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Home arrow Conferences arrow Past Conferences arrow ISABEL 2009

Second international symposium on applied research in biomedicine and communication technologies - ISABEL 2009 took place in Falkensteiner hotel in Bratislava on November 11 - 27, 2009.

In the conference attended 140 participants from EU, USA, Japan and Austrálie. It was a continuation of a successful conference in Aalborgu (Denmark) in 2008. The conference was organized by Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava and Institute of Measurement Science SAS in Bratislava. Technical sponsor of the conference was the Czechoslovak IEEE Section.

ISABEL2009_procThe aim of this interdisciplinary conference devoted to the field of biomedical and communication technologies was exchange of newest information on actual topics and emerging technologies based on cooperation of basic research in mathematics, physics, biomedical engineering and telecommunication technologies. The conference was oriented namely to research and applications in the e-Health management in clinical environment and medical applications of communication technologies. Proceedings of the conference were published on CD.

During the conference, 107 papers, thereof 7 invited lectures (prof. Sergio Cerutti, Italy, prof. Yuan Ting Zhang, Hong Kong, prof. Bruce Wheeler, USA, prof. Constantinos B. Papadias, Greece, Dr. Huan-Bang Li, Japan, assoc.prof. Miloš Oravec, Slovakia, Dr. Mischa Dohler, Spain).

Two workshops, 14 sessions and 4 courses were organized (workshops: 1. Advanced Ultra-Wideband Radio Technology, organized by prof. Peter Jung, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, 2. Impact of Medical Devices using Electromagnetic Fields on Human Body, organized by prof. Dina Šimuniĉ, University of Zagreb, Croatia; sessions: 1. ICT Solutions for Medical and Healthcare Applications, 2. Challenges in Ubiquitous Personal Healthcare and Ambient Assisted Living, 3. Medical Image Detection, Acquisition, Analysis and Processing, 4. Biosignals: detection, acquisition and processing, 5. Bionic devices for handicapped and novel diagnostics, 6. Mathematics Applied to Information and Communication Theory and Technology, 7. Self-Organization in Wireless Networks, 8. Bioelectronics and Signal Processing for Prostheses and Wearable Medical Devices, 9. Communication Networks for Sustainability, 10. New fronteers in cancer detection, 11. Delivery of integrated ICT services for elderly with mild dementia for independent living and enhanced quality of life, 12. Biomaterials and Biosensors, 13. Heterogeneous Wireless Networks, 14. General Track; courses: 1. Basics of MIMO Communications, 2. Writing Scientific Articles, 3. Emerging technologies in Biomedical Engineering and eHealth, 4. Signal Processing in Patient Diagnosis and Care).

During the conference several social meetings supported by the conference sponsors were organized. Next conference ISABEL 2010 will take place in Rome.

Measurement Science Review (On-Line Journal)