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Home arrow Departments arrow Theoretical Methods arrow Department Projects arrow New methods of mathematical statistics
New methods of mathematical statistics

Project of the Scientific Grant Agency VEGA 1/0077/09.

Duration of the project: 01/2009 - 12/2011

Principal investigator: Prof. RNDr. Andrej Pázman, DrSc. (FMFI UK, Bratislava)

Deputy: Doc. RNDr. František Rublík, CSc. (IMS SAS)

Project partners: Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of the Comenius University Bratislava (FMFI UK), Mathematical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (MI SAS) and Institute of Measurement Science of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (IMS SAS)

Project Summary

The project solves some current problems of mathematical statistics. These include methods and algorithms for optimum experimental design (including also nonlinearly parametrized and correlated experiment models),methods of statistical inference in models with mixed (fixed and random) effects and in models with explanatory variables, prediction methods in random processes, nonparametric methods for hypothesis testing, methods for shape analysis of biological (medicine) objects, development of certain probabilistic methods (discrete distributions, stability of random dynamical systems), further development of statistical methods oriented on applications in insurance mathematics, demography, linguistics and biomedical applications. The project is directly connected to the project VEGA 1/3016/06 „New Nonlinear Methods of Mathematical Statistics".

Selected publications

RUBLÍK, F.: Neparametrické metódy. Veda, vydavateľstvo Slovenskej akadémie vied, 2011,709 strán. Typ: AAB, podiel 0.75.

ARENDACKÁ, B.: A note on fiducial generalized pivots for sigma^2_A in one-way heteroscedastic ANOVA with random effects. Statistics (First published on: 02 February 2011 (iFirst)), 2011, DOI: 10.1080/02331888.2010.540669. Typ: ADC, podiel 0.25.

BAJLA, I. - RUBLÍK, F. - ARENDACKÁ, B. - FARKAŠ, I. - HORNIŠOVÁ, K. - ŠTOLC, S. - WITKOVSKÝ, V.: Segmentation and supervised classification of image objects in Epo doping-control. Machine Vision and Applications 20 (4), 2009, 243-259. Typ: ADC, podiel 0.5.

GRENDAR, M. - NIVEN, R.K.: The Pólya information divergence. Information Sciences 180, 2010, 4189-4194. Typ: ADC, podiel 0.5. RUBLÍK, F.: On testing hypotheses in the generalized Skillings-Mack random blocks setting. Kybernetika 47 (5), 2011, 657-677. Typ: ADC, podiel 1.0.

ARENDACKÁ, B.: Approximate interval for the between-group variance under heteroscedasticity. Journal of Statistical Computation & Simulation (First published on: 17 August 2011 (iFirst)), 2011, DOI:10.1080/00949655.2011. 606548. Typ: ADE, podiel 0.25.

GRENDAR, M. - JUDGE, G.: Empty set problem of maximum empirical likelihood methods. Electronic Journal of Statistics 3 (DOI: 10.1214/09-EJS528), 2009, 1542-1555. Typ: ADE, podiel 0.5.

RUBLÍK, F.: A note on simultaneous confidence intervals for ratio of variances. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 39, 2010, 1038 - 1045. Typ: ADE, podiel 1.0.

RUBLÍK, F. - SOMORČÍK, J.: Affine-equivariant spatial median and its use in the multivariate multi-sample location problem. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 53 (2, doi: 10.1111/j.1467-842X.2011.00624.x), 2011, 197-215. Typ: ADE, podiel 1.0.

ARENDACKÁ, B.: Jednofaktorová heteroskedastická ANOVA - intervaly pre variančné komponenty. Informační bulletin České statistické společnosti 22 (3), 2010, 1-8. Typ: ADE, podiel 0.25.

CIMERMANOVÁ, K.: Klasifikácia pre rôzne tvary šumu vstupných dát. Informační bulletin České statistické společnosti 22 (3), 2010, 9-16. Typ: ADE, podiel 0.5.

HORNIŠOVÁ, K.: Neparametrická kalibrácia - prehľad. Informační bulletin České statistické společnosti 22 (3), 2010, 33-40. Typ: ADE, podiel 0.5.

CHVOSTEKOVÁ, M.: Simultánne obojstranné tolerančné intervaly v lineárnom regresnom modeli. Informační bulletin České statistické společnosti 22 (3), 2010, 57-64. Typ: ADE, podiel 0.5.

JANKOVÁ, M.: Interlaboratory comparison under heteroscedastic ANOVA model for the observed data. Informační bulletin České statistické společnosti 22 (3), 2010, 65-72. Typ: ADE, podiel 0.5.

WIMMER, G. - WITKOVSKÝ, V.: Note on a calibration problem: Selected results and extensions of professor Kubáček's research. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis, Facultas Rerum Naturalium, Mathematica 50 (2), 2011, 123-130. Typ: ADE, podiel 0.5.

AMANN, A. - SCHWARZ, K. - WIMMER, G. - WITKOVSKÝ, V.: Model based determination of detection limits for proton transfer reaction mass spectrometer. In Measurement Science Review, 2010, vol. 10, no. 6, p. 180-188. (2010 - WOS, SCOPUS, Copernicus International). ISSN 1335-8871. Typ: ADFA, podiel 0.25.

CIMERMANOVÁ, K.: Receiver operating characteristic analysis for classification based on various prior probabilities of groups with an application to breath analysis. Measurement Science Review 9 (1), 2009, 131-133. Typ: ADFA, podiel 0.5. HÖNSCHOVÁ, E. - RUBLÍK, F.: On asymptotic linearity of L-estimates. Mathematica Slovaca 59 (6, DOI: 10.2478/s12175-009-0155-y), 2009, 667-678. Typ: ADFA, podiel 1.0.

CHVOSTEKOVÁ, M. - WITKOVSKÝ, V.: Exact likelihood ratio test for the parameters of the linear regression model with normal errors. Measurement Science Review 9 (1), 2009, 1-8. Typ: ADFA, podiel 0.5.

RUBLÍK, F.: Critical values for testing location-scale hypothesis. Measurement Science Review 9 (1), 2009, 9-15. Typ: ADFA, podiel 1.0. RUBLÍK, F.: A test of the hypothesis of partial common principal components. Mathematica Slovaca 59 (5), 2009, 579-592. Typ: ADFA, podiel 1.0.

WIMMER, G. - KAROVIČ, K.: Interval estimators of the centre and width of a two-dimensional microstructure, Measurement Science Review 9, 2009, 90-92. ISSN 1335 - 8871. Typ: ADFA, podiel 0.5.

WITKOVSKÝ, V. - WIMMER, G.: Interval estimation of the mean of a normal distribution based on quantized observations. Mathematica Slovaca 59 (5), 2009, 627-645. Typ: ADFA, podiel 0.5.

Measurement Science Review (On-Line Journal)
Staff of Department of Theoretical Methods