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Home arrow Publications and Citations arrow Publications 2014
Publications 2014
  1. Publications in Current Contents Connect registered periodicals:

    1. ANDRIS, Peter - JACKO, Vlado - DERMEK, Tomáš - FROLLO, Ivan. Noise measurement of a preamplifier with high input impedance using an NMR console. In Measurement, 2014, vol. 55, p. 408-412. ISSN 0263-2241. (1.526-IF2013)
    2. CAPEK, Ignác. On photoinduced polymerization of acrylamide. In Designed Monomers and Polymers, 2014, vol. 17, no. 4, p. 356-363. ISSN 1385-772X. (2.210-IF2013)
    3. DVUREČENSKIJ, Andrej - BILLIK, Peter - CIGÁŇ, Alexander - BYSTRICKÝ, Roman - MAŇKA, Ján - ŠKRÁTEK, Martin - MAJEROVÁ, Melinda. Magnetic properties of V2O3 nanooxide prepared mechanochemically with and without salt matrix. In Acta Physica Polonica A, 2014, vol. 126, no. 1, p. 398-399. ISSN 0587-4246. (0.604-IF2013)
    4. GAJDOŠÍK, M. - CHMELÍK, M. - KUKUROVÁ, I.J. - BOGNER, W. - VALKOVIČ, Ladislav - TRATTNIG, S. - KRŠŠÁK, M. In vivo relaxation behavior of liver compounds at 7 tesla, measured by single-voxel proton in MR spectroscopy. In Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2014, vol. 40, no. 6, p. 1365-1374. ISSN 1053-1807. (2.788-IF2013)
    5. HORNIŠOVÁ, Klára - BILLIK, Peter. Some properties of horn equation model of ultrasonic system vibration and of transfer matrix and equivalent circuit methods of its solution. In Ultrasonics, 2014, vol. 54, no. 1, p. 330-342. ISSN 0041-624X. (1.805-IF2013)
    6. HOCK, A. - VALKOVIČ, Ladislav - GEIER, A. - KUNTZEN, T. - BOESIGER, P. -  HENNING, A. Navigator based respiratory gating during acquisition and preparation phases for proton liver spectroscopy at 3 T. In NMR in Biomedicine, 2014, vol. 27, no. 3, p. 348-355. ISSN 0952-3480. (3.559-IF2013) 
    7. HUŠEK, I. - KOVÁČ, P. - ROSOVÁ, A. - MELIŠEK, T. - PACHLA, W. - HAIN, Miroslav. Advanced MgB2 wire made by internal magnesium diffusion process. In Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014, vol. 588, p. 366-369. ISSN 0925-8388. (2.726-IF2013)
    8. CHMELÍK, M. - POVAŽAN, M. - JÍRŮ, F. - KUKUROVÁ, I.J. - DEZORTOVÁ, M. - KRIŠŠÁK, M. - BOGNER, W. - HÁJEK, M. - TRATTNIG, S. - VALKOVIĆ, Ladislav. Flip-angle mapping of 31P coils by steady-state MR spectroscopic imaging. In Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2014, Vol. 40, p. 391-397. ISSN 1053-1807. (2.788-IF2013) 
    9. JURÁŠ, Vladimír - APPRICH, S. - ZBÝŇ, Š. - ZAK, L. - DELIGIANNI, X. - SZOMOLÁNYI, P. - BIERI, O. - TRATTNIG, S. Quantitative MRI analysis of menisci using biexponential T2* fitting with a variable echo time sequence. In Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2014, vol. 71, no. 3, p. 1015-1023. ISSN 0740-3194. (3.398-IF2013)
    10. KLEMBARA, J. - HAIN, Miroslav - DOBIASOVA, K. Comparative anatomy of the lower jaw and dentition of Pseudopus apodus and the interrelationships of species of subfamily Anguinae (Anguimorpha, Anguidae). In The Anatomical Record : Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology, 2014, vol. 297, no. 3, p. 516-544. ISSN 1932-8486. (1.530-IF2013)
    11. KÖNING, R. - WIMMER, G. - WITKOVSKÝ, Viktor. Ellipse fitting by nonlinear constraints to demodulate quadrature homodyne interferometer signals and to determine the statistical uncertainty of the interferometric phase. In Measurement Science and Technology, 2014, vol. 25, no. 11, p. 115001. ISSN 0957-0233. (1.352-IF2013)
    12. KOZMANN, G. - TUBOLY, G. - SZATHMÁRY, V. - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana - TYŠLER, Milan. Computer modelling of beat-to-beat repolarization heterogeneity in human cardiac ventricles. In Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2014, vol. 14, p. 285-290. ISSN 1746-8094. (1.532-IF2013)
    13. KOZMANN, G. - TUBOLY, G. - TARJÁNYI, Z. - SZATHMÁRY, V. - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana - TYŠLER, Milan. Model interpretation of body surface potential QRST integral map variability in arrhythmia patients. In Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2014, vol. 12, p. 3-9. ISSN 1746-8094. (1.532-IF2013)
    14. KUKUROVA, I.J. - VALKOVIČ, Ladislav - BOGNER, W. - GAJDOŠÍK, M. - KRŠŠÁK, M. - GRUBER, S. - TRATTNIG, S. - CHMELÍK, M. Two-dimensional spectroscopic imaging with combined free induction decay and long-TE acquisition (FID echo spectroscopic imaging, FIDESI) for the detection of intramyocellular lipids in calf muscle at 7 T. In NMR In Biomedicine, 2014, Vol. 27, p. 980-987. ISSN 0952-3480. (3.559-IF2013) 
    15. KURDIOVA, T. - BALAZ, M. - VICIAN, M. - MADEROVA, D. - VLCEK, M. -  VALKOVIČ, Ladislav - SRBECKY, M. -  IMRICH, R. - KYSELOVICOVA, O. - BELAN, V. - JELOK, I. - WOLFRUM, Ch. - KLIMES, I. - KRSSAK, M. - ZEMKOVA, E. - GASPERIKOVA, D. - UKROPEC, J. - UKROPCOVA, B. Effects of obesity, diabetes and exercise on Fndc5 gene expression and irisin release in human skeletal muscle and adipose tissue: In vivo and in vitro studies. In The Journal of Physiology, 2014, vol. 592, no. 5, p. 1091-1107. ISSN 0022-3751. (4.544-IF2013)
    16. MAJEROVÁ, Melinda - CIGÁŇ, Alexander - BYSTRICKÝ, Roman - MAŇKA, Ján - DVUREČENSKIJ, Andrej - ŠKRÁTEK, Martin. Effects of Gd/Ba nonstoichiometry in Gd1+xBa2-xCu3O7-δ on superconducting and magnetic properties. In Acta Physica Polonica A, 2014, vol. 126, no. 1, p. 354-355. ISSN 0587-4246. (0.604-IF2013)
    17. PITTSCHIELER, E. - SZOMOLÁNYI, Pavol - SCHMID-SCHWAP, M. - WEBER, M. - EGERBACHER, M. - TRAXLER, H. - TRATTNIG, S. Delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of the fibrocartilage disc of the temporomandibular joint - a feasibility study. In Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2014, vol. 32, no. 10, p. 1223-1229. ISSN 0730-725X. (2.022-IF2013) 
    18. PŘIBIL, Jiří - PŘIBILOVÁ, A. GMM-based evaluation of emotional style transformation in Czech and Slovak. In Cognitive Computation, 2014, vol. 6, no. 4, p. 928-939. ISSN 1866-9956. (1.100-IF2013)
    19. PŘIBIL, Jiří - PŘIBILOVÁ, A. - FROLLO, Ivan. Mapping and spectral analysis of acoustic vibration in the scanning area of the weak field magnetic resonance imager. In Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2014, vol. 136, no. 5, p. 051009-1-051009-10. ISSN 1048-9002. (1.147-IF2013)
    20. PRNOVÁ, A. - BODIŠOVÁ, K. - KLEMENT, R. - MIGÁT, M. - VETEŠKA, P. - ŠKRÁTEK, Martin - BRUNEEL, E. - VAN DRIESSCHE, I. - GALUSEK, D. Preparation and characterization of Yb2O3- Al2O3 glasses by the Pechini sol-gel method combined with flame synthesis. In Ceramics International, 2014, Vol. 40, no. 4, p. 6179-6184. ISSN 0272-8842. (2.086-IF2013) 
    21. SCHMID-SCHWAP, M. - BRISTELA, M. - PITTSCHIELER, E. - SKOLKA, A. - SZOMOLÁNYI, Pavol - WEBER, M. - PIEHSLINGER, E. - TRATTNIG, S.  Biochemical analysis of the articular disc of the temporomandibular joint with magnetic resonance T2 mapping: A feasibility study. In Clinical Oral Investigations, 2014, Vol. 18, no. 7, p. 1865-1871. ISSN 1432-6981. (2.285-IF2013)
    22. ŠKRÁTEK, Martin - ŠIMÁČEK, Ivan - DVUREČENSKIJ, Andrej - MAJEROVÁ, Melinda - MAŇKA, Ján. Magnetometric measurements of low concentration of coated Fe3O4 nanoparticles. In Acta Physica Polonica A, 2014, vol. 126, no. 1, p. 396-397. ISSN 0587-4246. (0.604-IF2013)
    23. ŠTOLC, Svorad - SOUKUP, D. - HOLLÄNDER, B. - HUBER-MÖRK, R. Depth and all-in-focus imaging by a multi-line-scan light-field camera. In Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2014, vol. 23, no. 5, p. 053020. ISSN 1017-9909. (0.850-IF2013)
    24. ŠTRBÁK, Oliver - KRAFČÍK, Andrej - TEPLAN, Michal - GOGOLA, Daniel - KOPČANSKÝ, P. - FROLLO, Ivan. Biogenic magnetite nanoparticle ensemble use in MRI diagnostics. In Acta Physica Polonica A, 2014, vol. 126, no. 1, p. 388-389. ISSN 0587-4246. (0.604-IF2013)
    25. VALKOVIČ, Ladislav - GAJDOŠÍK, M. - TRAUSSNIGG, S. - WOLF, P. - CHMELÍK, M. - KIENBACHER, Ch. - BOGNER, W. - KREBS, M. - TRAUNER, M. - TRATTNIG, S. - KRŠŠÁK, M. Application of localized 31P MRS saturation transfer at 7 T for measurement of ATP metabolism in the liver: Reproducibility and initial clinical application in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. In European Radiology, 2014, Vol. 24, no. 7, p. 1602-1609. ISSN 0938-7994. (4.338-IF2013)
    26. VALKOVIČ, Ladislav - CHMELÍK, M. - KUKUROVÁ, I.J. - JAKUBOVÁ, M. - KIPFELSBERGER, M.Ch. - KRUMPOLEC, P. - JELENC, M.T. - BOGNER, W. - MEYERSPEER, M. - UKROPEC, J. - FROLLO, Ivan - UKROPCOVÁ, B. - TRATTNIG, S. - KRŠŠÁK, M. Depth-resolved surface coil MRS (DRESS)-localized dynamic 31P-MRS of the exercising human gastrocnemius muscle at 7 T. In NMR in Biomedicine, 2014, vol. 27, no. 11, p. 1346-1352. ISSN 0952-3480. (3.559-IF2013)
    27. VALKOVIČ, Ladislav - BOGNER, W. - GAJDOŠÍK, M. - POVAŽAN, M. -  KUKUROVÁ, I.J. - KRŠŠÁK, M. - GRUBER, S. - FROLLO, Ivan - TRATTNIG, S. - CHMELÍK, M. One-dimensional image-selected in vivo spectroscopy localized phosphorus saturation transfer at 7T. In Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2014, vol. 72, no. 6, p. 1509-1515. ISSN 0740-3194. (3.398-IF2013)
  2. Scientific and technical papers in other periodicals:

    1. BABINEC, P. - KRAFČÍK, Andrej - BABINCOVA, M. - ROSENECKER, J. - FROLLO, Ivan. Application of pulsed magnetic ponderomotive force for intra-cellular gene delivery. In Progress in Electromagnetics Research M, 2014, Vol. 37, 139-147. ISSN 1937-8726.(SCOPUS)
    2. BARTL, Ján - JACKO, Vlado. Meranie teploty pri spájkovaní indukčným ohrevom. In Metrológia a skúšobníctvo, 2014, roč. 19, č. 1-2, s. 30-33. ISSN 1335-2768.
    3. BARTL, Ján - JACKO, Vlado. Nové materiály pre metrológiu dĺžky. In Metrológia a skúšobníctvo, 2014, roč. 19, č. 1, s. 3-6. ISSN 1335-2768.
    4. BARTL, Ján - JACKO, Vlado - FÍRA, R. Influence of goniometric arrangement at the contactless temperature measurement. In Metrológia a skúšobníctvo, 2014, roč. 19, č. 2, s. 3-7. ISSN 1335-2768.
    5. BARTL, Ján - JACKO, Vlado - FÍRA, R. Vplyv goniometrie povrchu pri bezkontaktnom meraní teploty. In Jemná mechanika a optika, 2014, roč. 59, č. 8, s. 211-213. ISSN 0447-6441.
    6. BUČEKOVÁ, M. - VALACHOVÁ, I. - HAIN, Miroslav - MAJTÁN, J. Včelí enzým glukózo oxidáza a antibakteriálna aktivita slovenských medov. In Včelár : odborný mesačník Slovenského zväzu včelárov, 2014, roč. 88, č. 11, s. 216-218. ISSN 0139-6064.
    7. CAPEK, Ignác. Preparation and functionalization of gold nanoparticles. In Journal of Surface Science and Technology, 2013, vol. 29, no. 3-4, p. 129-146. ISSN 0970-1893. (SCOPUS)
    8. HOLČÍK, Jiří - HODÁSOVÁ, T. - JAHN, P. - MELKOVÁ, P. - HANÁK, J. AR versus ARX modeling of heart rate sequences recorded during stress-tests. In IFMBE Proceedings, 2014, vol. 41, p. 996-999. ISSN 1680-0737. (SCOPUS)
    9. HOLČÍK, Jiří - OPRŠALOVÁ, K. Application of special parametric methods to model survival data. In IFMBE Proceedings, 2014, vol. 41, p. 1241-1244. ISSN 1680-0737. (SCOPUS)
    10. KAČUR, J. - MINÁR, J. - BUDÁČOVÁ, Hana. Determination of soil parameters based on mathematical modelling of centrifugation. In International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation, 2014, vol. 5, no. 3, p. 153-170. ISSN 2040-3607. (SCOPUS)
    11. PŘIBIL, Jiří - PŘIBILOVÁ, A. - ĎURAČKOVÁ, D. Evaluation of spectral and prosodic features of speech affected by orthodontic appliances using the GMM classifier. In Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2014, vol. 65, no. 1, p. 30-36. ISSN 1335-3632. (WoS, SCOPUS)
    12. PUNSHCHYKOVA, O. - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana - KNEPPO, P. - MAKSYMENKO, V. - TYŠLER, Milan. Noninvasive localization of the ectopic focus using time integral ECG mapping. In Experimental and Clinical Cardiology, 2014, vol. 20, no. 7, p. 1564-1570. ISSN 1205-6626. (0.758-IF2013) (SCOPUS)
    13. RIEGLER, G. - DELIGIANNI, X. - JURÁŠ, Vladimír - ZBÝŇ, Š. - APPRICH, S. - SZOMOLÁNYI, P. - WEBER, M. - BIERI, O. - TRATTNIG, S. Quantitative T2*-mapping of the knee using a spoiled gradient echo sequence at 3 Tesla: Preliminary results. In Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 2014, vol. 2, no. 1, p. 59-69. ISSN 2328-2150.
    14. TEPLAN, Michal - KRAKOVSKÁ, Anna - ŠPAJDEL, M. Spectral EEG features of a short psycho-physiological relaxation. In Measurement Science Review, 2014, vol. 14, no. 4, p. 237-242. ISSN 1335-8871. (1.162-IF2013; WoS, SCOPUS)
    15. TYŠLER, Milan - LENKOVÁ, Jana - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana. Impact of the patient torso model on the solution of the inverse problem of electrocardiography. In Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2014, vol. 12, no. 1, p. 58-65. ISSN 1336-1376. (SCOPUS)
    16. WITKOVSKÝ, Viktor. On the exact two-sided tolerance intervals for univariate normal distribution and linear regression. In Austrian Journal of Statistics, 2014, vol. 43, no. 3-4, p. 279-292. ISSN 1026-597X. 
  3. Scientific papers in reviewed proceedings:

    1. CIMROVÁ, B. - FARKAŠ, I. - ROSIPAL, Roman. Využitie rozhrania mozog-počítač pri neurorehabilitácii: prehľad aktuálneho výskumu. In Kognitivní věda a umělý život II. Editori J. Kelemen, Š. Vavrečková. - Opava : Slezská univerzita v Opavě, 2014, s. 33-38. ISBN 978-80-7248-951-0.
    2. BUI, Thi Mai Phuong - ROSIPAL, Roman. Differences in sleep patterns among healthy sleepers and patients after stroke. In YBERC 2014 : Proceedings of the 6th International Young Biomedical Engineers and Researchers Conference. Editors E. Cocherová, J. Púčik. - Bratislava : FEI STU, 2014, p. 40-45. ISBN 978-80-971697-0-1.
    3. JAKUBÍK, Jozef. Linear mixed models for genome-wide association studies. In YBERC 2014 : Proceedings of the 6th International Young Biomedical Engineers and Researchers Conference. Editors E. Cocherová, J. Púčik. - Bratislava : FEI STU, 2014, p. 160-163. ISBN 978-80-971697-0-1.
    4. JURÁŠ, Vladimír - APPRICH, S. - SZOMOLÁNYI, Pavol - ZBÝŇ, Š. - CHMELÍK, M. - TRATTNIG, S. Correlation of morphological score (VIMATS) with sodium MRI in patients with painful Achilles tendon. In Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine : Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB. Editors D.K. Jones, Ch. Chung, M.A. Griswold, P. Jezzard, J.J. Neil. - Berkeley, CA, USA : ISMRM, 2014, Vol. 22, p. 1367. ISSN 1545-4428.
    5. JURÁŠ, Vladimír - MLYNÁRIK, V. - SZOMOLÁNYI, Pavol - CHMELÍK, M. - TRATTNIG, S. Practical requirements for Bi-exponential T2* fitting in Achilles tendon measured by variable echo time sequence. In Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine : Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB. Editors D.K. Jones, Ch. Chung, M.A. Griswold, P. Jezzard, J.J. Neil. - Berkeley, CA, USA : ISMRM, 2014, Vol. 22, p. 1228. ISSN 1545-4428.
    6. JURÁŠ, Vladimír - SZOMOLÁNYI, Pavol - HAGER, B. - CHMELÍK, M. - ZBÝŇ, Š. - VOSSHENRICH, J. - TRATTNIG, S. Sodium, CEST and T2* of human Achilles tendon in subjects after ciprofloxacin treatment. In Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine : Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB. Editors D.K. Jones, Ch. Chung, M.A. Griswold, P. Jezzard, J.J. Neil. - Berkeley, CA, USA : ISMRM, 2014, Vol. 22, p. 1229. ISSN 1545-4428.
    7. KOZMANN, G. - TUBOLY, G. - SZATHMÁRY, V. - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana - TYŠLER, Milan. The impact of action potential and conduction velocity distribution changes on markers of repolarization dispersion. In ELECTROCARDIOLOGY 2014 : Proceedings of the 41th International Congress on Electrocardiology. Editors M. Tysler, J. Svehlikova, L. Bacharova, K. Kozlikova. - Bratislava : Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2014, p. 131-134. ISBN 978-80-969-672-7-8.
    8. KUKUROVÁ, I.J. - KRŠŠÁK, M. - CHMELÍK, M. - GAJDOŠÍK, M. - TRATTNIG, S. - VALKOVIČ, Ladislav. Carnosine at 7T: Quantification and relaxation times in m. gastrocnemius. In Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine : Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB. Editors D.K. Jones, Ch. Chung, M.A. Griswold, P. Jezzard, J.J. Neil. - Berkeley, CA, USA : ISMRM, 2014, Vol. 22, p. 3788. ISSN 1545-4428.
    9. LENKOVÁ, Jana - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana - TYŠLER, Milan. Impact of the torso model fidelity on the inverse localization of ischemia. In ELECTROCARDIOLOGY 2013 : Proceedings of the 40th International Congress on Electrocardiology. Editors J. Kennedy, P. Macfarlane. - Bratislava : Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2014, p. 112-116. ISBN 978-80-969-672-8-5.
    10. ONDRIŠ, Ľubomír - KRUŠINSKÝ, Dušan - LUKÁČ, Š. Zavedenie automatizovaných meracích systémov na monitoring náklonu vodných stavieb - úloha súčasnosti. In Meranie, monitorovanie a vyhodnocovanie posunov na vodných stavbách : zborník referátov z vedecko-odborného seminára s medzinárodnou účasťou. Editori Š. Lukáč, I. Lipták. - Bratislava : STU, 2014. ISBN 978-80-227-4245-0.
    11. PŘIBIL, Jiří - PŘIBILOVÁ, A. Calibration and comparison experiment with piezoelectric vibration sensors for measurement in the weak magnetic field environment. In Noise and Vibration in Practice. Editor S. Žiaran. - Bratislava : STU, 2014, Vol. 19, p. 119-124. ISBN 978-80-227-4173-8.
    12. PŘIBIL, Jiří - PŘIBILOVÁ, A. - MATOUŠEK, J. GMM classification of text-to-speech synthesis: Identification of original speaker's voice. In Text, Speech and Dialogue : 17th International Conference (TSD 2014). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 8655. Editors P. Sojka, A. Horák, I. Kopeček, K. Pala. - Springer-Verlag, 2014, p. 365-373. ISBN 978-3-319-10815-5.
    13. ŠKOVIERA, Radoslav - ROŠŤÁKOVÁ, Zuzana - KRAKOVSKÁ, Anna - ROSIPAL, Roman. Spectral and complexity characteristics of sleep EEG following ischemic stroke. In YBERC 2014 : Proceedings of the 6th International Young Biomedical Engineers and Researchers Conference. Editors E. Cocherová, J. Púčik. - Bratislava : FEI STU, 2014, p. 108-114. ISBN 978-80-971697-0-1.
    14. ŠTOLC, Svorad - HUBER-MÖRK, R. - HOLLÄNDER, B. - SOUKUP, D. Depth and all-in-focus images obtained by multi-line-scan light-field approach. In Image Processing : Machine Vision Applications VII, Proceedings of SPIE 9024. Editors K.S. Niel, P.R. Bingham. - SPIE, 2014, art. no. 902407. ISBN 9780819499417.
    15. ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana - KANIA, M. - MANIEWSKI, R. - TYŠLER, Milan. Impact of the heart rate on normal STT integral body surface potential maps. In ELECTROCARDIOLOGY 2014 : Proceedings of the 41th International Congress on Electrocardiology. Editors M. Tysler, J. Svehlikova, L. Bacharova, K. Kozlikova. - Bratislava : Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2014, p. 155-158. ISBN 978-80-969-672-7-8.
    16. TEPLAN, Michal - BAJLA, Ivan - ROSIPAL, Roman - RUSNÁK, M. Intracranial pressure of patients after severe traumatic brain injury: A pilot study for lethality estimation from time series. In YBERC 2014 : Proceedings of the 6th International Young Biomedical Engineers and Researchers Conference. Editors E. Cocherová, J. Púčik. - Bratislava : FEI STU, 2014, p. 89-92. ISBN 978-80-971697-0-1.
    17. TEPLAN, Michal - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana - TYŠLER, Milan. Assessment of number of lesions from integral body surface potential maps. In ELECTROCARDIOLOGY 2014 : Proceedings of the 41th International Congress on Electrocardiology. Editors M. Tysler, J. Svehlikova, L. Bacharova, K. Kozlikova. - Bratislava : Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2014, p. 225-228. ISBN 978-80-969-672-7-8.
    18. TYŠLER, Milan - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana - PUNSHCHYKOVA, O. - KNEPPO, P. - MAKSYMENKO, V. Noninvasive localization of ectopic activation using BSPM and CT-based torso model . In ELECTROCARDIOLOGY 2014 : Proceedings of the 41th International Congress on Electrocardiology. Editors M. Tysler, J. Svehlikova, L. Bacharova, K. Kozlikova. - Bratislava : Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2014, p. 135-138. ISBN 978-80-969-672-7-8.
    19. VALKOVIČ, Ladislav - GAJDOŠÍK, M. - CHMELÍK, M. - BOGNER, W. -  FROLLO, Ivan - GRUBER, S. - TRATTNIG, S. - KRŠŠÁK, M. Reproducibility of the 1D-ISIS localized ST experiment for hepatic Pi-to-ATP reaction rate measurement at 7T. In Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine : Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB. Editors D.K. Jones, Ch. Chung, M.A. Griswold, P. Jezzard, J.J. Neil. - Berkeley, CA, USA : ISMRM, 2014, Vol. 22, p. 3747. ISSN 1545-4428.
    20. VALKOVIČ, Ladislav - UKROPCOVÁ, B. - CHMELÍK, M. - KUKUROVÁ, I.J. - KURDIOVÁ, T. - KIPFELSBERGER, M.C. - KRUMPOLEC, P. - BOGNER, W. - MEYERSPEER, M. - FROLLO, Ivan - KLIMES, I. - UKROPEC, J. - TRATTNIG, S. - KRŠŠÁK, M. DRESS-localized dynamic 31P-MRS of the exercising human gastrocnemius muscle at 7T. In Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine : Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB. Editors D.K. Jones, Ch. Chung, M.A. Griswold, P. Jezzard, J.J. Neil. - Berkeley, CA, USA : ISMRM, 2014, Vol. 22, p. 2903. ISSN 1545-4428.
  4. Scientific papers in not reviewed proceedings:

    1. BARTL, Ján. Fyzikálne základy merania dĺžky a geometrických veličín. In Meranie dĺžky a kalibrácia meradiel dĺžky v praxi. - Bratislava : KZ SR, 2014, s. 18-31.
    2. BARTL, Ján. Úvod do metrologickej legislatívy a terminológie.  In Meranie dĺžky a kalibrácia meradiel dĺžky v praxi. - Bratislava : KZ SR, 2014, s. 3-17.
    3. PŘIBIL, Jiří - PŘIBILOVÁ, A. - MATOUŠEK, J. Detection of artefacts in Czech synthetic speech based on ANOVA statistics. In 37th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP 2014). Brno, Czech Republic : Brno University of Technology, 2014, p. 414-418. ISBN 978-80-214-4983-1.
  5. Scientific papers published on internet:

    1. GRENDÁR, Marian - ŠPITALSKÝ, V. Multinomial and empirical likelihood under convex constraints: Directions of recession, Fenchel duality, perturbations. In arXiv.org, 2014, p. 1-55, http://arxiv.org/abs/1408.5621.
  6. Published periodicals:

    1.  MEASUREMENT SCIENCE REVIEW. Berlin, Germany : Walter de Gruyter GmbH,  ISSN 1335-8871. http://www.measurement.sk, http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/msr. (WoS, SCOPUS, 1.162-IF2013)
  7. Published or edited proceedings from scientific events:

    1.  ELECTROCARDIOLOGY 2013 : Proceedings of the 40th International Congress on Electrocardiology. Editors J. Kennedy, P. Macfarlane. - Bratislava : Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2014. 204 p. ISBN 978-80-969-672-8-5.
    2. ELECTROCARDIOLOGY 2014 : Proceedings of the 41th International Congress on Electrocardiology. Editors M. Tysler, J. Svehlikova, L. Bacharova, K. Kozlikova. - Bratislava : Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2014. 264 p. ISBN 978-80-969-672-7-8.
  8. Lectures and posters from international scientific events:

    1. BUI, Thi Mai Phuong - ROSIPAL, Roman. Differences in sleep patterns among healthy sleepers and patients after stroke. In YBERC 2014 : 6th International Young Biomedical Engineers and Researchers Conference. FEI STU, Bratislava, July 2-4, 2014.
    2. DVUREČENSKIJ, Andrej - CIGÁŇ, Alexander - BYSTRICKÝ, Roman - ŠKRÁTEK, Martin - BILLIK, Peter - MAJEROVÁ, Melinda - MAŇKA, Ján. Magnetic studies of EuBa2Cu3-x RuxO7-δ compounds. In Physics of Magnetism 2014 (PM'14) : European Conference. Poznan, Poland, June 23-27, 2014.
    3. DYDA, M. - RUŽIČKA, P. - HAIN, Miroslav. Crystal size distribution (CSD) of titanite inclusions in grossular from the calc-silicate skarn in Malé Karpaty Mts., Slovakia. In XX Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association. Tirana, Albania, September 24-26, 2014.
    4. JAKUBÍK, Jozef. Linear mixed models for genome-wide association studies. In YBERC 2014 : 6th International Young Biomedical Engineers and Researchers Conference. FEI STU, Bratislava, July 2-4, 2014. 
    5. JAKUBÍK, Jozef. Porovnanie funkcií na selekciu fixných efektov vo vysokodimenzionálnych lineárnych zmiešaných modeloch. In ROBUST 2014 : 18. zimní škola JČMF. Jetřichovice, ČR, 19.- 24.1.2014.
    6. JURÁŠ, Vladimír - APPRICH, S. - SZOMOLÁNYI, Pavol - ZBÝŇ, Š. - CHMELÍK, M. - TRATTNIG, S. Correlation of morphological score (VIMATS) with sodium MRI in patients with painful Achilles tendon. In 23rd Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB. Milan, Italy, May 10-16, 2014.
    7. JURÁŠ, Vladimír - MLYNÁRIK, V. - SZOMOLÁNYI, Pavol - CHMELÍK, M. - TRATTNIG, S. Practical requirements for Bi-exponential T2* fitting in Achilles tendon measured by variable echo time sequence. In 23rd Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB. Milan, Italy, May 10-16, 2014.
    8. JURÁŠ, Vladimír - SZOMOLÁNYI, Pavol - HAGER, B. - CHMELÍK, M. - ZBÝŇ, Š. - VOSSHENRICH, J. - TRATTNIG, S. Sodium, CEST and T2* of human Achilles tendon in subjects after ciprofloxacin treatment. In 23rd Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB. Milan, Italy, May 10-16, 2014.
    9. KÖNING, R. - WIMMER, G. - WITKOVSKÝ, Viktor. EllipseFit4HC: A Matlab algorithm for demodulation and uncertainty evaluation of the quadrature interferometer signals. In AMCTM 2014 : Advanced Mathematical and Computational Tools in Metrology and Testing. D.I. Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology (VNIIM), St. Petersburg, Russia, September 9-12, 2014.
    10. KÖNING, R. - WITKOVSKÝ, Viktor - WIMMER, G. The statistical uncertainty of the Heydemann Correction. A practical limit of optical quadrature homodyne interferometry. In Macroscale 2014 : Dimensional and Related Measurements at the Macroscopic Scale. Federal Office for Metrology and Surveying, Vienna, Austria, October 28-30, 2014.
    11. KOZMANN, G. - TUBOLY, G. - SZATHMÁRY, V. - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana - TYŠLER, Milan. The impact of action potential and conduction velocity distribution changes on markers of repolarization dispersion. In ELECTROCARDIOLOGY 2014 : 41th International Congress on Electrocardiology. Bratislava, Slovakia, June 4-7, 2014.
    12. KUKUROVÁ, I.J. - KRŠŠÁK, M. - CHMELÍK, M. - GAJDOŠÍK, M. - TRATTNIG, S. - VALKOVIČ, Ladislav. Carnosine at 7T: Quantification and relaxation times in m. gastrocnemius. In 23rd Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB. Milan, Italy, May 10-16, 2014.
    13. ONDRIŠ, Ľubomír - KRUŠINSKÝ, Dušan - LUKÁČ, Š. Zavedenie automatizovaných meracích systémov na monitoring náklonu vodných stavieb - úloha súčasnosti. In Meranie, monitorovanie a vyhodnocovanie posunov na vodných stavbách : vedecko-odborný seminár s medzinárodnou účasťou. STU, Bratislava, 16.9.2014.
    14. PŘIBIL, Jiří - PŘIBILOVÁ, A. Calibration and comparison experiment with piezoelectric vibration sensors for measurement in the weak magnetic field environment. In Noise and Vibration in Practice. Kočovce, Slovakia, June 2014.
    15. PŘIBIL, Jiří - PŘIBILOVÁ, A. - MATOUŠEK, J. Detection of artefacts in Czech synthetic speech based on ANOVA statistics. In 37th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP 2014). Berlin, Germany, July 1-3, 2014.
    16. PŘIBIL, Jiří - PŘIBILOVÁ, A. - MATOUŠEK, J. GMM classification of text-to-speech synthesis: Identification of original speaker's voice. In Text, Speech and Dialogue : 17th International Conference (TSD 2014). Brno, Czech Republic, September 8-12, 2014.
    17. ROSIPAL, Roman. Modulation of sensory-motor rhythmic activities for improving BCI training in neurorehabilitation. In MEi:CogSci Conference. Krakow, Poland, June 12-14, 2014. (invited lecture)
    18. ŠKOVIERA, Radoslav - ROŠŤÁKOVÁ, Zuzana - KRAKOVSKÁ, Anna - ROSIPAL, Roman. Spectral and complexity characteristics of sleep EEG following ischemic stroke. In YBERC 2014 : 6th International Young Biomedical Engineers and Researchers Conference. FEI STU, Bratislava, July 2-4, 2014.
    19. ŠKRÁTEK, Martin - CIGÁŇ, Alexander - DVUREČENSKIJ, Andrej - MAJEROVÁ, Melinda -BYSTRICKÝ, Roman - BILLIK, Peter - MAŇKA, Ján. Effect of Ru addition on the superconducting properties of the Eu-123 system. In Physics of Magnetism 2014 (PM'14) : European Conference. Poznan, Poland, June 23-27, 2014.
    20. ŠTOLC, Svorad - HUBER-MÖRK, R. - HOLLÄNDER, B. - SOUKUP, D. Depth and all-in-focus images obtained by multi-line-scan light-field approach. In Image Processing : Machine Vision Applications VII. San Francisco, USA, February 2-6, 2014.
    21. ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana - KANIA, M. - MANIEWSKI, R. - TYŠLER, Milan. Impact of the heart rate on normal STT integral body surface potential maps. In ELECTROCARDIOLOGY 2014 : 41th International Congress on Electrocardiology. Bratislava, Slovakia, June 4-7, 2014.
    22. TEPLAN, Michal - BAJLA, Ivan - ROSIPAL, Roman - RUSNÁK, M. Intracranial pressure of patients after severe traumatic brain injury: A pilot study for lethality estimation from time series. In YBERC 2014 : 6th International Young Biomedical Engineers and Researchers Conference. FEI STU, Bratislava, July 2-4, 2014.
    23. TEPLAN, Michal - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana - TYŠLER, Milan. Assessment of number of lesions from integral body surface potential maps. In ELECTROCARDIOLOGY 2014 : 41th International Congress on Electrocardiology. Bratislava, Slovakia, June 4-7, 2014.
    24. TYŠLER, Milan - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana - PUNSHCHYKOVA, O. - KNEPPO, P. - MAKSYMENKO, V. Noninvasive localization of ectopic activation using BSPM and CT-based torso model. In ELECTROCARDIOLOGY 2014 : 41th International Congress on Electrocardiology. Bratislava, Slovakia, June 4-7, 2014.
    25. VALKOVIČ, Ladislav - GAJDOŠÍK, M. - CHMELÍK, M. - BOGNER, W. -  FROLLO, Ivan - GRUBER, S. - TRATTNIG, S. - KRŠŠÁK, M. Reproducibility of the 1D-ISIS localized ST experiment for hepatic Pi-to-ATP reaction rate measurement at 7T. In 23rd Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB. Milan, Italy, May 10-16, 2014.
    26. VALKOVIČ, Ladislav - UKROPCOVÁ, B. - CHMELÍK, M. - KUKUROVÁ, I.J. - KURDIOVÁ, T. - KIPFELSBERGER, M.C. - KRUMPOLEC, P. - BOGNER, W. - MEYERSPEER, M. - FROLLO, Ivan - KLIMES, I. - UKROPEC, J. - TRATTNIG, S. - KRŠŠÁK, M. DRESS-localized dynamic 31P-MRS of the exercising human gastrocnemius muscle at 7T. In 23rd Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB. Milan, Italy, May 10-16, 2014.
    27. WIMMER, G. - WITKOVSKÝ, Viktor. A family of transformed Lambert W × Gamma random variables with applications. In ROBUST 2014 : 18. zimná škola JČMF. Jetřichovice, ČR, 19.-24.1.2014.
    28. WITKOVSKÝ, Viktor. Odhadovanie, testovanie a predikcia funkcií pevných a náhodných efektov pomocou riešenia Hendersonových rovníc pre lineárny zmiešaný model. In Seminář z aplikované matematiky. Ústav matematiky a statistiky, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Masarykova univerzita, Brno, ČR, 8.4.2014. (invited lecture)
    29. WITKOVSKÝ, Viktor. Poznámky o niektorých výpočtových aspektoch tradičných testov o pevných a náhodných efektoch v lineárnych zmiešaných modeloch. ROBUST 2014 : 18. zimná škola JČMF. Jetřichovice, ČR, 19.-24.1.2014.
    30. WITKOVSKÝ, Viktor. Statistical inferences in linear mixed models based on the Henderson's mixed model equations. In XX. letní škola biometriky (LŠB 2014) : Biometrické metody a modely v současné vědě a výzkumu. Slavonice, ČR, 18.-21.8.2014.
    31. WITKOVSKÝ, Viktor - WIMMER, G. - AMANN, A. Statistical methods for exhaled breath analysis based on linear mixed models. In BREATH 2014 : 8th International Conference on Breath Research & Cancer Diagnosis. Toruń, Poland, July 6-9 2014. (invited lecture)
  1. Other lectures and posters:

  1. BARTL, Ján. Fyzikálne základy merania dĺžky a geometrických veličín. In Meranie dĺžky a kalibrácia meradiel dĺžky v praxi. Zvolen, SR, 24.-26.9.2014.
  2. BARTL, Ján. Úvod do metrologickej legislatívy a terminológie.  In Meranie dĺžky a kalibrácia meradiel dĺžky v praxi. Zvolen, SR, 24.-26.9.2014.
Measurement Science Review (On-Line Journal)