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Home arrow Publications and Citations arrow Publications 2004
Publications 2004

1. Publications in Current Contents registered periodicals:

  1. GRUWEL, M. L. H. - LATTA, Peter - VOLOTOVSKYY, V. - ŠRÁMEK, M. - TOMANEK, B. Magnetic resonance imaging of seeds by use of single point. In Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Vol. 52 (2004), p. 4979-4983. (2.102 – IF2003)
  2. LATTA, Peter - GRUWEL, M. L. H. - EDIE, E. - ŠRÁMEK, M. - TOMANEK, B. Single point imaging with suppressed sound pressure levels through gradient-shape adjustment. In Journal of Magnetic Resonance. ISSN 1090-7807. Vol. 170 (2004), p. 177-183. (2.084 – IF2003)
  3. LI, P. - FARKAŠ, Igor - MACWHINNEY, B. Early lexical acquisition in a self-organizing neural network. In Neural Networks. ISSN 0893-6080. Vol. 17 (2004), p. 1345-1362. (1.774 – IF2003)
  4. MARTINICKÁ, Fatima - ŠIMÁČEK, Ivan – JURDÁK, Peter. Detection limits and magnetic particle behaviour measured by a SQUID system. In Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. ISSN 0011-4626. Vol. 54 (2004), p. D607 – D610. (0.263 – IF2003)
  5. MLYNÁRIK, V. - SZOMOLÁNYI, Pavol - TOFFANIN, R. - VITTUR, F. - TRATTNIG, S. Transverse relaxation mechanisms in articular cartilage. In Journal of Magnetic Resonance. ISSN 1090-7807. Vol. 169 (2004), p. 300-307. (2.084 – IF2003)
  6. ŠTULAJTER, F. - WITKOVSKÝ, Viktor. Estimation of variances in orthogonal finite discrete spectrum linear regression models. In Metrika. ISSN 0026-1335. Vol. 60, no. 2 (2004), p. 105-118. (0.276 – IF2003)
  7. HUNOLD, P. – MADERWALD, S. – LADD, M.E. – JELLÚŠ, Vladimír – BARKHAUSEN, J. Parallel acquisition techniques in cardiac cine magnetic resonance imaging using trueFISP sequences: comparison of image quality and artifacts. In Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. ISSN 1053-1807. Vol. 20 (2004), p. 506-511. (2.694 – IF2003)
  8. PARK, J. – ZHANG, Q. – JELLÚŠ, Vladimír – SIMONETTI, O. – LI, D. Artifact and noise suppression in GRAPPA imaging using improved k-space coil calibration and variable density sampling. In Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. ISSN 0740-3194. Vol. 53 (2004), p. 186-193. (3.313 – IF2003)
  9. VOLAUFOVÁ, Júlia. Some estimation problems in multistage linear models. In Linear Algebra and its Applications. ISSN 0024-3795. Vol. 388 (2004), p. 389-397. (0.656 – IF2003)
  10. YOUNG, J.J. - SZOMOLÁNYI, Pavol – BREMNER, T.W. – BALCOM, B.J. Magnetic resonance imaging of crack formation in hydrated cement paste materials. In Cement and Concrete Research. ISSN 0008-8846. Vol. 34 (2004), p. 1459-1466. (0.641 – IF2003)

2. Scientific papers in other periodicals:

  1. BARTL, Ján. Laserové metódy merania tvaru 3-D telies. In Metrologické listy. Roč. 27, č. 2 (2004), s. 17-22.
  2. BARTL, Ján - BARANEK, Martin. Emissivity of aluminium and its importance for radiometric measurement. In Measurement Science Review. ISSN 1335-8871. Vol. 4 (2004), p. 31-36.
  3. BARTL, Ján - ŽELINSKÁ, Jana. Analýza umeleckých a historických pamiatok UV mikroskopiou. In Jemná mechanika a optika : vědecko-technický časopis. ISSN 0447-6441. Roč. 49, č. 7-8 (2004), s. 213-216.
  4. DUDŽÁK, R. - VOJTEK, P. – KOPČOK, Michal. Samodifrakcia na laserom indukovaných dynamických mriežkach ako nástroj na meranie doby termalizácie. In Jemná mechanika a optika : vědecko-technický časopis. ISSN 0447-6441. Roč. 49, č. 3 (2004), s. 29-32.
  5. GRENDÁR, Marian - GRENDÁR, M. I-projection variant of Chernoff's bound. In Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications. ISSN 1210-3195. Vol. 26 (2003), p. 399-402.
  6. HAIN, Miroslav - BARTL, Ján - JACKO, Vlado. Laser measuring system for the fast measurement of functional geometric parameters of electric motor commutator. In Jemná mechanika a optika : vědecko-technický časopis. ISSN 0447-6441. Roč. 49, č. 11-12 (2004), s. 334-335.
  7. HAIN, Miroslav - BARTL, Ján - JACKO, Vlado. Laserový merací systém pre rýchle meranie geometrických parametrov funkčných plôch komutátorových teliesok elektromotorov. In Metrológia a skúšobníctvo : odborný časopis pre prax. Roč. 9, č. 3 (2004), s. 4-6.
  8. HAIN, Miroslav - BARTL, Ján - JACKO, Vlado. Optical non-destructive testing methods of cultural heritage artefacts. In Jemná mechanika a optika: vědecko-technický časopis. ISSN 0447- 6441. Roč. 49, č. 11-12 (2004), s. 336-338.
  9. HORNIŠOVÁ, Klára. Intrinsic linearization of nonlinear regression by principal components method. In Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae. ISSN 0862-9544. Vol. LXXIII (2004), p. 207-216.
  10. HORNIŠOVÁ, Klára - PÁZMAN, A. Optimum design of nonlinear experiments based on linear bayesian estimators. In Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications. ISSN 1210-3195. Vol. 26 (2003), p. 69-77.
  11. RUBLÍK, František - SEN, P.K. A note on multiple comparisons in the method of M-ranking. In Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications. ISSN 1210-3195. Vol. 26 (2003), p. 365-379.
  12. ŠUŠMÁKOVÁ, Kristina. Human sleep and sleep EEG. In Measurement Science Review. ISSN 1335-8871. Vol. 4 (2004), p. 59-74.
  13. WITKOVSKÝ, Viktor - SAVIN, Alexander - WIMMER, G. On small sample inference for common mean in heteroscedastic one-way model. In Discussiones Mathematicae: probability and statistics. ISSN 1509-9423. Vol. 23 (2003), p. 123-145.
  14. WITKOVSKÝ, Viktor - WIMMER, G. Consensus mean and interval estimators for the common mean. In Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications. ISSN 1210-3195. Vol. 26 (2003), p. 183- 194.

3. Scientific papers in reviewed proceedings:

  1. GRENDÁR, Marian. Conditional Equi-concentration of Types on mu-projections. In ISITA 2004 : international symposium on information theory and its applications. Parma, Italy, 2004. ISBN 4- 902087-08-1. P. 1398-1403. CD-ROM.
  2. GRENDÁR, Marian. Determination of constrained modes of Multinomial distribution. In COMPSTAT 2004 : proceedings in computational statistics. Heidelberg, Germany : Physica-Verlag, 2004. ISBN 3-7908-1554-3. P. 1109-1115.
  3. GRENDÁR, Marian. Gibbs conditioning extended, Boltzmann conditioning introduced. In Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering: 24rd international workshop on Bayesian inference and maximum entropy methods in science and engineering. Melville, USA : AIP, 2004. ISBN 0-7354-0217-5. P. 470-478.
  4. GRENDÁR, Marian - GRENDÁR, M. Maximum entropy method with non-linear moment constraints: challenges. In Bayesian inference and maximum entropy methods in science and engineering : 23rd international workshop on Bayesian inference and maximum entropy methods in science and engineering. Melville, NY, USA : AIP, 2004. ISBN 0-7354-0182-9. P. 97-109.
  5. GRENDÁR, Marian - GRENDÁR, M. Maximum entropy and maximum probability methods: Bayesian interpretation. In Bayesian inference and maximum entropy methods in science and engineering : 23rd international workshop on Bayesian inference and maximum entropy methods in science and engineering. Melville, NY, USA : AIP, 2004. ISBN 0-7354-0182-9. P. 490-494.
  6. GUTTENOVÁ, Jana. Laser beam scanning by mechanical principle or by CCD camera. In Mechanical Engineering 2004. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2004. CD-ROM.
  7. MARKOŠOVÁ, Mária. Jazyk ako sieť malého sveta. In Kognice a umělý život IV: 4. česko-slovenský seminář. Opava : Slezská univerzita, 2004. S. 397-405.
  8. PŘIBIL, Jiří - BRUTOVSKÝ, E. Komplexné riešenie elektrického pohonu centrifúgy. In MECHATRONICS 2004 : proceedings of the 7th international symposium. Bratislava : Slovak University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2004. ISBN 80-227-2064-X. S. 85-90.
  9. STROLKA, I. - TOFFANIN, R. - ACCARDO, A. - DREOSSI, D. – FROLLO, Ivan - VITTUR, F. Numerical simulation of trabecular bone magnetic resonance imaging. In 26th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference. San Francisco, California, 2004. CD-ROM.
  10. WIMMER, G. - WITKOVSKÝ, Viktor - SAVIN, Alexander. Confidence region for parameters in replicated errors in variables model. In COMPSTAT 2004 : proceedings in computational statistics. Heidelberg, Germany : Physica-Verlag, 2004. ISBN 3-7908-1554-3. P. 1987-1994.
  11. WITKOVSKÝ, Viktor. Matlab algorithm TDIST: the distribution of a linear combination of Student's t random variables. In COMPSTAT 2004: proceedings in computational statistics. Heidelberg, Germany : Physica-Verlag, 2004. ISBN 3-7908-1554-3. P. 1995-2002.

4. Scientific papers in not reviewed proceedings:

  1. BARTL, Ján. Fyzikálny prieskum umeleckých diel. In Zborník prednášok nultého a prvého ročníka seminára reštaurátorov. Bratislava : Komora reštaurátorov, 2004. P. 60-63.
  2. BOHDALOVÁ, M. - WIMMER, G. - WITKOVSKÝ, Viktor - SAVIN, Alexander. Interval spoľahlivosti pre referenčnú hodnotu v medzilaboratórnych porovnávacích štúdiách. In SAS Fórum 2004. Bratislava : Institute SAS, 2004. CD-ROM.
  3. HAIN, Miroslav - BARTL, Ján - JACKO, Vlado. Digitálna infračervená reflektografia. In Zborník prednášok nultého a prvého ročníka seminára reštaurátorov. Bratislava : Komora reštaurátorov 2004. P. 58-59.
  4. ONDRIŠ, Ľubomír - LUKÁČ, Š. - RUSINA, Viktor - BUZÁSI, Ján - KRUŠINSKÝ, Dušan. The optoelectronic systems for vertical deformations and tilt measurement of objects and technological equipment. In The Olympic Spirit in Surveying: FIG 27th working week. Athens, Greece 2004. P. TS3.6. CD-ROM.

5. Lectures and posters from scientific events with at least 30% foreign attendance:

  1. ACCARDO, A. - STROLKA, I. - TOFFANIN, R. - - DREOSSI, D. – VITTUR, F.: Comparison of μCT and high-resolution MRI approaches in the assessment of trabecular bone structure. In: Medicon and Health Telematics 2004 and Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering. Ischia, Italy, 31 July - 5 August, 2004.
  2. ARENDACKÁ, B.: Konfidenčné intervaly pre variančný komponent v modeli s dvomi variančnými komponentami. In: Olomoucké dny aplikované matematiky ODAM 2004. Olomouc, ČR, 28.6 – 29.6.2004.
  3. ARENDACKÁ, B.: Konfidenčné intervaly pre variančný komponent v modeli s dvomi variančnými komponentami. In: ROBUST 2004. 13. letní škola JČMF. Školící středisko ČAV, Třešť, ČR, 7.- 11.6.2004.
  4. BOHÁKOVÁ, F. - ŠIMÁČEK, I. – JURDÁK, P.: Basic quantification of magnetic particles in solid substances and human tissue by the SQUID magnetometer. In: 5th European Magnetic Sensors and Actuators Conference. Cardiff, United Kingdom, July 4-7, 2004.
  5. BOHÁKOVÁ, F. - ŠIMÁČEK, I. – JURDÁK, P.: Detection limits and magnetic particle behaviour measured by a SQUID system. In: CSMAG ’04. 12th Czech and Slovak Conference on Magnetism. Košice, Slovak Republic, July 12-15, 2004.
  6. BUCHTA, Š. - BODOROVÁ, P. – MAJEROVÁ, M.: Aplikácia izolačných žiaromateriálov vo výskume pri stavbe vysokoteplotných používaných pri syntéze vysokoteplotných supravodičov. In: Medzinárodná odborná konferencia o aplikáciách a vývoji izolačných žiaromateriálov vo všetkých odvetviach vysokoteplotného priemyslu. Čeladná, Česká republika, 30.9. - 1.10.2004.
  7. CIGÁŇ, A. - PLESCH, G. - MAŇKA, J. - HANIC, F. - KOPČOK, M. - KOŇAKOVSKÝ, A. - KLIMENT, J.: The effect ofpost oxygen annealing and lanthanum doping on inter- and intra-grain properties of Tl-1223 superconductors. In: VI. Solid State Chemistry. Prague, Czech Republic, September 13-17, 2004.
  8. FROLLO, I.: Role of the radio-electronics in magnetic resonance imaging development. In: Radioelektronika 2004. 14th International Czech-Slovak Scientific Conference. Bratislava, Slovak Republic, April 27-28, 2004. (vyžiadaná prednáška)
  9. GRENDÁR, M.: Conditional Equi-concentration of Types on mu-projections. In: ISITA 2004. International Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications. Parma, Italy, October 10-13, 2004.
  10. GRENDÁR, M.: Determination of constrained modes of Multinomial distribution. In: COMPSTAT 2004. 16th Symposium of IASC. Prague, Czech Republic, August 23-27, 2004.
  11. GRENDÁR, M.: Gibbs conditioning extended, Boltzmann conditioning introduced. In: Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering. 24th International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering. Garching, Germany, July 25-30, 2004.
  12. GRENDÁR, M. - GRENDÁR, M.: Gibbs conditioing principle in the case of multiple I-projections. In: IWAP 2004. 2nd International Workshop in Applied Probability. University of Piraeus, Greece, March 22-25, 2004.
  13. GUGLIELMI, G. – STROLKA, I. – COVA, M. – TOFFANIN, R.: Quantitative MRI at 3 T: T2* of the calcaneus versus BMD of the spine in the prediction of osteoporotic spine fractures. In: European Congress of Radiology. Vienna, Austria, March 5-9, 2004.
  14. GUTTENOVÁ, J.: Laser beam scanning by mechanical principle or by CCD camera. In: Mechanical Engineering 2004. 8th International Conference. Bratislava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, STU in Bratislava, 8. septembra 2004.
  15. GUTTENOVÁ, J.: Laser beam scanning by mechanical principle or by CCD camera. In: Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics. 14. Slovak-Czech-Polisch Optical Conference. Nitra, Katedra fyziky Slovenskej poľnohospodárskej univerzity, September 13-17, 2004.
  16. HAIN, M.: Non-destructive optical testing methods for characterisation of degradation and alteration of surface of works of art. In: Ongoing and future research projects on the use of ND techniques to study degradation, corrosion or weathering processes. Seminar. Fraunhofer – Institut für Silicatforschung, Weirtheim-Bronnbach, Germany, February 13-14, 2004.
  17. HAIN, M. – BARTL, J. – JACKO, V.: Laser measuring system for the fast measurement of functional geometric parameters of electric motor commutator. In: Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics. 14. Slovak-Czech-Polisch Optical Conference. Nitra, Katedra fyziky Slovenskej poľnohospodárskej univerzity, September 13-17, 2004.
  18. HAIN, M. - BARTL, J. - JACKO, V.: Optical non-destructive testing methods of cultural heritage artefacts. In: Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics. 14. Slovak-Czech-Polisch Optical Conference. Nitra, Katedra fyziky Slovenskej poľnohospodárskej univerzity, September 13-17, 2004.
  19. KNEPPO, P. – ROSÍK, V.ŽDIŇÁK, J.ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, J.TYŠLER, M.: ATR BIOLAB - system for Achilles tendon reflex measurement. In: MECHATRONICS 2004. 5th International Conference. Warsaw, Poland, September 23-25, 2004.
  20. KNEPPO, P. – TYŠLER, M.: Měření periferních ukazatelů pro diagnostiku štítné žlázy. In: Pokroky v biomedicínském inženýrství. Praha, ÚBMI ČVUT, 10.11.2004.
  21. KNEPPO, P. – TYŠLER, Milan: Modeling of the cardiac electric field. In: Scientific Conference to 10th Anniversary of Biomedical Engineering Centre. Tallinn, Estonia, October 14, 2004. (vyžiadaná prednáška)
  22. KOPČOK, M.: The application of SEM, polarized light microscopy and powder diffractometry in microstructure investigations of superconductive samples. In: Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry WE06V, University of Ghent, November 31, 2004. (vyžiadaná prednáška)
  23. KÚŠ, P. - GRANČIČ, B. - MIKULA, M. - HRUBA, Ľ. - GREGOR, M. - ŠTEFEČKA, M. - CSUBA, A. - DOBROČKA, E. - JACKO, V. - PLECENÍK, A.: Micro - TiB2 and TiN coatings. In: IV. Solid State Surfaces and Iterfaces. Smolenice Castle, Slovak Republic, November 8-11, 2004.
  24. MAŇKA, J.: Introduction to SQUID magnetometry. In: Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry WE06V, University of Ghent, October 26, 2004. (vyžiadaná prednáška)
  25. MARKOŠOVÁ, M.: Jazyk ako sieť malého sveta. In: Kognice a umělý život. 4. česko-slovenský seminář. Hotel Belaria, Hradec nad Moravicí, ČR, 26.-30.5.2004.
  26. MARKOŠOVÁ, M.: Physicist, C programing and beyond. In: Institute of Electronics and Comp. Technology (ISEP), Paris, France, November 2004.
  27. MARTINICKÁ, F. - ŠIMÁČEK, I. – JURDÁK, P.: Magnetic behaviour of microparticles in organic materials and biological structures. In: VI. Solid State Chemistry. Prague, Czech Republic, September 13-17, 2004.
  28. ONDRIŠ, Ľ. - LUKÁČ, Š. – RUSINA, V.BUZÁSI, J.KRUŠINSKÝ, D.: The optoelectronic systems for vertical deformations and tilt measurement of objects and technological equipment. In: The Olympic Spirit in Surveying. FIG 27th Working Week. Athens, Greece, May 22-27, 2004.
  29. PLECENÍK, A. - GREGOR, M. - PLECENÍK, T. - KÚŠ, P. - KUBINEC, M. - ŠTEFEČKA, M. - JACKO, V. - GAŠPARÍK, V.: Micro- and nanostructures for cryoelectronics. In: IV. Solid State Surfaces and Iterfaces. Smolenice Castle, Slovak Republic, November 8-11, 2004.
  30. PLESCH, G. - BILLIK, P. - PLEWA, J. - ALTENBURG, H. - CIGÁŇ, A. - MAŇKA, J. - KLIMENT, J.: Melt-textured thick films of YBa2Cu3O7 prepared by the multilayer infiltration technique. In: VI. Solid State Chemistry. Prague, Czech Republic, September 13-17, 2004.
  31. PŘIBIL, J. – BRUTOVSKÝ, E.: Komplexné riešenie elektrického pohonu centrifúgy. In: MECHATRONICS 2004. Proceedings of the 7 th International Symposium. Slovakia, Račková dolina, May 24-26, 2004.
  32. ROSÍK, V.TYŠLER, M. – KNEPPO, P.: Prístroj na biofyzikálne vyšetrovanie stavu neuromuskulárneho systému. In: 51. Neurofyziologický kongres. Srní, ČR, 3.-6.11.2004.
  33. ROSIPAL, R. - TREJO, L.J.: Kernel PLS estimation of single-trial event-related potentials. In: 44 th Society for Psychophysiological Research Annual Meeting (SPR'04). New Mexico, Santa Fe, October 20-24, 2004.
  34. SAVIN, A.: Inferencia o strednej hodnote v modeli jednoduchého tredenia s pevnými a náhodnými efektmi. In: Olomoucké dny aplikované matematiky ODAM 2004. Olomouc, ČR, 28.6 – 29.6.2004.
  35. SAVIN, A.: Testy a konfidenčné intervaly pre strednú hodnotu v modeloch jednoduchého triedenia. In: ROBUST 2004. 13. letní škola JČMF. Školící středisko ČAV, Třešť, ČR, 7.-11.6.2004.
  36. STROLKA, I. - TOFFANIN, R. - ACCARDO, A. - DREOSSI, D. – FROLLO, I. - VITTUR, F. : Numerical simulation of trabecular bone magnetic resonance imaging. In 26th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference. San Francisco, California, September 1-5, 2004.
  37. SZATHMÁRY, V. – TYŠLER, M.: Effects of ventricular repolarization changes on ECG parameters. In: VIth International Conference of the International Society for Holter and Noninvasive Electrocardiology. Zakopane-Koscielisko, Poland, February 19-21, 2004.
  38. TOFFANIN, R. – STROLKA, I.SZOMOLÁNYI, P. – ACCARDO, A. – COVA, M. – POZZI-MUCELLI, R. – VITTUR, F.: In-vivo radial MRI of trabecular bone architecture. In: 16th International Bone Densitometry Workshop. Annecy, France, June 20-24, 2004.
  39. TREJO, L.J. – KOCHAVI, R. – KUBITZ, K. – MONTGOMERY, L.D. – ROSIPAL, R. – MATTHEWS, B.: Measures and models for estimating and predicting cognitive fatigue. In: 44 th Society for Psychophysiological Research Annual Meeting (SPR'04). New Mexico, Santa Fe, October 20-24, 2004.
  40. TYŠLER, M. - SZATHMÁRY, V. – FILIPOVÁ, S.: Model based assessment of local repolarization changes using BSPM. In: VIth International Conference of the International Society for Holter and Noninvasive Electrocardiology. Zakopane-Koscielisko, Poland, February 19-21, 2004.
  41. TYŠLER, M. - TURZOVÁ, M. – FILIPOVÁ, S.: Assessment of local repolarization changes using model based BSPM interpretation. In: The 31st International Congress on Electrocardiology. Kyoto, Japan, June 27 - July 1, 2004.
  42. WIMMER, G. – WITKOVSKÝ, V.: Konfidenčné intervaly pre ošetrenia v klinických pokusoch. In: ROBUST 2004. 13. letní škola JČMF. Školící středisko ČAV, Třešť, ČR, 7.-11.6.2004.
  43. WIMMER, G. – WITKOVSKÝ, V.: Metaanalýza biomedicínskych pokusov. In: Olomoucké dny aplikované matematiky ODAM 2004. Olomouc, ČR, 28.6 – 29.6.2004.
  44. WIMMER, G. – WITKOVSKÝ, V.SAVIN, A.: Confidence region for parameters in replicated errors in variables model. In: COMPSTAT 2004. 16th Symposium of IASC. Prague, Czech Republic, August 23-27, 2004.
  45. WITKOVSKÝ, V.: Matlab algorithm TDIST: the distribution of a linear combination of Student's t random variables. In: COMPSTAT 2004. 16th Symposium of IASC. Prague, Czech Republic, August 23-27, 2004.

6. Other lectures and posters:

  1. BARTL, J.: Laserové metódy merania tvaru 3-D telies. In: Metrológia v doprave a priemysle. Odborný seminár. Vrútky - Piatrová, Hotel Euro Building, 20.9.2004.
  2. BARTL, J.: Speckle interferometria. In: Jednota slovenských fyzikov. Trnava, Katedra fyziky MTF STU, 26.4.2004. (vyžiadaná prednáška)
  3. BOHDALOVÁ, M. – WIMMER, G. – WITKOVSKÝ, V.SAVIN, A.: Interval spoľahlivosti pre referenčnú hodnotu v medzilaboratórnych porovnávacích štúdiách. In: SAS Fórum 2004. 8. ročník konferencie. Bratislava, SAS Institute, Inc., 20.5.2004.
  4. HANIC, F.: Role of structural misfit in elaboration of mercury cuprate superconducting films. In: EKONET Workshop. Francúzsko-slovenská spolupráca o problematike tenkých filmoch – supravodičov. Bratislava, 11.-14.11.2004.
  5. TITOMIR, L.I. – TRUNOV, V.G. – AIDU, E. – TYŠLER, M.TURZOVÁ, M. – SZATHMÁRY, V.: Model substantiation of a method to determine the lesion midplane indicating the position of acute ischemia an the heart venticles. In: 9. zjazd SKS. Bratislava, 8.10.2004.
  6. TYŠLER, M.: Hodnotenie lokálnych zmien repolarizácie pomocou mnohozvodových EKG meraní. In: 14.ročník EKG seminára. Bratislava, Medzinárodné laserové centrum, 1.4.2004.
  7. TYŠLER, M.TURZOVÁ, M.ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, J. – FILIPOVÁ, S.: Localization of repolarization changes by a dipole computed from BSPM. In: 9. zjazd SKS. Bratislava, 8.10.2004.
  8. WITKOVSKÝ, V.: MANOVA: úvod do mnohorozmernej analýzy rozptylu. In: XVI. letná škola biometriky: biometrické metódy a modely v pôdohospodárskej vede, výskume a výučbe. Učebno- výcvikové zariadenie SPU, Račkova dolina, Pribylina, 21.-25.6.2004.

7. Published periodicals:

  1. MEASUREMENT SCIENCE REVIEW, Journal of the Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Supported by Slovak National Committee IMEKO. Bratislava, ISSN 1335-8871, http://www.measurement.sk.

8. Published or edited proceedings from scientific events:

  1. PŘIBIL, Jiří (Ed.). MECHATRONICS 2004: proceedings of the 7th international symposium. Bratislava : Slovak University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2004. ISBN 80-227-2064-X.

9. Scientific papers published on internet:

  1. FROLLO, I.: Role of the radio - electronics in magnetic resonance imaging development. In: Radioelektronika 2004. 14th International Czech – Slovak Scientific Conference. Bratislava, April 27-28, 2004. http://kre.elf.stuba.sk/konferencie/re2004/index2.htm
  2. FROLLO, I.: Space Research in Slovakia 2000-2003, Slovak Academy of Sciences. In: Committee on the Peaceful uses of Outer Space. Scientific and Technical Subcommittee. http://www.space.savba.sk/SPACE/LIFE_files/frame.htm
  3. GRENDÁR, M.: Conditional equi-concentration of types. http://arxiv.org/pdf/math.PR/0407102
  4. GRENDÁR, M.: Gibbs conditioning extended, Boltzmann conditioning introduced. http://arxiv.org/pdf/math-ph/0407009

10. Technical reports:

  1. BARTKOVJAK, J.: Vyhladzovanie, derivácia a integrácia diskrétnych funkčných závislostí. Technická spáva. Bratislava, september 2004.
  2. Department of Theoretical Methods, Institute of Measurement Science SAS: Research and pilot study for alternative approaches to band classification in EPO images for the GasEpo software package. Technical Report. Bratislava, November 2004.
  3. GRENDÁR, M.: Asymptotic identity of mu-projections and I-projections. Technical Report of IMCS. Banská Bystrica, May 2004.
  4. GRENDÁR, M.: Conditional Equi-concetration of Types. Technical Report of IMCS. Banská Bystrica, August 2004.
  5. GRENDÁR, M.: Conditional Equi-concentration of Types, extended Gibbs condtioning principle: proof details. Technical Report of IMCS. Banská Bystrica, December 2004.
  6. GRENDÁR, M.: Gibbs conditioning extended, Boltzmann conditioning introduced. Technical Report of IMCS. Banská Bystrica, November 2004.
  7. Oddelenie biomeraní ÚM SAV: Elektrogastrografia. Technická správa. Bratislava, február 2004.
  8. Oddelenie magnetometrie ÚM SAV: SQUID magnetometria. Technická správa. Bratislava, február, 2004.
  9. Oddelenie zobrazovacích metód ÚM SAV: NMR – He3 zobrazovanie. Technická správa. Bratislava, február 2004.
  10. PŘIBIL, J. – KOVAČIČ, Š: Bezdotykové snímanie otáčok centrifúgy. Technická správa. Bratislava, október 2004.
  11. ROSÍK, V.: Aktívne elektródy pre záznam biopotenciálov. Technická správa. Bratislava, 2004.
  12. ROSÍK, V.: Úprava akvizičného zariadenia na meranie vibrácií. Technická správa. Bratislava, 2004.
  13. ZRUBEC, V.: Hranice citlivosti a pomer signálu k šumu prijímačov RF magnetického poľa so supravodivými kvantovými zosilňovačmi pre NMR spektroskopiu a tomografiu. Technická správa. Bratislava, júl 2004.

11. Research reports:

  1. PŘIBIL, J.: Elektrický pohon centrifúgy. Výskumná správa. Bratislava, jún 2004.

12. Popularization activity:

  1. FROLLO, I.: Nobelova cena 2003 za nukleárnu magnetickú rezonanciu, Quark, február, 2004. str. 6,7.
  2. FROLLO, I.: Úvod k ročenke 2003. In Spolok absolventov a priateľov FEI STU - EF SVŠT: ročenka 2003, Bratislava, FEI STU, 2004. S. 4-6.
  3. KAROVIČ, K.: 50 rokov Slovenskej akadémie vied. In Jemná mechanika a optika: technický oborový časopis. ISSN 0447-6441. Roč. 48, č. 8-9 (2003), s. 223-224.
Measurement Science Review (On-Line Journal)