We invite you to a seminar organized by Department of Imaging methods where RNDr. Lucia Balejčíková, PhD. from Institute of Experimental Physics SAS Košice will present a talk Physical characterization of magnetic nanoparticles in magnetoferritin.
The seminar will take place on Thursday, November 26, 2015,
at 10:05 in the seminar room of the Institute of Measurement Science, SAS.
We invite you to the seminar organized by the Department of Theoretical Methods, Institute of Measurement Science SAS where RNDr. Pavel Vácha, PhD, young scientist UTIA CAS ČR in Prague will present an invited talk "Robust Texture Recognition with Color Invariance". The seminar will take place on Friday, October 10, 2014, at 10:00 at the Institute of Measurement Science SAS in Bratislava.
We cordially invite all interested!
prof. RNDr. Ing. Ivan Bajla, CSc.
principal investigator of project VEGA
We invite you to the seminar organized by the Department of Theoretical Methods, Institute of Measurement Science SAS where Dr. Guido Knapp, Technische Universität Clausthal, Germany.will present an invited talk "Methods for Combining Information". The seminar will take place on Thursday, July 18, 2013 at 10:00, at the Institute of Measurement Science SAS in Bratislava.
We invite you to the Seminar organized by the Department of Theoretical Methods, Institute of Measurement Science SAS where Dr. Guido Knapp from Technical University of Clausthal, Germany, will present an invited talk on Methods for Combining Information. The Semimar will take place on July 18th, 2013 at 10:00 at the IMS SAS in Bratislava.