systems, artificial neural networks and mathematical statistics for the analysis of electroencephalographic signals (EEG). Its aim is to investigate the dynamics of EEG states and to design original algorithms capable of reliably characterizing or predicting specific states of brain activity (sleep phases, relaxation, loss of attention). The results can find application in neurodiagnostics, neurotherapy, as well as in the design of effective attention deficit control strategies. Individual methods can also contribute to the analysis and prediction of complex time series from other experimental areas.
Optical frequency stabilization of diode lasers by means of satured absorption method, length standart implementation
Stabilizácia optických frekvencií polovodičových laserov metódou nasýtenej absorpcie, realizácia etalónu dĺžky
Program: VEGA
Project ID: 2/7081/27
Duration: 1.1.2007 – 1.12.2009
Project leader: RNDr. Ing. Bartl Ján, CSc.
Annotation: The aim of the proposed scientific project is to solve the problems arising from the use of semiconductor lasers for metrological purposes by stabilizing its optical frequency by the saturated iodine vapor absorption method 127I2, both theoretical and experimental. The aim of the project is to achieve the technical equipment enabling to compare the frequency of the stabilized semiconductor laser with the Extended Cavity Diode Laser (ECDL) with the frequency of the national standard of length by the recording method. The project builds on the research of the spectrum of optical frequencies of iodine-stabilized HeNe lasers and semiconductor lasers realized and completed in the Slovak Metrology Institute and the Institute of Measurement Science SAS. The solution involves the implementation of a diode laser system 633 nm (474 ​​THz) with an extended resonant cavity, whose spectrum of optical frequencies is stabilized at the frequencies of the hyperfine lines of the quantum transition of the iodine molecule. The project also aims to actively involve young researchers, internal PhD students, in the project under the guidance of their supervisor.
SMEBA – Statistical methods and algorithms for exhaled breath analysis
Štatistické metódy a algoritmy pre analýzu vydychovaných plynov
Program: SRDA
Project ID: RPEU-0008-06
Duration: 1.2.2007 – 30.6.2009
Project leader: Doc. RNDr. Witkovský Viktor, CSc.
Annotation: he project is aimed at basic research in the area of mathematical statistics. Emphasis is placed upon examination of new statistical inference methods appropriate for development of new effective algorithms for exhaled breath analysis in order to early detect certain types of diseases(e.g. lung cacer, oesophageal cancer, diabetes etc.). There exists a proof that certain types of diseases can be detected by a molecular analysis of exhaled breath. In this manner the project is joined directly with the international project 6RP EU BAMOD: Breath-gas analysis for molecular-oriented detection of minimal diseases.The aim of the project "Statistical methods and algorithms for exhaled breath analysis" is mostly theoretical research oriented towards those areas of mathematical statistics that can be useful for development of new effective algorithms for analysis of data obtained in clinical studies planned during the project BAMOD. Above all, the following areas are concerned: methods for estimation of and testing hypotheses about parameters in mixed linear and nonlinear models, discrimination analysis, nonparametric methods.
Project website:
Application of magnetic and electric measuring methods in non-invasive examination of liver and heart
Využitie magnetických a elektrických meracích metód pri neinvazívnom vyšetrovaní pečene a srdca
Program: SRDA
Project ID: APVV-51-059005
Duration: 2.5.2006 – 30.6.2009
Project leader: Ing. Maňka Ján, CSc.
Annotation: Noninvasive methods and devices for specific examination of liver and heart.Research of methods and design of systems for magnetic measurement of iron content in the liver. The contactless method – magnetic biopsy – will be designed. For this purpose a specialized SQUID magnetometric system will be developed. We shall analyze possible new correlations between the diseases (risk states) of the liver and the iron content in it – contribution to prevention of these diseases.Research of electrocardiographic imaging methods for noninvasive identification of local heart injuries. Proposed solutions based on multilead measurements and models of the heart as an electrical generator will be tested on simulated data using electrophysiologic heart models. Multichannel measuring system resistant to local disturbances and enabling exercise ECG measurement will be developed.Results of the research will be experimentally verified on real patients in cooperation with the Slovak Healthcare University.
Calibration, service and corrective maintenance of the SAS system
Kalibrácia, servis a korektívna údržba systému SAV
Program: Other projects
Duration: 1.1.2007 – 31.12.2008
Project leader: Ing. Ondriš Ľubomír, CSc.
Annotation: Periodic recalibration of the reactor tilt measurement systems at the NPP Jaslovské Bohunice and Mochovce was carried out, and a general service of the computing system intended for data collection from the measuring system was performed.
Education of PhD students and specialists for research, development, innovation, measurement applications
Výchova doktorandov a odborných pracovníkov pre výskum, vývoj, inovácie, aplikácie v oblasti merania
Project ID: ESF 13120200032
Duration: 1.8.2005 – 31.7.2008
Project leader: Prof. Ing. Frollo Ivan, DrSc.
Annotation: In order to improve the quality of higher education through the support of higher education institutions as loci of research and development and innovation networks, the project aims to educate PhD students and researchers in research, development, innovation and applications in the field of measurement and measurement technology. Ensuring the highest quality of doctoral and postdoctoral studies under the leadership of top experts in the relevant disciplines. Organization of exclusive professional and scientific seminars, excursions, joint lecture cycles for doctoral students from participating workplaces. Establishment of the infrastructure to ensure the highest quality of doctoral and vocational studies in the fields of research and development in the scientific fields of Measurement Technology, Metrology and Bionics and Biomechanics.The project is active on the basis of a non-repayable financial contribution under the ESF (European Structural Fund), Single Programming Document NUTS II-BA Objective 3, Development of lifelong learning and support for the development of research and development in the context of improving the quality of human resources.Partners of the project are: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering STU Bratislava and Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics STU Bratislava. For the Institute of Measurement Science of SAS this meant accepting 5 new PhD students with full reimbursement of their scholarships and other costs.
MediTech – Innovative program of modern biomedical technologies
MediTech – Inovačný program moderných biomedicínskych technológií
Project ID: ESF 13120200086
Duration: 1.7.2006 – 28.2.2008
Project leader: Prof. Ing. Frollo Ivan, DrSc.
Annotation: The project is focused on education of students, PhD students and workers in the field of biomedical engineering and on the support of cooperation between universities and SAS workplaces in research in this field.
Specific imaging Methods Based on Magnetic Resonance
Špecifické zobrazovacie metódy na báze magnetickej rezonancie
Program: VEGA
Project ID: 2/5043/26
Duration: 1.1.2005 – 1.12.2007
Project leader: Prof. Ing. Frollo Ivan, DrSc.
Annotation: The goal of the project is a basic research in the domain of selected imaging methods based on nuclear magnetic resonance : The main topics are:1. Methods dedicated to the porous media measurement at low magnetic field.2. Research in the domain of measurement by low magnetic fields, basic magnetic field and RF field imaging.3. Study of imaging using ferrofluids as contrast media, preparation and testing of nanoparticles ferrofluids.4. Study of magnetic susceptibility effects in Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
New generation digital radiological system kit
Stavebnica digitálneho rádiologického systému novej generácie
Program: SRDA
Project ID: APVV-99-P06305
Duration: 1.9.2005 – 31.8.2007
Project leader: Prof. Ing. Frollo Ivan, DrSc.
Annotation: The project was focused on design, construction and practical verification of a new generation digital radiological system kit:- energy separation of detected photons,- with a small focus X-ray source (of the order of 10 µm), automatically controlled positioning allowing scanning and tomography.Part of the solution is user software for data collection and processing, X-ray imaging. Mathematical routines allow tomographic reconstruction, data filtering and final image editing.Detection unit based on monolithic GaAs X-ray sensors with direct conversion (period 250 µm or less) works in so-called. quantum mode. Electronic reading has a built-in photon energy separation mode in at least 2 auto-adjustable levels. The kit includes an X-ray source equipped with a collimator, filters and a slot automatically adjustable slot shutter.The kit enables to realize built-in and portable modifiable customer radiological systems. Positioning for scanning and tomography. Part of the solution is user software for data collection and processing, X-ray imaging. Mathematical routines allow tomographic reconstruction, data filtering and final image editing. Detection unit based on monolithic GaAs X-ray sensors with direct conversion (period 250 µm or less) works in so-called. quantum mode. Electronic reading has a built-in photon energy separation mode in at least 2 auto-adjustable levels.First tomographic images of small metal parts were obtained.
Research of the optical measuring methods and procedures for the fast control of surfaces in the precision engineering
Výskum optických meracích metód a postupov rýchlej kontroly povrchov presných strojárskych súčiastok
Program: Intra-constitutional
Project ID: UMSAV-01-2006
Duration: 1.7.2006 – 31.1.2007
Project leader: RNDr. Hain Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: An optical contactless method for testing microscopic surface defects based on scattering of laser light reflected from the test surface was developed. A sensor with a semiconductor laser and a silicon detector in a coaxial arrangement with high sensitivity has been designed and implemented and is currently being tested on precision products in the bearing and automotive industries.The findings and results obtained by solving this task were used in solving the task of contractual research (Mesing, Czech Republic – sensor for fast contactless detection of microscopic defects on the surface of bearing bodies).
Analysis of EEG based on advanced methods of mathematical statistics, artificial neural networks and nonlinear dynamics
Analýza EEG metódami matematickej štatistiky, umelých neurónových sietí a nelineárnej dynamiky
Program: VEGA
Project ID: VEGA 2/4026/04
Duration: 1.1.2004 – 31.12.2006
Project leader: Doc. RNDr. Witkovský Viktor, CSc.
Annotation: The project is focused on the use and development of modern methods of mathematical statistics, nonlinear dynamics and artificial neural networks for the analysis of data measured in order to better understand human brain activity. Its aim is to use traditional methods of data analysis and to design original algorithms capable of reliably characterizing or predicting specific states of brain activity (sleep, relaxation, but also pathological states such as epilepsy, etc.) based on the measured EEG signal. The results can find application in neurodiagnostics, neurotherapy as well as in the design of effective strategies for improving cognitive abilities.
Automated electronic system for experiments of stress loads in hypergravity – stage II
Automatizovaný elektronický systém pre experimenty stresových záťaží pri hypergravitácii – etapa II
Program: Other projects
Duration: 1.1.2002 – 31.12.2006
Project leader: Prof. Ing. Frollo Ivan, DrSc.
Annotation: The aim of the project was the design and development of a device for carrying out a series of experiments on small animals that are subjected to hypokinesia or hypergravity for different periods of time. The device is equipped with telemetric control for programmable blood sampling by cannulation from experimental animals placed in hypokinetic boxes or centrifuges to monitor the effects at various gravitational overload G values on blood properties, hormone levels, neurotransmitters and metabolism. The results are used to evaluate the ability of organisms to overcome stress.
Evaluation of changes in cardiac repolarization by means of multi-lead ECG measurements
Hodnotenie zmien repolarizácie srdca pomocou mnohozvodových meraní EKG
Program: VEGA
Project ID: VEGA 2/4089/26
Duration: 1.1.2004 – 31.12.2006
Project leader: doc. Ing. Tyšler Milan, CSc.
Annotation: The project is focused on research of measurement methods based on multi-lead ECG measurement, which would enable timely non-invasive identification of changes in heart repolarization due to local damage. The aim is to propose the evaluation of measured ECG potentials based on the model conception of the heart as a source of electric field and to compare its effectiveness with the methods used so far using mostly statistical approaches. The accuracy and reliability of the proposed solutions will be tested by means of experiments on simulated data, in which the electrophysiological models of the heart will be used and adapted and the solution of the direct task developed in the workplace in the previous period, resp. implemented in the framework of international cooperation. In connection with the theoretical solution, a multi-lead measuring system for long-term monitoring of the patient will be developed, able to work even during his physical exercise. The device will implement specific methods of interference suppression in the measured ECG signals and the system will cooperate with modalities to determine the geometry and electrical parameters of the chest.The proposed solution will be experimentally verified in cooperation with the Slovak Institute of Heart and Vascular Diseases and the Institute of Medical Physics and Biophysics of the Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava.
Infrared thermometry, thermography and reflectography – development of selected methods and devices
Infračervená termometria, termografia a reflektografia – rozvoj vybraných metód a prostriedkov
Program: VEGA
Project ID: VEGA 2/3180/23
Duration: 1.1.2003 – 31.12.2005
Project leader: RNDr. Hain Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: The aim of the project is to research and solve selected theoretical problems (emissivity, limit sensitivity of measurement systems, temperature measurement of semi-permeable environments), visualization of temperature fields, non-destructive testing, development of unique measuring devices using IR radiation.
Research of stabilization of optical frequencies of diode lasers
Výskum stabilizácie optických frekvencií diódových laserov
Program: SRDA
Project ID: APVT-51-0121-02
Duration: 1.9.2002 – 31.12.2005
Project leader: RNDr. Ing. Bartl Ján, CSc.
Annotation: The mechanical assembly of the optical table with prismatic optical element holders was realized within the project. The functionality of the ECL extended resonance cavity laser elements in the Littman and Littrow configurations has been verified to function. DM, I, TC, PZ modules in MLD 1000 and PC tuning control of the laser. The solution was designed, assembled and verified TCP module of electrical cooling "finger" iodine cell Peltier cell PE. After being equipped with Ocean Optics High Resolution Fiber Optics Spectrometer HR 2000, the software was installed and the spectrophotometer calibration constants were set. The output signal from HR 2000 was processed and evaluated by special software in the personal computer. By measuring the power, the conversion constant between the photodiode current and the optical output power was found to be 0.03 mW / mA in the TEC-500-635-05 LION semiconductor laser. By coarse tuning it was necessary to locate the peak of the power curve and then gently change the tuning voltage to keep the whole system at the peak of the curve at a given iodine absorption line. For this purpose, a test apparatus consisting of electronic blocks, a tuning oscillator, a test generator and a light detector was designed and implemented. With this equipment, the first recordings were taken. Based on an agreement with the Institute of Metrology, a model of the National Standard HeNe / I2 SMU 4 was loaned into which a modulator signal generator 1f, 3f was designed and constructed. After implementation, the HeNe laser was used as an optical source for tracking images with the semiconductor laser. Dr. Jacko has designed experimental electronics to lock (stop) the laser at a defined wavelength / frequency f. In addition to the generator 1f, 3f the electronics consists of a preamplifier and filters for 3f, the LIA-MV-150 lock-in-amplifier is included as a demodulator. A tuning block and a manual locking block were implemented. Diagram of the optical-mechanical part The original mechanical-optical assembly was supplemented with a part that serves for optical binding of the HeNe / I2 laser with the ECL diode laser in the assembly according to the figure on the right (Fig.1). To complete the ECL system, the National Model of Length, the SMU 4 (HeNe in the picture) laser, the avalanche diode (APD) with amplifier, and the HP Spectral Analyzer ESA-L 1500 A (with 9 kHz range) 1.5 GHz). These instruments and some mechanical-judicial elements were borrowed from SMU. When comparing the lasers with each other, it was found that the interesting spectral region for comparison is only about 0.2 nm. Dr. Hain designed and implemented new software and hardware based on the AduC 831 microcontroller (assembler control program, PC control and communication program that allows fine tuning of the ECL laser in the narrower range 0.1-0.2 nm with an increment of 0.05 nm and also the keying of the laser at the desired wavelength.
New methods and devices for pulmonary, hepatic and gastro-intestinal non-invasive diagnostics
Nové metódy a prístroje na pulmonálnu, hepatálnu a gastro-intestinálnu neinvazívnu diagnostiku
Program: SRDA
Project ID: APVT-51-017802
Duration: 1.9.2002 – 30.11.2005
Project leader: doc. Ing. Tyšler Milan, CSc.
Annotation: The project is focused on research of new measuring methods, methods of processing and evaluation of measured data and solving of necessary diagnostic measuring instruments for non-invasive diagnostics of diseases related to impacts of work and environment on human organism. Three selected methods were investigated in accordance with the objectives of the project: (1) diagnosis of respiratory and liver diseases using SQUID magnetometry, (2) MRI analysis of lung diseases using hyperpolarized He3 and (3) monitoring of digestive tract functions and motility based on analysis EGG. Three sub-tasks of the project were focused on these areas.