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Home arrow Selected Results arrow 2014 arrow Selected Results of International Scientific Projects
Selected Results of International Scientific Projects
  • The evaluation of human extremities using magnetic resonance imaging
  • Modeling and interpretation of ECG changes of surface maps and repolarization heterogeneity in patients with arrhythmias
  • Project COST TD1201 "Colour and Space in Cultural Heritage" 

Result 1: The evaluation of human extremities using magnetic resonance imaging

Projects: VEGA 2/0090/11.  (Ústav merania SAV)
Authors: V. Juráš,   P. Szomolányi

Joint diseases are usually characterized by biochemical alterations of cartilage, menisci, ligaments and tendons. These changes might be indirectly detected by magnetic resonance imaging by relaxation parameters quantification, proton density and distribution of sodium ions in aforementioned structures. As a results, we designed and experimentally validated the methods for differentiation of normal and diseased cartilage, menisci and tendons. This technique was verified at 3 Tesla MRI scanner. This method is clinically highly promising and has a great potential to improve the life quality of gradually aging population with constantly increasing average age.

Co-operating Institution: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Siegfried Trattnig, MR Center, Highfield MR, Department of Radiology, Medical University of Vienna, Austria.


Fig. 1. MR images acquired by multi-echo variable echo time sequence. The resulting maps were pseudo-color coded labeled with color-bar defining the T2* values
a) Patient with meniscus degeneration
b) Patient with posterior meniscus horn tear (red T2* values),


  1. JURÁŠ, Vladimír - APPRICH, S. - ZBÝŇ, Š. - ZAK, L. - DELIGIANNI, X. - SZOMOLÁNYI, P. - BIERI, O. - TRATTNIG, S. Quantitative MRI analysis of menisci using biexponential T2* fitting with a variable echo time sequence. In Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2014, vol. 71, no. 3, p. 1015-1023. ISSN 0740-3194. (3.398-IF2013)
  2. RIEGLER, G. - DELIGIANNI, X. - JURÁŠ, Vladimír - ZBÝŇ, Š. - APPRICH, S. - SZOMOLÁNYI, P. - WEBER, M. - BIERI, O. - TRATTNIG, S. Quantitative T2*-mapping of the knee using a spoiled gradient echo sequence at 3 Tesla: Preliminary results. In Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 2014, vol. 2, no. 1, p. 59-69. ISSN 2328-2150.
  3. JURÁŠ, Vladimír - APPRICH, S. - SZOMOLÁNYI, Pavol - ZBÝŇ, Š. - CHMELÍK, M. - TRATTNIG, S. Correlation of morphological score (VIMATS) with sodium MRI in patients with painful Achilles tendon. In Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine : Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB. Editors D.K. Jones, Ch. Chung, M.A. Griswold, P. Jezzard, J.J. Neil. - Berkeley, CA, USA : ISMRM, 2014, Vol. 22, p. 1367. ISSN 1545-4428.
  4. JURÁŠ, Vladimír - SZOMOLÁNYI, Pavol - HAGER, B. - CHMELIK, M. - ZBYN, S. - VOSSHENRICH, J. - TRATTNIG, S. Sodium, CEST and T2* of human Achilles tendon in subjects after ciprofloxacin treatment. In Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine : Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB. Editors D.K. Jones, Ch. Chung, M.A. Griswold, P. Jezzard, J.J. Neil. - Berkeley, CA, USA : ISMRM, 2014, Vol. 22, p. 1229. ISSN 1545-4428.
  5. JURÁŠ, Vladimír - MLYNÁRIK, V. - SZOMOLÁNYI, Pavol - CHMELÍK, M. - TRATTNIG, S. Practical requirements for Bi-exponential T2* fitting in Achilles tendon measured by variable echo time sequence. In Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine : Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB. Editors D.K. Jones, Ch. Chung, M.A. Griswold, P. Jezzard, J.J. Neil. - Berkeley, CA, USA : ISMRM, 2014, Vol. 22, p. 1228. ISSN 1545-4428.


Result 2: Modeling and interpretation of ECG changes of surface maps and repolarization heterogeneity in patients with arrhythmias

Projekty: VEGA No. 2/0131/13, APVV No. APVV-0513-10
Riešitelia: G. Kozmann, G. Tuboly, V. Szathmáry, J. Švehlíková, M. Tyšler

Simulation experiments realized in cooperation of IMS SAS with Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology SAS and University of Pannonia in Veszprem, Hungary that were oriented to the analysis of the reasons of increased dispersion of repolarization of the left ventricular myocardium present in patients prone to malignant cardiac arrhythmia. Increased dispersion of repolarization was simulated by changes of the transmural gradient of action potential duration (APD) as well as by changes of the depolarization propagation speed in different parts of the left ventricular wall and septum of the modeled heart. It was shown that the non-dipolarity index (NDI) computed from integral surface potential maps is a sensitive parameter characterizing the changes of dispersion of repolarization in the ventricles. The determining factor for the NDI value is the trasmural gradient of APD while the intramural APD changes caused only relatively small changes of the repolarization dispersion in the ventricles. Early detection of the space-time increase of repolarization dispersion can be important information for designation of the therapy in patients threatened by malignant arrhythmias.


  1. KOZMANN, György - TUBOLY Gergely - TARJÁNYI Zsolt - SZATHMÁRY Vavrinec - SVEHLIKOVA Jana - TYSLER Milan: Model interpretation of body surface potential QRST integral map variability in arrhythmia patients. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2014, 12 (SI), 3-9. ISSN: 1746-8094, IF(2013) 1,532. DOI: 10.1016/j.bspc.2013.06.016.
  2. KOZMANN György - TUBOLY Gergely - SZATHMÁRY Vavrinec - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ Jana - TYŠLER Milan: Computer modelling of beat-to-beat repolarization heterogeneity in human cardiac ventricles. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2014, 14, 285-290. ISSN: 1746-8094, IF(2013) 1,532.


Result 3: Project COST TD1201 "Colour and Space in Cultural Heritage"

Projects: COST TD1201
Author: M. Hain

Within the European project COST "Colour and space in cultural heritage" they were in our Institute of Measurement Science SAS developed X-ray microtomographic and radiographic methods, as well as optical spectral methods of analysis, testing and documentation of rare historical artefacts of cultural heritage. The project includes, in addition to our institute, many important scientific institutions from 27 European countries, where scientific footage covers the area of multispectral and hyperspectral imaging, X-ray computed tomography, scanning of 3D objects using structured light, laser scanning, terahertz imaging and other optical - physical methods.
Institute of Measurement Science within the working group WG2 of the project carried out this year the microtomographic 3D measurement of shape and internal structure of selected artefacts - pottery fragments with which they are in the project compared other different methods of scanning 3D objects - using structured light and terahertz imaging methods.


Measurement Science Review (On-Line Journal)