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Home arrow Selected Results arrow 2015 arrow Selected Application Results
Selected Application Results
  • The measurement system for the monitoring of the tilt of the reactor at the nuclear power plant Mochovce

Result 1: The measurement system for the monitoring of the tilt of the reactor at the nuclear power plant Mochovce

Result applicator: PP Mochovce, Slovenské elektrárne, člen skupiny ENEL
Authors: Ľ. Ondriš, D. Krušinský, M. Keppert, M. Trutz, P. Ondrejkovi

In the Department of Optoelectronic Measuring Methods, Institute of Measurement Science SAS in cooperation with the Department of Realisation, the complex measuring system for continuous automated measurement of inclination of the reactor vessel of the third block of the nuclear power plant in Mochovce was developed and implemented. The measuring system is based on the principles of hydrostatic levelling and pendametry with optoelectronic sensing of measured values. In 2015, the measuring system was installed on the third block in NPP Mochovce and will contribute to the safety standards of operation of that nuclear power plant.




Fig. 1. Testing and calibration of the pendametric and hydrostatic levelling sensors of the system for measuring the inclination of the nuclear power plant reactor
Measurement Science Review (On-Line Journal)