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Home arrow News arrow Memorial Medal of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering TU Košice to Prof. Frollo
Memorial Medal of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering TU Košice to Prof. Frollo


On June 19, 2012 dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University in Košice Dr.h.c. mult. prof. Ing. František Trebuňa, CSc. awarded Professor Ing. Ivan Frollo, DrSc. with memorial medal to the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the Faculty.

In 1952 the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering was one of the three founding faculties of the Technical University in Košice. Over the past 60 years the Faculty has developed a recognized scientific and educational institution at home and abroad and follows the strategy to engMedailaTUKE_Frolloage in European education and research area.
Prof. Frollo has been cooperating with the Faculty for a long time. He worked closely with the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Measurement. In 1997 they jointly started the field of PhD study "Bionics and Biomechanics". In years 1997 - 2010 he was the chairman of the Joint Study Field Commission and guarantee of this doctoral study and chaired many defenses of dissertation theses in this field. He was also the reviewer of a number of dissertations and research projects submitted by the Faculty to the KEGA, VEGA and APVV agencies.
Prof. Frollo also participated in the educational process. Every year he lectured the principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging to students of the Faculty and made excursions the MRI lab during their visits to IMS SAS.

Dear Prof. Frollo, congratulations to the award !

Measurement Science Review (On-Line Journal)