Agreement between EURAMET and IMS SAS
Agreement between EURAMET (European Association of National Metrology Institutes) and IMS SAS on accession to the European metrological network MATHMET, the aim of which is to create a structure in the area of mathematical-statistical methods for metrological applications. Among the main goals of EMN MATHMET are: 1) creation and dissemination of knowledge, 2) obtaining international leadership (leadership) and recognition, 3) building a coordinated infrastructure, 4) establishing relations with interested parties (stakeholder relations). MATHMET cooperates with other national, European and international organizations dealing with mathematics and statistics and builds on the links that exist between national metrological institutes (NMI), academia and industry representatives. ÚM SAS became an official partner by announcing its accession to EMN MATHMET on September 2, 2019, valid for an indefinite period. In 2021, a consortium of 16 partners (including ÚM SAS) started to tackle a joint project approved within the MATHMET network focused on training in the field of measurement uncertainty analysis.