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Selected Results of International Scientific Projects
  • Selected optical methods for non-destructive testing of works of art


Selected optical methods for non-destructive testing of works of art

Project: International project COST G8

Investigators: M. Hain, J. Bartl, V. Jacko, E. Nagyová (IMS SAS), J. Dorica (Chamber of Restorers)

2005-c1 Within the framework of the international cooperation project in science and technology COST G8 „Non-destructive analysis and testing of museum objects” we have been further developing the non-destructive optical methods - infrared reflectography and ultraviolet fluorescence for works of art testing. These optical methods combined with digital image processing can be used for revealing of underdrawings in pictures, for visualisation of hidden, overpainted or degraded texts, signatures and datings and also to prove the authenticity of a picture under test. Year 2005 was the third year of the project solution and the main accent was put on the transfer of the obtained knowledge in the application sphere, particularly within the community of restorers of cultural heritage artefacts. Institute of Measurement Science was the main organiser of the international workshop (70 participants from 20 countries) entitled „In-situ non-destructive analysis and testing of museum objects“. Main goal of this workshop was, besides the exchange of scientific information between scientists, also the familiarisation of restorers with up to date non-destructive testing methods.

Optical testing methods and instruments developed at the institute were successfully applied in the frame of collaboration with Chamber of Restorers, Academy of Fine Arts and with Monuments Board of Slovak Republic by the investigation of artefacts of our cultural heritage, e.g. mural paintings in Spišská Kapitula, altar table paintings in Levoča and several other valuable cultural artefacts. Results of research were published, presented on international scientific conferences in Bratislava, Jerusalem and Smolenice and also presented on the international conference on restoring of cultural heritage organised by Chamber of Restorers in Bardejov.


  • HAIN, M. – BARTL, J.: Selected optical methods for in-situ testing of cultural heritage artefacts. In: In-situ Non-destructive Analysis and Testing of Museum Objects, International workshop COST G8, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2005, s. 43-44
  • HAIN, M. - BARTL, J. - JACKO, V.: The use of infrared radiation in measurement and non-destructive testing. Measurement Science Review, 5, 2005, 10-14. http://www.measurement.sk/
  • BARTL, J. - HAIN, M.: Physical methods in preservation of cultural heritage. In: Proceedings of the SREN 2005. Solar Renewable Energy News – Research and Applications. International Conference. Bratislava, Comenius University, 2005, 132-142
Measurement Science Review (On-Line Journal)