Home Departments Theoretical Methods Department Staff Štolc, Svorad, Mgr. PhD
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Information Page of SAS Employee
Svorad Štolc, SAS
- 2003-2009
PhD studies at the Department of Theoretical Methods, Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovak Republic. PhD thesis entitled: "Segmentation and classification of objects in images used in Epo doping control" (supervisor: Doc. RNDr. Ing. Ivan Bajla, PhD).
- 1996-2001
The study on Informatics (Artificial intelligence, Parallel computing) at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovak Republic. M.S. thesis in Artificial intelligence entitled: "Learning of the context-free language Lanbn by the recurrent BCM neural network" (supervisor: Ing. Igor Farkaš, PhD).
- 1992-1996
Jur Hronec Secondary School in Bratislava, Slovak Republic with focus on informatics and computer programming.
Research interests
- Biologically inspired computer vision
- Applications of the Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM) model
- Digital image processing
- Image object recognition and classification
- Applied mathematics and statistics
Professional experience
Since 2009
Research fellow in the High-Performance Image Processing Unit, Safety & Security Department, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Seibersdorf, Austria.
Since 2003
Research fellow at the Department of Theoretical Methods, Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovak Republic.
"Forschung Austria" scholarship in the High-Performance Image Processing Unit, Safety & Security Department, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Seibersdorf, Austria: Application potential of HTM – a new paradigm of intelligence.
Member of the statistical team within FP6 European Project BAMOD (Contract No.: 019031): Breath-gas analysis for molecular-oriented detection of minimal diseases.
For more information see the project page
Participation in development of GASepo software package within an international WADA project led by Department of High-Performance Image Processing, Austrian Research Centers, Seibersdorf.
For more information see the project page
2004 - 2006
Participation in the project VEGA 2/4026/04: Analysis of EEG using methods of mathematical statistics, artificial neural networks and nonlinear dynamics.
For more information see the project page
Papers in peer-reviewed journals indexed by CC, SCI, and/or IOP
- TEPLAN, M. - KRAKOVSKÁ, A. - ŠTOLC, S.: Direct effects of audio-visual stimulation on EEG. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2011, DOI 10.1016/j.cmpb.2010.11.013.
- ŠTOLC, S. - BAJLA, I.: On the optimum architecture of the biologically inspired hierarchical temporal memory model applied to the hand-written digit recognition (Invited paper). Measurement Science Review 10 (2), 2010, 28-49, DOI 10.2478/v10048-010-0008-4.
- BAJLA, I. - RUBLÍK, F. - ARENDACKÁ, B. - FARKAŠ, I. - HORNIŠOVÁ, K. - ŠTOLC, S. - WITKOVSKÝ, V.: Segmentation and supervised classification of image objects in Epo doping-control. Machine Vision and Applications 20 (4), 2009, 243-259, DOI 10.1007/s00138-007-0120-0.
- ARENDACKÁ, B. - SCHWARZ, K. - ŠTOLC, S. - WIMMER, G. - WITKOVSKÝ, V.: Variability Issues in Determining Concentration of Isoprene in Human Breath by PTR-MS. Journal of Breath Research 2 (037007), 2008, 8pp, DOI 10.1088/1752-7155/2/3/037007.
- KUSHCH, I. - ARENDACKÁ, B. - ŠTOLC, S. - MOCHALSKI, P. - FILIPIAK, W. - SCHWARZ, K. - SCHWENTNER, L. - SCHMID, A. - DZIEN, A. - LECHLEITNER, M. - WITKOVSKÝ, V. - MIEKISCH, W. - SCHUBERT, J. - UNTERKOFLER, K. - AMANN, A.: Breath isoprene - aspects of normal physiology related to age, gender and cholesterol profile as determined in a PTR-MS study. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 46 (7), 2008, DOI 10.1515/CCLM.2008.181.
- KRAKOVSKÁ, A. - ŠTOLC, S.: Spectral decay vs. correlation dimension of EEG. Neurocomputing 71 (13-15), 2008, 2978-2985, DOI 10.1016/j.neucom.2007.06.007.
- BARTA, P. - ŠTOLC, S.: HBCO correction: its impact on archaeological absolute dating. Radiocarbon 49 (2), 2007, 465-472.
- ŠTOLC, S. - BAJLA, I.: Improvement of band segmentation in Epo images via column shift transformation with cost functions. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 44 (4), 2006, 257-274.
- TEPLAN, M. - KRAKOVSKÁ, A. - ŠTOLC, S.: EEG responses to long-term audio-visual stimulation. International Journal of Psychophysiology 59 (2), 2006, 81-90.
Papers in Slovak peer-reviewed journals in foreign language
- ŠTOLC, S. - BAJLA, I.: Improved accuracy of band detection in GASepo system for quantitative analysis of images in Epo doping control. Measurement Science Review 7 (1), 2007, 14-18.
- BARTA, P. - BARTÍK, M. - BENEDIKOVÁ, L. - ĎURIŠ, J. - PIETA, K. - SHEHAB, S.A.H. - ŠTOLC, S. - TIRPÁK, J.: Geophysical prospecting of the Bronze Age site Al-Khidr, Failaka Island, State of Kuwait. Študijné zvesti Archeologického ústavu SAV 41, 2007, 69-73.
- KRAKOVSKÁ, A. - ŠTOLC, S.: Fractal complexity of EEG signal. Measurement Science Review 6 (2), 2006, 63-66.
- TEPLAN, M. - KRAKOVSKÁ, A. - ŠTOLC, S.: Short-term effects of audio-visual stimulation on EEG. Measurement Science Review 6 (2), 2006, 67-70.
- ŠTOLC, S. - KRAKOVSKÁ, A. - TEPLAN, M.: Audiovisual stimulation of human brain - linear and nonlinear measures. Measurement Science Review 3 (2), 2003, 95-98.
- TEPLAN, M. - KRAKOVSKÁ, A. - ŠTOLC, S.: EEG in context of audiovisual stimulation. Measurement Science Review 3 (2), 2003, 17-20.
Papers in peer-reviewed proceedings of international conferences
- ŠTOLC, S. - BAJLA, I. - VALENTÍN, K. - ŠKOVIERA, R.: Temporal pooling method for rapid HTM learning applied to geometric object recognition. In: J. Maňka, V. Witkovský, M. Tyšler, I. Frollo, editors, 8th International Conference MEASUREMENT 2011. Smolenice, Slovak Republic, April 27-30, 2011, 59-64. Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences.
- ŠTOLC, S. - BAJLA, I.: Application of the computational intelligence network based on Hierarchical Temporal Memory to face recognition. In: 10th IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications AIA 2010. Innsbruck, Austria, February 15-17, 2010.
- ŠTOLC, S. - BAJLA, I.: Image object recognition based on biologically inspired Hierarchical Temporal Memory model and its application to the USPS database. In: M. Tyšler, J. Maňka, V. Witkovský, editors, 7th International Conference MEASUREMENT 2009. Smolenice, Slovak Republic, May 20-23, 2009, 23-27. Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences.
- ŠTOLC, S. - BAJLA, I.: Improved accuracy of band detection in GASepo system for quantitative analysis of images in Epo doping control. In: I. Frollo, J. Maňka, V. Juráš, editors, 6th International Conference MEASUREMENT 2007. Smolenice, Slovak Republic, May 20-24, 2007, 21-25. VEDA.
- TEPLAN, M. - ŠTOLC, S.: Determination of betatron tune from beam trajectory registration. In: I. Frollo, J. Maňka, V. Juráš, editors, 6th International Conference MEASUREMENT 2007. Smolenice, Slovak Republic, May 20-24, 2007, 73-76. VEDA.
- ŠTOLC, S. - BAJLA, I.: Improvement of band classification in GASepo system used in Epo doping-control. In: J. Jan, J. Kozumplík, I. Provazník, editors, 18th Biennial International EURASIP Conference BIOSIGNAL 2006 - Analysis of biomedical signals and images. Brno, Czech Republic, June 28-30, 2006, 281-283. VUTIUM Press.
- ŠTOLC, S. - BAJLA, I.: Improvement of object segmentation and classification via correction of Epo image distortions. In: I. Frollo, M. Tyšler, V. Juráš, editors, 5th International Conference MEASUREMENT 2005. Smolenice, Slovak Republic, May 15-19, 2005, 212-215. VEDA.
- ŠTOLC, S. - KRAKOVSKÁ, A.: Power-law decay vs. fractal complexity of EEG. In: I. Frollo, M. Tyšler, V. Juráš, editors, 5th International Conference MEASUREMENT 2005. Smolenice, Slovak Republic, May 15-19, 2005, 155-159. VEDA.
- TEPLAN, M. - KRAKOVSKÁ, A. - ŠTOLC, S.: Measures of EEG in the context of long-term audio-visual stimulation. In: I. Frollo, M. Tyšler, V. Juráš, editors, 5th International Conference MEASUREMENT 2005. Smolenice, Slovak Republic, May 15-19, 2005, 225-228. VEDA.
- ŠTOLC, S. - KRAKOVSKÁ, A. - TEPLAN, M.: Audiovisual stimulation of human brain - linear and nonlinear measures. In: I. Frollo, M. Tyšler, A. Plačková, editors, 4th International Conference MEASUREMENT 2003. Smolenice, Slovak Republic, June 15-19, 2003, 204-207. VEDA.
- TEPLAN, M. - KRAKOVSKÁ, A. - ŠTOLC, S.: EEG in context of audiovisual stimulation. In: I. Frollo, M. Tyšler, A. Plačková, editors, 4th International Conference MEASUREMENT 2003. Smolenice, Slovak Republic, June 15-19, 2003, 136-139. VEDA.
- TEPLAN, M. - KRAKOVSKÁ, A. - ŠTOLC, S.: Linear and nonlinear EEG measures in the context of brain training. In: H. Hutten, P. Krösl, editors, 2nd European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference MBEC'02. Vienna, Austria, December 4-8, 2002, 606-607. Druckerei Agath.
Papers in books of abstracts of international conferences
- ARENDACKÁ, B. - SCHWARZ, K. - ŠTOLC, S. - WIMMER, G. - WITKOVSKÝ, V.: Variability issues in determining concentration of isoprene in human breath by PTR-MS. In: Breath Analysis Summit 2007: Clinical Applications of Breath Testing. Cleveland, Ohio, November 1-3, 2007.
- BARTA, P. - ŠTOLC, S.: HBCO correction: its impact on archaeological absolute dating. In: 19th International 14C Conference. Oxford, Great Britain, April 3-7, 2006.
- ŠTOLC, S. - KOVÁR, B.: Niekoľko poznámok k využitiu laténskych terčíkov z ľudských lebiek s tromi otvormi. In: 7th International Conference "Doba laténská v Čechách, na Moravě a na Slovensku" - Česko-slovenská skupina pro mladší dobu železnou. Kunín, Czech Republic, 2006.
- TEPLAN, M. - KRAKOVSKÁ, A. - ŠTOLC, S.: Long-term effects of audio-visual stimulation on human EEG. In: Fröhlich Centernary International Symposium - Coherence and Electromagnetic fields in Biological Systems. Prague, Czech Republic, July 1-4, 2005.
- ŠTOLC, S. - KRAKOVSKÁ, A.: EEG: spectral characteristics vs. correlation dimension. In: International Conference Dynamics Days 2003. Palma de Mallorca, Spain, September 24-27, 2003.
- TEPLAN, M. - KRAKOVSKÁ, A. - ŠTOLC, S.: Audiovisual stimulation of human brain and EEG measures. In: International Conference Dynamics Days 2003. Palma de Mallorca, Spain, September 24-27, 2003.
- KRAKOVSKÁ, A. - TEPLAN, M. - ŠTOLC, S.: Nonlinear filtering of EEG and its effect on complex measures estimation. In: International Conference Dynamics Days Europe 2002. Heidelberg, Germany, July 15-19, 2002.
- TEPLAN, M. - KRAKOVSKÁ, A. - ŠTOLC, S.: Dynamics of EEG during brain training. In: International Conference Dynamics Days Europe 2002. Heidelberg, Germany, July 15-19, 2002.
Book chapters
- ŠTOLC, S. - PENZ, H. - MAYER, K. - HEISS-CZEDIK, D.: Verfahren zur ermittlung von Helligkeitswerten. Austrian patent AT 501 763 B1. Austrian Research Centers GmbH -- ARC Seibersdorf, 2006.
Technical reports
ŠTOLC, S. - BAJLA, I.: Improvement of band segmentation in Epo images via column shift transformation with cost functions. Technical report ARC-IT-0153. Department of High-Performance Image Processing, Austrian Research Centers GmbH -- ARC, Seibersdorf, 2006.
ŠTOLC, S.: Improvements in image processing algorithms for the GASepo software. Technical report. Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2005.
WITKOVSKÝ, V. - FARKAŠ, I. - ARENDACKÁ, B. - RUBLÍK, F. - ŠTOLC, S. - HORNIŠOVÁ, K.: Refined classification of bands in Epo images. Technical report. Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2005.
Staff of Department of Theoretical Methods |
- Rošťáková, Zuznana, Mgr.
- Jakubík, Jozef, Mgr.
- Bajla, Ivan, prof. RNDr. Ing. PhD.
- Chvosteková, Martina, Mgr.
- Bartošová, Katarína, Ing. PhD.
- Grendár, Marián, Mgr. PhD
- Hornišová, Klára, Mgr. PhD
- Krakovská, Anna, RNDr. CSc.
- Rosipal, Roman, Ing. Mgr. PhD
- Rublík, František, Doc. RNDr. CSc.
- Štolc, Svorad, Mgr. PhD
- Mezeiová, Kristína, Mgr. PhD.
- Teplan, Michal, Mgr. PhD
- Witkovský, Viktor, Doc. RNDr. CSc.